Science of Coincidence – the song



Here are the lyrics to a  little tune about synchronicity by a rock group called Landmarq. I never heard of them, but I like the lyrics and the name of their album’s title song. You can even download it to your phone as a ringtone! Click here.


a marriage of convenience,
of tolerance and common-sense,
to suffer fools and innocents
who still believe in accidents –
fate lends a hand,
we may trust to circumstance,
even fools can understand
we shall pay the consequence

what makes you do the things I do
a world apart right next to you
can this be purely random chance
the science of coincidence
a world apart right next to you
can this be purely random chance?
the physics of this timely dance
the science of coincidence

in practice we analyse
in truth we secretly despise
these strange events that coincide
and change the way we live our life –
behind your back,
manipulating incidents
no explanation we are told,
just blame it on coincidence

what makes you do the things I do
a world apart right next to you
can this be purely random chance
the science of coincidence
a world apart right next to you
can this be purely random chance?
the physics of this timely dance
the science of coincidence


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5 Responses to Science of Coincidence – the song

  1. gypsy says:

    very neat! synchronicity is EVERYwhere! i wasn’t familiar with this bunch so thanks for intro!

  2. Rob MACGREGOR says:

    Thanks for the link, Darren. I couldn’t find one.

  3. Becky says:

    I think Landmarq had several listen’s to The Police’s classic Synchronicity. The theme of the songs are the same at least to me and I hear a little ABBA in the music 🙂

  4. Darren B says:

    You can listen to Landmarq sing it at this link;
    It’s quite catchy,but probably just not catchy enough to hit the mainstream radio play lists,but who knows?

  5. Darren B says:

    I’ve been trying to find a video of this song,but have had no luck.
    But I did find this dolphin song by them called
    “Tailspin (Let Go The Line)”

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