A Dog Named Blue and Gold Rush

We love it when we receive an email with a synchronicity like this one. This story is from Sherry Meinberg and it’s about a dog named Blue (rather than a blue dog!) and a new reality show on the Discovery channel called GOLD RUSH that premieres on December 3.

  There is a new reality TV series, GOLD RUSH, that debuts this Friday, December 3rd, at 10:00 PM (on the west coast, at least). It is about four guys that take off for Alaska, to look for gold. Whether it is good, bad, or somewhere in between, the concept precipitated a bidding war between the major channels, and finally came down to the Discovery channel vs. the History channel. The DISCOVERY channel won, and without viewing the four episodes in the can, and without a pilot review, they ordered a whole season’s worth of shows. As such, it sounds promising.

At any rate, the story behind the story is about my brother’s dog, an Australian Shepherd, named Blue. Terry owns 80 acres on top of a mountain in Oregon, which includes a tree farm. Blue had the run of the property, and was constantly chasing off the wild animals that lived in the area. He had no fear whatsoever.

 Being a globe trotter, Terry was constantly away for long periods of time, and one of his daughters was left to live on the property, and run the tree farm. Then she got married, and for several reasons, decided that she couldn’t oversee the farm anymore, so she closed up shop, and gave Blue away. She placed Blue with a man who was a sometime actor, who owned property with an airstrip, so Blue would have plenty of room to run and play and chase other wild animals.

When Terry returned home, he was devastated by the news, of course, but what was done, was done . . .       Fast forward several years, and the actor got a part in the new GOLD RUSH series, and took Blue with him to Alaska. During a two-week period prior to filming, the cast and crew needed to get to know each other, as well as get acquainted with the conditions and terrain. During this period, another of Terry’s daughters flew to the camp site, as her husband had a client who was one of the actors. Can you guess which one?

When she got to the camp site, and was talking with some of the people—all strangers—she saw Blue in the
distance, loping towards them, and they recognized each other. Hence, the classic scene of them running towards each other, with her shouting and crying, and Blue barking joyfully, as they collided in a big hug, and rolled around in the grass together, as a camera recorded this unexpected event.

  Later on, one night, as the men had retired in their tents, and were deep asleep, they heard crashing, barking, and growling sounds, and when they finally staggered out of their tents, they saw Blue chasing off a huge bear. They all realized that if Blue hadn’t been there to watch over them, they might not be living to tell about it.

The four men bonded so thoroughly with Blue, that they insisted that Blue be in the show. And he is. Apparently, Blue has become a favorite of all involved in the production, and there are rumors that he is getting his own show. How fun is that?
We think Blue probably has excellent karma!
Here’s a trailer:

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23 Responses to A Dog Named Blue and Gold Rush

  1. Natalie says:

    How do you do that search that you are talking about? I want to find out if anyone is looking for mammaries at my site. 🙂

  2. Jen says:

    This is so cute! It reminds me of those British guys and their Lion that they returned to the wild and then reunited with. That story gets me EVERY. TIME.

  3. Nancy says:

    I loved this story!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Daz. WV: "ablyarg" arguably?
    as in funny nicknames? Look at the one on this comment: "restoi" rest toi (rest you)? cj

  5. Brizdaz says:

    "EVERYONE has a nickname here, It is definitely part of the Australian culture. Everyone here calls me Natsy"

    Funny you should mention "Natsy" being your nickname.
    You could only get away with this in Australia,I'm sure,but I work with a German guy and we're really good friends.My nickname for him is Nazi or Nazi Boy and his nickname for me is Jew (which I am, by the way) or Jew Boy.
    I'm sure anyone who didn't know us would be horrified at our name calling,but it's all good fun.
    Some even call me "Daz the Spaz" and we all have a laugh over it,but that's Australia and that's what I love about it.
    Where in the world could you get away with that,except maybe the U.K and New Zealand,without being involved in some sort of court case or knife fight?

    WV= ablyarg
    (It doesn't mean anything that I know of,but that has to be the worst word verification word I have ever had on this site…
    I just had to mention that,sorry)

  6. terripatrick says:

    I am still laughing that a search for "supernatural mammaries" brought someone to your blog. LOL!

  7. terripatrick says:

    I've probably met the Gold Rush guys many times since we've been to a variety of events at the Sandy River Airpark in recent years. They know my hubby Ed, and had lots of recent connections with him, and a Starduter airplane, regarding a former mutual friend I'll call "Greg". Ed got a thorough tour of all the equipment and plans prior to this new Gold Rush endeavor.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    marguerite – small world for sure! What's he like?

    blood red moon. Hmmm.

    Natsy. I like that one!

  9. Natalie says:

    I think this is my favourite of ALL your stories. I love Blue, he is awesome.
    I noticed someone's wv was 'heali' also synchronisitic to Daz's comment about Blue Heelers.

    Yep,EVERONE has a nickname here, It is definitely part of the Australian culture. Everyone here calls me Natsy, even if I introduce myself as Natalie. It moves to Nat instantly, then when people start feeling close to me, it invariably ends up as Natsy. Such a weird name for a 45 year old woman. 🙂

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the past few days, i've had a few more phoenix searches – phoenix ashes yesterday from ireland – 4 searches on the 26th phoenix from the ashes and phoenix ashes and 3 on the 24th phoenix ashes and phoenix from the ashes –
    but my constant search phrases every single day are "blood red moon" or a variation thereof –

    wv = sherse – search?

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i think you should do an individual post on just this issue and leave it up for a couple of days – asking, as you did in your other post comments, to have readers let you know how/why they came about that search word – and also, i would like to know how many individual searches from each individual part of the globe, ie, 25 united kingdom, 89 france, 222 spain, etc – just to see if there is some sort of pattern on global regions – so weird!!! i'll go check my searches again, too –

  12. Marguerite says:

    Great story and the series sounds wonderful! Love the blue dog painting, too. I know the artist, George Rodrigue, and he was one of my painting professors in college. Small world!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Just checking the search words used by those coming to the block today and again it is overwhelmingly PHOENIX.
    It goes like this:
    Supernatural mammaries

    Supernatural what?


  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Actually, this is the second blue dog synchronicity we've used on the blog. Back in March of '09, we put up this story. A pretty synchro.


  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what an incredibly wonderful exciting story!!! just love it and can't wait to see the new series – and another critter story of "against all odds" – or, in this case, NOT – wonderful!

    weird thing for me is that about 4am here this morning, i was up and playing online – had not been to sleep at all last night due to some medication keeping me awake – in any event, couldn't sleep so got on the computer and decided to check out some louisiana artists as i was thinking of xmas gifts – well, guess what was the first artist that i looked at – george rodigue, artist of blue dog! was considering his blue dog print for my little granddaughter who loves dogs and the color blue!

    and wv is "heali" – heal – very appropro in the case of blue dog here saving the humans!

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Blue's Clues!

    Terri – how do you know them??

  17. terripatrick says:

    We'll be watching this show because we know them, and their airpark, and how this show came to be.

    It's awesome to now know about Blue too. 😀

  18. Milo James Fowler says:

    His own show? Could it be…Blue's Clues?

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the info, Daz. Really interesting about nicknames in Australia – and the backgrounds on the pooches.

  20. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    What a great uplifting story, just love dogs, they are such wonderful friends or family members.

    wv: unlike !?

  21. Brizdaz says:

    The Australian shepherd is a breed of herding dog that was developed on ranches in the Western United States. Despite its name, the breed, commonly known as an Aussie, did not originate in Australia.They acquired their name because of association with Basque sheepherders who came to the United States from Spain.

    Our Australian Cattle Dog is a medium-sized short-coated dog which occurs in two main colour forms. The dogs have either brown or black hair distributed fairly evenly through a white coat which gives the appearance of red or blue dogs.They have been nicknamed “Red Heelers” and “Blue Heelers” on the basis of this colouring and their practice of moving reluctant cattle by nipping at their heels.

    In Australia,when somebody has red hair,he usually ends up with the name Blue or Bluey,just because that's the exact opposite of his hair colour,and dogs with red or reddish hair are often called Blue,too.Although,it's not always the case now-days for dogs,but it is pretty much the case still for red headed people.It's more a term of endearment than it is an insult.
    In Australia,if you don't have some sort of a nickname it's probably a sign that nobody likes you.-)

  22. DJan says:

    A truly heartwarming story. To think that we become as attached to our animal friends as we do to family, and they to us. And the heart knows what it knows. Thank you for the story.

  23. Anonymous says:

    There can never be too many stories about dogs….truly our very best friends! Thanks for this one about Blue! My good friend Doc has an Australian shepherd named Tume (pronounced (to me) and Tume is blue. Wonderful, intelligent canines! A great tale about the upcoming Gold Rush show. cj

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