
Orbs, like crop circles, are a mysterious phenomenon that so far have defied explanations – except for the usual argument – dust or moisture  on the lens! The video below is striking. It is followed by a couple of orb photos that are on Threads of the Spiderwoman, which are some of the best orb photos I’ve ever seen.

The photos:

A violet orb!

And a blue orb!

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14 Responses to Orbs

  1. lauren raine says:

    Thanks….great movie! sorry i was on the road and missed this post!

  2. Momwithwings says:

    Very interesting, I love the still photos.
    Somewhere I have some pictures of orbs that you can see a defined face in.

    When my oldest daughter was very young, she would tell us about the “glass balls” that would come into her room at night, and that each one had an angel in it. She said that that was how they travelled and then the ball would just “melt away” and the angel would be there. She was about 4 when she told us.
    My husband and I were speechless. This was not a child prone to fantasy. She would often just “tell” us things. I am used to that but not my husband.

    Anyway, a few years ago when everyone was talking about orbs we wondered if that was what she saw, her balls of light.

    I feel orbs are very real, there is so much that we don’t know and I think the other dimensions are opening up .

  3. Nicole says:

    No nothing, but I did have a moment or two down there alone before my husband came down into it. I touched the wall and closed my eyes and expressed my gratitude and respect for being in such a place. Maybe my thoughts were heard. I did just send you an email of the orb over my kids, I hope you get that too. Ok I am orbed out, that’s all I have. 😉

    Hey sidenote, I forgot to check the box above and was notified dang you aren’t human, but clicked the back arrow and my text was still within the comment box. So for those who have forgotten to check the box and have complained that they lost their long responses, don’t panic and exit out fully, just hit the back arrow and check the box and resubmit.

  4. Nicole says:

    Let me see if this works here is the link to the picture of an Indian, at least that is what I think it is, along with more orbs inside a Kiva in New Mexico. Let me know what you think! https://themindfulmystic.blogspot.com/2011/08/all-illusion-what-if-post.html

  5. gypsy says:

    wonderful video and still shots! love the colors of the orbs in the photos – and while i understand and know what math is saying i, too, have seen orbs with my physical eyes – that story for another time – just to interject that i have –

  6. I’ve taken photos of orbs but I wasn’t aware of them when taking the pics. A couple are quite impressive – one a big blue orb near an old church here and in a 13th century cottage here. I’m sure some orbs are caused by dust etc. on digital cameras but others are something more than this. I remember Terri Patrick writing that she photographed orbs at happy family times – like a birthday.

  7. Nicole says:

    I think the video is very interesting. I wonder too and have to agree with Mathaddict, because that is the same for me. If my camera is in hand and I sense a presence I have taken a picture in the direction of the feeling. Sure enough there is usually an orb within the shot. I did this exact thing a few Christmases ago. I had my children sleeping in our loft area with their sleeping bags and pillows as a sort of camping out night, we told stories under the twinkling lights of one of our Christmas trees. After the girls fell asleep I remained in the room sitting on the couch admiring the tree when I felt this odd feeling of not being alone. My desk is within the loft space so I slowly walked over to it found my camera and turned back toward my children where I felt the presence and took a picture. Upon reviewing the picture there was a very large orb floating above them and upon zooming in I swear it looks like there is a happy face within it. How strange. 🙂 I will look for the picture and send it to you. Oh the same thing happened within one of the kivas in New Mexico, many orbs and an image of an Indian? Not sure but it looked like one to me.

    So I gather you don’t believe it is just dust on the lens?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Sometimes it’s dust or water drops on a lens. Some years back, our daughter was outside at sunset, the sky was a truly weird color, so I went outside and took some photos and a lot of orbs showed up. No idea what they were! Spirits? Yard nymphs? Would love to see your photo from the kiva!

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    Cool pics! The only thing that bothers me about the first video, where the camera follows the orb as it travels, is that in all my life of attempting spirit and/or paranormal photography, in an effort to capture on film entities that I can sense and feel and hear and even “see” with my inner eye, but not necessarily “see” with my PHYSICAL eyes, I’ve never, never “seen” an orb with my physical eyes, and wonder if the person whose camera followed this large orb was actually seeing it with his or her physical eyes? When my husband’s brother transitioned inside his home a few weks ago, and we went to the home to gather stuff from the refrigerator, etc, I went into the little house on the mountain for very few minutes with a throwaway 35mm camera. There was a dense, really heavy, unhealthy ambiance inside, and for me it was very uncomfortable. I stood in the small LR briefly, being still, and could feel and sense and just “know” where there was spirit presence. I pointed the camera towards those areas and snapped it. When the photos were developed, there were multiple “orbs” over his bed and in a couple of other places I’d sensed his or someone’s presence, and there was a very clear image of a child looking back at me from a mirror, and a clear image of a young boy on another wall. Unfortunately, although I snailmailed the photos themselves to Trish and Rob, the clarity of the spooks and orbs wouldn’t scan on the computer in spite of being clear in the photos. Orbs are peculiar things, seeming to always appear in various shapes, sizes, and colors where there is spirit presence. But again, I’ve never actually “seen” an orb with my physical eyes….certainly not sufficiently to have a camera follow it all over the place. Do you know if this photographer was seeing it with his or her physical eyes or was following it with a psychic sense of its motion??

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I found this video on you tube and don’t know anything about how it was shot. The still photos, on Lauren Raines’ blog, came from a friend of hers who apparently photographs a lot of orbs.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I saw an ‘orb’ once for several seconds, 16-18 years ago. It was night and it floated by about 20 feet in the air, passed over a palm tree, and disappeared from sight. I put orb in single quotes, because at the time I don’t think I knew about orbs. I called it ball lightening.

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