
After so many UFO synchronicities, I need a break. Tonight I was paging through one of the best books that Readers’ Digest every published – Mysteries of the Unexplained – and found a short, startling synchronicity involving numbers. Arthur Koestler,received it after the publication of his book, Roots of Coincidence. I’ve got no idea what it means, other than the possibility that the universe is a mathematical construct!

Anthony S. Clancy of Dublin, Ireland was born on the 7th day of the week, 7th day of the month, 7th month of the year, 7th year of the century – 7-7-1907. He was the 7th child of a 7th child, and had 7 brothers. On his 27th birthday, at a race card meeting, he looked at his race card to pick a winner in the 7th race. “The horse numbered 7 was called Seventh Heaven, with a handicap of seven stone. The odds were seven to one.” So what does Clancy do? You guessed it. He put 7 shillings on the horse and it finished 7th.

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4 Responses to Sevens

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    No telling! The story just ends there. You’ve got to wonder, though. It’d be nice to have an update on this guy!

  2. therese says:

    Such a puzzling mystery – did he lose his 7 shillings or get back 77? LOL!

  3. JBanholzer says:

    This is the seventh funniest thing I’ve heard this year!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It means the Trickster was very busy with that guy!

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