Synchronicity trains, hidden agendas (and Neem Cream)

Jim Francis, writing for Mind Power News, has this to say about synchronicity.

“What I have discovered over the past 4 years is that if I call up a dream program to “induce” synchronistic events in my waking life ….then instruct my mind to consciously recognize these events as a synchronistic train….I can usually recognize where they are leading to and be there at the right time and place to take advantage of them.

“I have personally had at least a dozen of these recognizable synchronicity trains in the past 3 years and each one has bought me sometimes quite incredible luck. So much so that friends here in Vanuatu keep telling me how lucky I am!!”

Jim defines synchronicity as a series of seemingly unrelated events which are connected via a hidden agenda. He also ties super string theory to synchronicity. Not being quantum physicists, we’ll have to take his word for it. I guess what annoys me a bit about the article is that in spite of telling us how he has created ‘a dozen recognizable synchronicity trains’ (toot! toot!), Jim doesn’t provide us with any of them. (Don’t just tell us about it; show it!)

Fortunately, Jane Clifford, who sent us the article, isn’t shy about describing her synchronicities.  After thanking us for posting her Owl Medicine story, she told us that she just experienced another synchro. Here it is:

“Just had another big one. My daughter is here and I have been having deep conversations with her about my perception of life the universe etc in some detail. I also recommended Neem Cream to her, explaining it was a tree in India used to cure all skin afflictions.

I then begin a novel lent to me be a friend. In chapter one, one of the characters talks about the neem tree and in ensuing chapters a character in the novel is teaching someone else her world view and, almost word for word, it is the same as I discussed with my daughter the day before. I have also been working with Sachamama or Great Serpent energy recently and  the same novel has a character who worships a serpent god. It’s a big part of the plot.”

Thanks, Jane. Talk about a synchro train!

We have to say that while the theorizing about synchronicity can be  interesting and worthwhile, it’s stories  that bring the phenomenon alive. But then we’re writers. What else would we say!

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14 Responses to Synchronicity trains, hidden agendas (and Neem Cream)

  1. Brizdaz says:

    Sorry Simon,I just get a little defensive if I think somebody's taking a derogatory swipe at my ramblings and don't worry about the "being a writer" thing,I'm no writer either,if it wasn't for the spell check on this "Leave your comment" box,most people would probably be saying to themselves,
    "can't this guy spell,I can barley read a word he types ?"
    …and the answer would be – not very well,anyway.-)

    …and don't worry about the six-pack comment…in Australia,if you're not a drinker,then you're the one viewed with the drinking problem…I have at least one beer a day…just for medicinal purposes .-)

    Simon,just remember,I'm from Australia,so you have to use words I and others from outside the States can relate to…so we don't feel like we're watching a foreign film.
    I for one value your input into the comments,it's just that I get confused sometimes by the slang and acronyms.

    Peace / Darren

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>it not the way I drink…

    box wine?

  3. simple says:

    Bridaz, i wasn't refering to you in any way shape or form,, didn't even have it commited to memory who it was that Rob (gues I should be flattered that my words are RED) reffered to in that manner,, don't even care,, who he was refering to… about complete sentences,, never said i was a writer,, actually anything but,, just was speaking to Rob Mac….. as for 6-pack Rob,, haven't been near one in over (20 years fact Mac) years,,it not the way I drink,,,

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, He's got better things to do than finish a sentence or spell out what he means. He holds a sign on the street corner that says: "Will work for sex. God bless." Then after getting a few laughs and a few dollars, he heads into the San Jose University library, goes on line, and reads the blogs. Then it's time for another six-pack.

    Right, Simon?

  5. Brizdaz says:


    RE:"guess you guys haven't really read up on the academics (Jung to begin with)"…etc.

    Well,if your talking to me…and I guess you are when you say,"Rob praszingly labels some as synchronicity "magnets"",since I remember him replying to one of my comments with something along those lines.
    Then yes,I have read and do have some of Carl's books still on my shelves,such as "Memories,Dreams,Reflections","Man and his Symbols" and "Synchronicity".
    I don't see myself as anymore a "synchronicity magnet" as you or anyone else reading this blog.I perhaps,have just been a little more candid in my revelations than others would care to be,for fear of looking foolish.I'm sure others have similar experiences all the time,but just don't wish to share them for the above reasons,or others.
    As for "BS" (I guess that stands for Bull S#it),in Australia that would mean that you think I'm lying to you by what I write here,and "be what they call a "Drama Queen", would mean you think I like to hold everyone's attention by telling them "BS" or made up stories from my "delusional life".
    If that's what you want to think,then be my guest.
    I would probably be skeptical,too if I hadn't lived through it.I am only telling it how I see it and only because it may be of help to other reader's here,as their stories help or point the way in my life.
    Believe me,(or don't…I really don't care) I didn't want to write anything here at all…at first,I would much rather have remained in the background and read the blog,but then I had the feeling that while some people may think I'm a knob,others may benefit or feel some comfort from my experiences with synchronicity.

    As for,"…how many bd's are in really prime order????",I haven't got a clue what you are talking about here.You might want to try posting less with acronyms and more with proper words,so the rest of us can understand just what it is you are trying to say.
    As we say in Australia;
    "if you have got something to say…then say it!"

    Stop writing in gibberish please,I don't possess a Rosetta Stone
    …and I'd rather address you by your name (if you would like to share it) rather than "Simple" unless that's what you would prefer to be.

  6. simple says:

    guess you guys haven't really read up on the academics (Jung to begin with) clinical cause as to synchronicity,, I notice how Rob praszingly labels some as synchronicity "magnets",, well the psycholigist would say to have the cause of such a sympton (or charateristic) one either has a whole lot of BS in his life or be what they call a "Drama Queen" but what might happen when both converge… heh Rob how many bd's are in really prime order????

  7. Brizdaz says:

    "Visualization does work to create material things. What we focus on eventually becomes reality" from Nancy
    "With visualization, for example, this can produce synchros / coincidences to bring about whatever it is we are trying to attract into our lives."from Mike.

    I agree with you on both of those points and synchros can be produced as side effects of those manifesting visions,I'm sure,but the synchronicities I talking about above,are what I would term cosmic synchronicities.Where the universe is guiding the group and the individuals involved
    (which ultimately is everyone) to the cosmic game-plan and not the individual egos intentions of say, a new car or big house
    (although that could be a part of a life lesson as well).

    A lot of synchronicites we would never consciously wish for in our lives,such as the death of a loved one and then the unlikely appearance of their favourite animal on a national TV show as a message to a number of family members that maybe this is just more than a coincidence,maybe the universe is trying to say this is part of the game-plan you agreed to as a group long before this moment,remember…now play on and take note,life is a lot more complex than you could ever imagine…so open those eyes up and take a good look around…because every life ripples into someone else's…for better or worse.

    Well,that's my understanding of Synchronicity,at this point in time,anyway.-)

  8. Natalie says:

    Jane's synchro is cool!

    I am off to check out Daz's link. Thanks Daz. 🙂

    In regard to Synchros, they mean far more to me when I just let them happen. I LOVE the feeling of something else bigger than me steering me around. It is like hide and seek.Nothing like a good mystery as far as i am concerned.

    wv =hampetel?

    Maybe I should go buy my Christmas Ham, petal? lol

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wonderful story – my own personal experiences have shown me that while openness is key to me in terms of synchros, there is also the added element of visualization that complements the openness – it has happened to me time and again, even in serious medical situations – in any event, great post, as usual – and nancy, i'm with you on the tree house – i've long wanted a renegade styled home – see you in the hills/woods! 😉

  10. Nancy says:

    Visualization does work to create material things. What we focus on eventually becomes reality. I did this many years ago with houses, believe it or not. I was in my thirties and wanted to live in a series of beautiful homes, (houses were important to me back then), which is exactly what has happened. I was musing on this today in fact. I no longer desire this, but it is what I asked for. I have moved on from desiring lavish material things, especially big houses, but what we focus on becomes our reality – it just may take some time for it to manifest – for the particles and atoms to come together. Now my dream is a small house, maybe a tree house, amid like-minded people living a shared resources existence. I wonder how long it will take?

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree with Mike about visualization, but also with the quote Daz provides about opening the self to inner wholeness. It does seems that when we try to control things, Lauren, no synchros happen.

  12. Lauren says:

    Great article. And thank you to Brizdaz (above)for his thoughtful comment, and the profound quote he provides. I sometimes think, even in metaphysics, ours is a world too preoccupied with "control"; I agree with Peter Russell. Awe, and participating in the mystery of "Source" is often not possible when we are trying to "control" events or "outcomes".

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Looking at the quote above which Daz 'likes' – have to disagree a little with this.

    I agree we cannot force synchronicity to show it's face and that the source is perhaps 'not of this world' but we can encourage synchros to appear.

    With visualisation, for example, this can produce synchros / coincidences to bring about whatever it is we are trying to attract into our lives. I have done this myself for required information and even for material objects.

    Synchros, however, appear in their own time frame. The more we demand them the further can retreat. It's why – going back to visualisation – it's best to picture and then release this completely, and forget about how the info or whatever will appear.

  14. Brizdaz says:

    I like this quote about synchronicities form this web address;

    "We cannot make synchronicities happen. It is in their very nature to occur "by coincidence". We cannot control or manipulate the world in order to create synchronicities — their source is not of this world. Yet we can encourage their appearance; we can open ourselves to them. This we do by opening to ourselves, to our inner wholeness."

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