Queen Elizabeth and her double

What are we to make of this double image of  Queen Elizabeth, which is her official Diamond Jubilee photograph? It’s an interesting view with the reflection leaving an interdimensional impression. She is peering at us in a quite regal pose, but also looking away into another world.

Note the Knights of Templar cross on her sternum, which – thanks to the mirror – appears on both sides of her body, one below her left breast, the other below her right breast. No wonder mirrors are considered magical tools!

What interests me most about the photo, however, is the crown. The two images don’t appear to be identical. Look at the top of each one. The crown in the mirror seems level, while the one in the foreground appears uneven with peaks and valleys. An optical illusion, right?

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11 Responses to Queen Elizabeth and her double

  1. Adelita says:

    This is a wonderful post and conversation to follow. I agree with Lawrence and wonder who the photographer for this portrait is? You have to hand it to the team that set this up. It’s a royal portrait, digital art for the centuries. I know next to nothing about the politics much of this conversation implies, but from my limited knowledge of FreeMasons and Illuminati type organizations around today, I have to agree with mathaddict. One more thing, a baby synchro, I wrote and posted about the twin in dreams simultaneously on Lita Dreaming, but I’m only catching up to this image and post today.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Agree as always with cousin J. However, one request to all my Synchro friends here: PLEASE do not accpet on faith everything you read in the conspiracy theories, etc., about the FreeMasons. My family, both sides, is Masonic as far back as we can trace, including myself. I assure you, it is not evil not is it the Illuminati, They (Illuminati) came into being much later than the Masons, who were present during the building of the Giza Pyramid. The Illuminati is a prostituted and very dark, evil fraternal organization that in actuality has nothing whatsoever to do with true FreeMasonry although they claim it. Thanks for trying to trust me. The Queen? I DO see serpent there! As Jake would say on the series TWO AND A HALF MEN, “Ice Cold Bee-otch!”

  3. Laurence Zankowski says:

    I think the whole mirror thing has some deeper meaning, okay maybe not.
    But here goes anyways:

    First, it could represent on a personal level to her, The Janus idea. Looking back into the past and gazing forward to the future. Which could also be how she got to be queen in the empire scheme of things and who will carry on as she passes. That would be a bigger theme for the whole British empire.

    Second, it could also be a way for her royal subjects to also take a look at themselves since she and her empire are in certain terms one and the same. To in effect, look where they came from while gazing to where they are going.

    Practical camera stuff: the reason for the lower image in the mirror is twofold: The mirror is not flush on the wall, notice the angle of the frame over her right shoulder. Maybe 1° off 90°. Also, the camera seems to be slightly above her . The so called “flatter the female” look . But for all of this guessing we do not have an original unaltered( i am taking a leap here) image to compare. What was cropped out, darkened , etc.

    The symbols of her royalty and the Diamond jubilee are pretty specific.

    Here is a link if anyone is so inclined to read

    One more thing, i truly believe that this image was deliberate, composition wise just for the reasons all of us here are writing about. This is no ordinary photo shoot. Look in the background. Why the half print of an asian themed painting. The carpet, the symbols around the mantle. Almost saying this lineage will not be broken it will carry on. Maybe the real theme is the act of reflection, personal, community – worldly and other worldly.

    Be well


  4. Shadow says:

    What’s really freaky is that we’re watching a video about the new world order/free masons/illuminate at the moment, and they’re focussing on the queen right now…

  5. gypsy says:

    well, i personally think the ole gal needs to do way more than mirror tricks to enhance her image since the death of diana – and if you’ll notice even in the one where she seems to be looking into the camera, her eyes are cast to another place, not directly in line with the camera lenses – her whole body language speaks volumes – regal stature notwithstanding – and the thing of the colors involved – such a bitter cold icy look with her wardrobe and hair – which i think shows her true true colors and perspective – you’re right about the crown thing! how interesting is that! uneven – in an upheaval – well, yeah, in more ways than one – but with the new young royal couple now, i’m sure she hopes for a bit of remodeling of the shattered perspective by many of her “house” – i always like to enlarge photos on posts to catch little details i might otherwise not be able to see but was unable to enlarge this image at all, darn it! – i’m wondering why there are little [fabric?] folded “backboards” on those large jewel pieces and they look to have writing on them – or perhaps it’s just me and my vision? – anyway – yes – such an air about her – one of withdrawal and singularity, even with the posed double image – sad even –

  6. But at least she doesn’t look the least bit reptilian as David Icke claims she is!

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