UFO Synchronicity

Dave Malcolm is a former contract worker at the navy’s secret AUTEC base on Andros Island. Dave, like Rob, was interviewed by the History Channel this past weekend for an episode of UFO Hunters. Yesterday morning he e-mailed us with a synchronicity that occurred while on Andros. Interestingly, we never told Dave about our blog. However, someone who knew he was going to Andros pointed it out to him, because of the mention here of Andros and AUTEC. Here’s Dave’s story:
“On my first night on the island I was watching the Discovery Channel and was startled to hear a guy named Craig Malcolm talking about UFO activity in the UK. I don’t know Craig, but as Malcolms we’re probably distantly related. So what are the odds that I would be watching a program on UFO activity on the night prior to my interview about a sighting I had 37 years ago, and would see another UFO witness interviewed in the UK by someone who shares my last name? Thought that would interest you.”

Shortly after I prepared this one, but before it was posted, a friend in St. Augustine, Florida sent this photo of a UFO that her son had taken yesterday. If you can expand it, you get a good view of the mysterious object.

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14 Responses to UFO Synchronicity

  1. Synchronicity Rabbit says:

    I need someone to help me in this Rabbit Hole to put this story together the way it should be. Hope you will hlep me Rob!

  2. Eugene Beaty says:

    Go to Google and type'' Synchronicity Rabbits'' and see what comes up first.

  3. Eugene Beaty says:

    Keanu Reeves Stared in The new The Day the Earth Stood Still he's also the ''One'' who followed the White Rabbit in the Matrix.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We did see Knowing. & had forgotten about the white rabbits!

  5. Eugene Beaty says:

    The Movie The Day The Earth Stood Still was made the Year I Was Born 1951.

  6. Eugene Beaty says:

    Have you seen the movie Knowing? The two children that the Ailens chose to restart mainkind and take to another planet both had White Rabbits that all of a sudden were with them at the end of the movie and went with them to there new planet.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous – I see what you mean. This photo was taken by the son of a friend, in St Augustine. Personally, I never know what to think of these photos because it's easy to photoshop stuff. But our friend says her son isn't sophisticated enough with computers/photoshop to fake the picture. & I have no reason not to believe her.
    – Trish

  8. Anonymous says:

    Look at your picture again there are two more objects to the right of the suppose craft (UFO).
    Zooming in assist in seeing these. They do not look like blemishes on the film. I examined the rest of the field to see if there were any others simularities and I did not see none.
    Also I make out a rippling effect around the UFO but its not on the actual craft its like a wave or rippling effect on air. Please tell me what you see.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Intriguing, Eugene. Synchronicity in wonderland. Will browse there some more! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Eugene Beaty says:

    Three UFO came to my house back in the 60's
    Which was reported on Chanel 8 news that night I was within 15 feet of them.

  11. Eugene Beaty says:

    I was born the Year of the Rabbit 1951
    Alice In Wonderland by Disney made 1951
    Definition to synchronicity published 1951
    Area 51, Cheops Pyrmid 51 degree angle
    Harvey the movie was reliesed in more countries
    in 1951 than the year it was made 1950
    the head of the sanitarium wants to go to Akron
    that is where I live!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Someone else said the same thing. Oddly, though, the guy who took it probably isn’t sophisticated enough to photoshop this. Who knows?

  13. A New Soul says:

    Is it just me or does it look like a cookie jar lid?

  14. Anonymous says:

    I love these UFO stories, so incomparably weird, so varied,so eerily pervasive in our culture. What’s it all mean?

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