The Quebec UFO encounter – part 2

Photo/illustration copyright by Jean Lavergne

This is part 2 of the Quebec encounter.  We received comments, e-mails and Facebook messages telling us not to wait with the story, so we decided to put it up today. Now we get right into the encounter. Here’s what happened, as Charles describes it.

(The photo above of the backyard where the encounter occurred is combined with a drawing of what he saw. The drawing was made by  More about photos at the end of the post.)


Sunday evening March 27, 2011. It was still very cold outside and I decided to stay down in the basement where I added logs to the wood-burning stove. I laid  on the couch and watched TV while my wife Helene and our daughter Bridgette remained on the first floor watching television. My dog, Spot, a fox terrier, was laying in front of the stove on his pet bed, a favorite resting place. I expected him to remain there the whole night. Later my daughter came downstairs to her bedroom. That’s when I turned off the lights, put some more logs into the stove, and fell asleep on the couch.

At 3 a.m., I was awakened by the sounds of Helene yelling and making noises. I stood up to see what was going on, and noticed that Spot was no longer on his bed. I went upstairs and headed to the master bedroom. The lights were on and my wife was standing beside the bed asking the dog to get down.  Spot was acting very aggressive, showing his teeth, and refused to obey. We’d never seen him acting this way  before. It was clear that something was going wrong with him… but what? Finally, with the help of a dog treat I was able to get his attention. As he came out of the bedroom for the treat, my wife asked me to take him down the basement and close the door. I did as she asked and laid back down on the couch.

I was awakened again at 4:50 a.m. by cries from my dog. He was standing in front of the wood stove trembling and shaking as he looked toward a window on the southeast side of the house. I usually wake up at 5 a.m. and let the dog outside, then feed him. By 5:30, I wake up my daughter and we drive together to the city where I work and she goes to college.

This morning, though, March 28, was different. Spot didn’t want to go outside. Instead, he was trying to alert me to something unusual going on outside the house. I opened the door to the stairs. Usually, he races ahead of me, anxious to get outside. This morning, though, he wouldn’t follow me, even after I called him. He continued to tremble and look toward the same window. I walked toward him and touched his right side gently to comfort him. That’s when a strange feeling came to mind that he was going to die soon. After awhile, he calmed down and followed me up the stairs. I walked to the patio door, which faces east, and reached down for his leash.

That’s when I noticed beams of light, very low in intensity, in the expansive field behind the house. I opened the patio door but the dog refused to come out. I grabbed him, forced him out and closed the door. As Spot passed our motion detector sensor, the patio spotlights came on automatically, illuminating the backyard. I couldn’t see the light rays any longer so I hit the switch, turning off the lights. After a few seconds, my eyes adjusted and I saw the beams of light again. Now they were closer and much more intense. They seemed to get brighter and brighter, closer and closer, so close to my backyard. I counted nine of them, their beams reaching the ground.

The shapes of the beams were like ice cream cones, but inverted. They were brighter near the ground and lost intensity toward the top. If there was anything above the cone, I couldn’t see it. I didn’t have any idea what I was looking at. At first, I thought they might be solid acrylic tubes of light. They were all displayed asymmetrically in the large field. I could even see energy rising inside the beams. But the energy was not the same in each one, and they were not glowing identically. I had no idea what I was looking at, but it was beautiful. I actually felt paralyzed by the spectacle. I watched for a couple minutes then went back inside the house and called out to Helene. “Are you awake?”

When she answered that she was, I asked her to come out to the patio. I said, “Spot is outside and acting kind of strange. I think he could die, and I want to know if you see the same thing that I do.”

We walked out to the patio door and looked out the window. “Wow, what is it, pyrotechnics?” Helene asked. “This is exactly what I told you about the other day. This is what I saw!”

My attention shifted to a vertical tube hanging just above our weeping willow tree to the right side of the yard. It glowed as brightly as lightning for a few seconds, then vanished, and reappeared again. Over and over. “Do you see that one to the right?” I asked. But Helene didn’t respond.

I was amazed, almost paralyzed by the sight, but not fearful. Gradually, I was  able to barely perceive a grey, steel-like structure on one side of the tube. I kept staring and on the last two illuminations of the tube, I saw something that seemed out of this world. I clearly saw beads of very bright white lights, shaped like O-rings or Cheerios that floated in the tube, but didn’t touch each other. The tube itself now appeared a blue hue, but the O rings were bright white.

I opened the patio door, called out for the dog. Then I blacked out. That’s the only way I can describe it. The next thing I knew, I was in the shower shampooing my hair. I was confused,  acting like a zombie. I felt like I had a hang over. The pressure in my head was painful, a headache like never before. I wasn’t scared, just confused. As I showered, I remembered what I’d seen in the backyard, but I wondered what I was doing in the shower and why I wasn’t standing by the patio door.

I shaved, dried my hair, brushed my teeth, all as if on automatic pilot. Then I went back to the patio. It was still dark out, but the tubes of light were gone. I didn’t even bother to look in the bedroom for Helene. I left with my daughter on time and drove to the city and got to work by 7 AM, right on time.

I sat in my office all alone, the door closed. I was looking at the floor, still feeling  this huge pressure in my head. My eyes hurt. And then I started realizing what happened to us. No words could explain just how I felt.

These things were not supposed to exist. They were only supposed to be a product of Hollywood, American fiction.  I was 49 years old and I started to cry and would do so repeatedly for month to come. I was stuck with a reality that does not exist for the majority of people.

I was now in mourning for my life and I started to become very frightened. As I sat in my office, I actually wished I had never been born. During the day, I even thought seriously about committing suicide. I felt as if I had been used, abused and controlled against my will.

They made the rules…they let me wake up my wife and then they controlled the game. Deep inside of me, I wanted to scream to let people know they exist. But I was scared that no one would believe me.


The question skeptics often ask is why didn’t you take photos of the lights. So I asked Charles that question.

“As I’ve told other people who have asked that question, I did not think at all about my camera, which was in the basement. I was 49 years old and I was not born with a cellphone in my hand, either, like the new generation. Also, it was 5 a.m. Plus, if you you see the Airbus A380 passing over your house at very low altitude, you do not run for the camera because it might not be there no more as you get back. Besides, after a point, I was no longer in control of my actions.”

This entry was posted in quebec ufo encounter, synchronicity, UFOs. Bookmark the permalink.

31 Responses to The Quebec UFO encounter – part 2

  1. Natalie says:

    LOL, I’d go along with that hypothesis!
    Well, the most recent one was about my blog friend, Vicki ,who sadly passed in November. We had never physically met, but just ‘knew’ we were connected on a soul level. She was also Australian, but from another part of the country.
    Two years ago, she told me about Tony Stockwell (famous English medium) coming to her state for a week long retreat, and invited me to come along. I paid my deposit, but couldn’t make it due to family dramas. I was to meet her face to face for the first time, and was bitterly disappointed to miss both Tony and her.
    Unfortunately, at the same time, Vicki’s cancer flared up again and she got really ill and couldn’t attend either.
    I once again paid my deposit to attend this year, hoping to meet Vicki before she passed over. The retreat was in March, and Vicki died in November 2011. I just missed her again.
    I was devastated to lose her, the world seemed so dreary without her. I was in the shower one day soon after ,and felt her presence for the first time.
    I said to her, “Sweetheart, is that really you?”
    I felt “yes”
    “If indeed it is really you, I would like to thank you for your beautiful friendship and also for getting me onto Tony.”
    She replied : “You and I are from the same soul group, you are my Earth Angel, and I will now be working with you from here. Don’t you worry, I will be at the retreat with you.”
    At this point, I thought I was having myself on.
    She then said ” Contact Patrick “(her Hubby who I had never met).
    I said : “I can’t contact Patrick! I have never spoken to him in my life!!! What will I say?
    “oh, Hi Patrick, I was speaking to your dead wife in the shower this morning, and she says Hi Darling!”
    “Nope, no can do. If you want me to speak to Patrick, then YOU get him to contact me.”
    That was the end of the conversation.
    Three hours later, Patrick sends me a private message on FB introducing himself and to tell me thanks for being Vicki’s friend. Also to tell me that she was SOOO looking forward to meeting me and coming to Tony’s retreat. Not to worry, she will be there with bells on!
    Fast forward to March. I was packing for the retreat and wanted to take a keepsake of Vicki’s with me. I couldn’t find it anywhere and had to leave without it. I said to her:
    “You better make an appearance, Lovie, because I am missing you like crazy.”
    I heard: “Trust. I will be there.”
    On the first day, in the first tutorial ,I received my first reading. Guess who?
    “A lady comes through and says she is your soul sister, she is on retreat with you, and will be helping you from the other side from now on. She says you are going to have a ball!”
    She kept popping up, it was fabulous!
    Now, I just talk to her like she is in the room, but I haven’t asked her any BIG questions yet.
    Not Earth shattering stuff, but real and completely external, she even used other people to prove to me that our conversation was indeed reality.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Nat, I would so much LOVE to hear your experience that was similar to mine with Sherry! Hope you’ll re-write it! (And gee, maybe we AREN’T human and that’s why we forget to click that little box!!!) 🙂

  3. Thank you for sharing this story. I am very thankful that I have never had such an experience and pray that I never will. However, I have total faith that your recount is true and see no value in being a skeptic. I have known many people, personally and professionally, who have had personal or group experiences with sightings/contact. It does change your life and I hope you will come to a level of peace.

    For you, I now offer what I have always been able to do for others who have shared stories like this with me, though I have to do it virtually. {{{HUGS}}}

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Sansego, where ya been, fella? Leave it to you to catch my “palin” typo!! 🙂 I hadn’t even noticed it until you commented on it, old eagle eye!! That nightmare of yours….maybe NOT a nightmare at all. Could have been the real deal. They do happen. And it is terrifying, and it DOES change a person’s life in all its many aspects.

    • I had written a comment on a previous post but didn’t know about clicking on the box to prove that I’m a human, so the blog did not accept my comment and when I hit the back arrow button, everything I wrote was gone and I did not feel like retyping it all. It was frustrating.

      I believe my “encounter” with an alien was just a dream. Hopefully not a “premonition” of a future event. But if I’m ever in a house with a window like I saw in the dream and I see two wolves or wolf-like dogs looking up in the sky, I will not be going outside to check it out!!

  5. This is a very “creepy” post, especially in light of a nightmare I had last week. In my dream, I was looking out the window of a house in the country when I saw two wolves or wolf-like dogs staring up in the sky. I thought it was weird because they weren’t moving, just staring up. When I looked at what they were looking at, I saw a bottom part of what looked like a UFO, so I ran outside and saw an alien on the ground trying to run away. It was four feet tall, bug-eyed, and gray (the typical image of these aliens). I was so frozen in fear that I could not move. It was the most terrified I had ever felt and was so intense that I woke out of the dream. I don’t know if I woke up yelling, but I was so scared that it was real and relieved when I realized it was only a dream. What interested me was the feeling of being so heavy with fear that I was unable to move a muscle.

    I have a feeling that the reason why many people are “dismissive” of alien encounters is because it represents true terror. We are the dominant animals in the food chain and pretty much know about many of the animals we’re likely to encounter in our areas. An alien species, however, represents a true unknown: are they benevolent or hostile? They’re likely to be more intelligent than us because they have technology we don’t have, thus why the thought of an alien encounter is scary and the natural response is to dismiss anyone’s experience as a fraud.

    I’m more interested in people’s responses to events. Obviously, something happened and it does changes one’s life. I can’t imagine the terrifying experience this person had, and what makes it truly scary is the “blacked out period” that he has no knowledge of. I wonder if he might be able to access that info through hypnotherapy.

    Thanks for posting a riveting experience.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      The blacked out period is what I found terrifying about this story.

      That dream, Sansego: I can see why you bolted out of it!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      >>>I’m more interested in people’s responses to events. Obviously, something happened and it does changes one’s life.

      That part is very interesting in this case, and we’ll be going into it in some depth in latter posts.

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Charles asked me to say here that he is reading every comment, finds them very interesting, and greatly appreciates the fact that readers have an interest in his story. He says that for him, the comments are a form of therapy.

  6. Natalie says:

    Omg, that just made feel sick to my stomach. Captivating though…………wow.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hey Nat, good to see you!

      • Natalie says:

        The other day, I wrote a whole story in regard to Math and Sherry. Unfortunately, I keep forgetting to check the box and I keep getting deleted. This is the second time I have typed this one. ARGH! MUST CHECK THE LITTLE BOX!!!
        Anyhoo, I was backing Math’s experience. I have also had a to and fro situation with a discarnate.

  7. Momwithwings says:

    Wow. I agree with both Math and Gypsy.
    Also, when I saw one it is true you almost become mesmerized, partly because at first you are saying “what is that?” and trying to figure it out, then you realize “that shouldn’t be here” and”I’ve never seen anything like this before” etc, and repeat and then it’s gone.
    And then you realize what you saw and realize you didn’t get a pic.

  8. mathaddict2233 says:


  9. gypsy says:

    i’ve just read this compelling intriguing story only once and want to re-read before i comment in full – however, i do want to comment on the remark from skeptics who discount – or tend to discount – experiences where there are no photos – having been there myself more than once i can tell you that running to grab a camera is the last thing to come to one’s mind in many cases – the experience itself is so overwhelming that you don’t want to leave – to take your eyes off whatever the sighting is – for fear it will, in fact, disappear – there is also the thing of “being drawn” inexplicably to whatever the experience/sighting is – being immobilized actually in the moment and unable to tear yourself away from it – and then, there is the thing of something like this taking place in the middle of the night – as i’ve said of my own middle of the night experience many times, i don’t go to bed with a camera under my pillow – and my mind in that moment is not focused on anything but that moment –

    now, there was a time or so, for instance, when i was driving back from louisiana last year and saw those spherical white objects in the sky and i was cognizant then of wanting to take a photo with my cell phone – but again, there is that thing of not wanting to look away – plus i was driving in heavy traffic on an interstate highway and was unable to pull over safely to take a photo – and then, in the blink of an eye, these objects did just disappear –

    bottom line – this person’s comments regarding the issue of photos is absolutely right-on in terms of my own such experiences –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Gypsy, there is no objective proof of UFOs that you can show to skeptics, anyway. You can’t take a pic of a light or object and say ‘See, there it is.’ It has happened many times, including photos that can’t be explained away. There are always ‘outs’ available, means of disapproving, dismissing, or when all else fails, ignoring as merely an anomaly. The same of course is true with all psychic phenomena, even telepathy.

      Even if there was a mass sighting –and there have been some – it might not make much difference. It won’t happen until enough people are ready. And still there will be many questions. Imagine Charles’ reaction multiplied by millions or billions. Yikes!

      • gypsy says:

        yes, you’re right – i know and i intellectually understand that – i just so related to charles’ comments about the issue of photos i could not help but respond – but thanks for the reminder! 😉

    • Jen says:

      Gypsy, I had the EXACT same kind of experience with UFOs while I was driving. It was three huge white lights in a triangle formation just hanging in the sky. I was mesmerized by them- but couldn’t do anything or take a picture because I was driving and had my sleeping child in the car with me. Instead of trying to park and take a picture I just drove home sort of on auto pilot and went about my business like I hadn’t seen anything. Definitely NOT the reaction that I would EXPECT myself to have.

  10. mathaddict2233 says:

    OH.MY.GOD. Oh my god. Trish and Rob, what did I email to you late yesterday about my feeling “hung-over” for several days after certain particular experiences with a certain particular person? That I functioned, but like a robot? Oh my god. Please let this man know he is NOT ALONE in this experience, and PLEASE don’t consider suicide, ever. We do survive. We truly do survive. We are never, ever the same, and some of us have these experiences from the moment we are born, and he may have had them but his memories were blocked until this singular experience, when he was allowed to maintain at least a portion of his overt consciousness. I STILL cannot remember the entire threat made to me on the AFB in 1981, and as the years have passed I’m not sure I want to remember it all, because similar to this fellow, I feel that if I do consciously remember it, I or someone I love will surely die. And please….how the little dog?? How is Spot?? Is he OK??

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Mathmajik, he has received help, but remained frightened for months. We’ll be taking a look at these interactions with others in later posts. He has also had another experience and – not to give away too much – it was of a quite different nature. Today he is attending a UFO-related luncheon with other in Montreal. It’s called Le Repas Ufologique Mensuel de l’AQU pour le mois de mars 2012 se tiendra le samedi le 31 mars 2012. Maybe someone can translate for us non-French speakers.

      In the next post, coming in a couple of days, we’ll hear from Helene, who had a very different reaction to the encounter. We’ll also find out that it wasn’t her first encounter with these cones, leading to the question of whether their experience was accidental — the backyard lights came on while some sort of energy work was taking place with the earth and attracted attention to the house–or their encounter was intentional and intended.

      I’ll ask about Spot. – R

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Charles says this about Spot.
        “Spot was very afraid of the darkness for month… he did not want to stay out after sunset.. Late in the fall he lost his fear. He is now going outside at anytime.”

    • gypsy says:

      like math, my own experiences – several of which i have never divulged to anyone and probably never will for the same reason she mentions – left me in fear – not just fear for myself but for my children as they were witness to at least one incident – after the sighting where the MIB contacted me afterward, as i’ve mentioned before all i could think of was “getting away” with my children where “they” could not find us – and this feeling was overwhelming – i did move shortly after that sighting – i moved to a very rural area outside the city but only to be “found” again and to have another experience within a few months – that alone confirmed to me that my own experiences were “intentional/intended” and not just the luck of the draw sort of thing – no coincidence – for me, i don’t want to re-visit these experiences any more than i do here on this blog – such as that is – and again, in terms of the sum of my own experiences, there are some that i simply will never re-visit –

      an incredible story – mesmerizing – the pet element adds another dimension to it all and i do hope spot is fairing well – also, the type encounter with these lighted objects is different than most and especially intriguing – and the missing time thing – great story! can’t wait to hear helene’s story –

  11. Interesting how the dog became aware of something happening first, some animals seem to sense things often ahead of time. I was wondering how much time lapsed between going indoors and finding himself in the shower – half an hour?

    ‘They made the rules … no longer in control of my actions’ Perhaps all of us sometimes feel like this – when we say something, for example, and it’s like ‘we’ are listening to what we are actually saying, in other words we are occasionally separate from our actions.

    It’s an interesting post, lots to think about!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Mike, Charles has mentioned missing time related to the experience and I’ve been meaning to ask him for more specifics. We know that it was still dark when he left the shower and that he made it to work on time. So if there was missing time, it was brief, no more than half an hour. Obviously, something happened from the time he last remembered looking at the tube and when he found himself in the shower.

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