The Power of Myth

Here’s a movie trailer about one of our heroes – Joseph Campbell. Thanks to Lauren Raines, who wrote a beautiful piece around this trailer about the power of myth.

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7 Responses to The Power of Myth

  1. I saw this documentary last year. It was rather disappointing. Basically a “Power of Myth 101” primer for those who might not have heard about the Hero’s Journey. I saw it when the director was present to answer questions. He admitted that he aimed it for people who aren’t familiar with it and especially younger audiences. After watching Joseph Campbell’s series and many Law of Attraction videos, this one was like going back to Kindergarten for me.

  2. I loved this!
    Heroic pursuit is the only way to live.
    When I am on a mission, I come to life again.

  3. As gypsy has said: lets embrace the hero!

  4. gypsy says:

    yes – just as we are each our own dragon, we ARE our own heroes – each of us in our own way – we simply must let go the dragon and embrace the hero – heroine – and follow our bliss! here’s to that journey! beautiful video!

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