This acronym refers to alien abductees who see military personnel during their abductions or where the abduction occurs on or near a military base. Karla Turner, who was an abductee herself, did an extensive amount of research on this aspect of abductions.   She was a college professor, had a doctorate in Old English studies, but quit teaching after she and her husband and son began recalling their own abduction experiences.She also wrote three books – Into the Fringe, Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda,  and Masquerade of Angels, now out of print, but available in PDF format, linked above with her name.  She died in 1996 of a rapidly advancing breast cancer.

I thought I was fairly knowledgeable about the players in the UFO community, but had never heard of Karla Turner or her books until a friend, Jennifer White, mentioned her. So today, I did a Google search on Turner and unearthed so much material on this woman that it’s difficult to know where to start.

In a tribute to her in UFO Magazine,  John Chambers listed Turner’s “facts” about aliens:

  • We don’t know with any certainty what they are.
  • At least some of the aliens lie.
  • During encounters, they control our perceptions.
  • They can implant false memories.
  • What we report about them is what they want us to report.
  • From childhood, they manipulate us physically, spiritually, sexually.
  • The alien agenda has physical aims and procedures that have nothing to do with reproduction.
  • They create virtual reality scenarios that are absolutely real to the abductees.
  • They show an extraordinary interest in human souls and in our thoughts.
  • There is some element of human involvement in UFO phenomenon.

Turner suspected that the military was sometimes involved in these abduction scenarios. This certainly is true for a story we posted in In 2010. The Abduction details the harrowing abduction  that CJ  (mathmajick)  experienced at Warner Robins Air Force base in 1981, where military personnel and Grays were present.

Turner’s research found that the extraterrestrials known as the Grays were beings from Zeta Reticuli. They  abduct humans and take them to alien ships and alien bases located underground and on the ocean floor. It sounds pretty far out when you read these words, right? But when you hear Turner talking about these things in the You Tube video above or in any of the others where she’s discussing the alien agenda, it doesn’t seem outlandish at all. That’s how well-spoken she was.

In fact, on any of the videos, the one thing that comes across clearly is that the aliens are not friendly. They are not the cute, lovable little guy in ET. Turner believed that the aliens were engaged in a propaganda war to convince us that they are more benevolent than they actually are.

This question about the nature of aliens is an intriguing one that divides both abductees and researchers. Author and investigator Budd Hopkins maintained they were not benevolent and never changed his mind about that. In his fascinating memoir, Art, Life and UFOs,  he has a chapter on John Mack, the author (Abduction) and Harvard psychiatrist who investigated abductions. The two were friends for 15 years and toward the end of Mack’s life, Hopkins wrote, he “seemed determined to believe, despite a complete lack of supporting evidence, that the UFO occupants were here to help us humans, and once went so far as to ask an abductee who had been particularly traumatized not to come back to his support group until he understood that the aliens were essentially benevolent.”

Turner felt the aliens might be creating virtual reality constructs of cross-breeding to suggest that we share commonalities with them and that they need us.  But she was certain that their goal is to “debase and lower our self-view and to break down our resistances.”

She also provided suggestions for abductees that are worth noting:

  • Educate yourself about the phenomenon. In knowledge lies some control over the situation.
  • Release fear. Turner believed that negative entities maintain control through fear. Anger, she said, is a better defense than fear.
  •  Abductees should be aware of how they’re reacting; they should learn to step out of themselves, and to maintain perspective.
  • Maintain a good quality of life.
  • Be realistic about what can and cannot be done.
  • Stay close to your families.
  • Confide your experiences to others. “The hell with the results,” said Turner. “You don’t need the burden of carrying this around.”

“If the terrors of the abduction experience made us grow stronger,” Turner said,  “it was not because the aliens wanted us to have this strength, but because we willed it ourselves.”

This video has some startling statistics about the numbers of missing people worldwide.!

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19 Responses to MILABS

  1. Nancy says:

    Here’s a great Coast to Coast segment on Odd Disappearances:

  2. Nancy says:

    I’m reading a book right now entitled Missing 411 about all of the missing persons from our national parks. It is just astounding and the Park’s service keeps absolutely no offiicial records. Not only that, but the writer found them to be antagonistic when asked for information. At one point Yosemite said it would cost $37,000 for him to collect the information from them on the missing people just in that park alone. Over a million for information from all of the parks. They said (in this day of computers!) it had to be done by hand…. Something really smells here.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    SECRET LIFE is one of the best reads in terms of information, in my opinion. I’ve had it for several years, and it absolutely is paralyzing if one can relate to the material.
    We have so very much material from so many credible sources outside the abductees: police officers, astronauts, pilots, etc. But….no answers that are absolute. Makes a person crazy.

  4. Nicole says:

    You know I have gone back in forth intuitively with trying to sense what these beings could be. First off I absolutely believe they exist. Have I seen one. Not that I am consciously aware of, however, I can’t stand looking at them. There is an overpowering freeze-like feeling when looking at their image for too long. It is strange. The whole idea of abductions freak me out as it seems so unbelievable so I don’t like to entertain the topic too much. I did however read not too long ago John Mack’s book Abduction to try and learn a bit about these cases. I myself have had some – I guess you would say – missing time episodes. 2 from when I was younger and a few as an adult. But I am not to willing or sure I would call them ET related. I think they may be more in part due to lack of sleep. Perhaps a sleep-walking moment, overtired Mom syndrome LOL and maybe when I was younger I was just too young to actually recall all the details. So I say. Again, not wanting to stir the waters of my consciousness in this particular area, I held off with ever entertaining these events. Yet a part of me wanted to learn about such cases. I couldn’t read the whole book, it made me a bit anxious. I don’t know what to think about these accounts. I do however relate to what Lauren writes. Other interesting theories are that maybe these beings are in some way a dying breed. Maybe their genetic interference with trying to alter humans or reproduce hybrids are because they are descendants of us. I am intrigued with the whole theory that they are us in the very far off future and they know how this whole existence on Earth will turn out in the end, expect there is no end, so they are coming back to change us so that they might live and exist differently and escape their fate, which in some way is ours. Is that benevolent? Depends. But I just don’t get that vibe at all from their image, they seem calculating and mechanical. Intuition tells me they are not to be trusted and a life with less technology is key. Whew, crazy stuff. Also, one last long rambling note, have you seen the movie the 4th Kind? Again, scared me for like 6 months after watching that. But the idea of the missing people, frightening!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      There are so many theories. The theory you mention about them as a dying breed, is most interesting. Mack’s book freaks me out, but I think David Jacobs’ book, Secret Life, freaks me out even more.
      Haven’t seen the 4th kind! Off to check out.

    • Jen says:

      Just the PREVIEW for the 4th Kind scared me so badly that I was extremely anxious and freaked out for WEEKS! I finally watched the movie and was slightly less freaked out afterwards, but geesh!

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Considering that a master hypnotist can implant post-hypnotic suggestions into a person’s subconscious that helps the person stop smoking, lose weight, overcome the pain of labor, etc etc etc, there’s no doubt that these entities are capable of implanting whatever screen memories they desire to implant. Unfortunately, these screen memories are too often accompanied by physical anomalies that are very real and undeniable. Devices in the body, scooped out skin, bruises and puncture wounds, missing embryos, all kinds of stuff that had tangible reality. Screen memories? Yes. Certainly they must use them. But not always, by any means.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    I just jumped somewhat intuitively to a blog that, after yesterday’s post by the blog owner, will be defunct. I’ve not read it in almost a year because I found it to be entirely too dark. But was intuitively guided there today, and I was astonished, stunned, by the info there that coincides with such precision to the matters we’ve been discussing here. I sent T and R there to read it. It IS scary, but instinctively feels on spot. Bad stuff goin’ round.

  7. Jen says:


    I find the amount of missing people in the world staggering… one way or another, something is going on and it’s not good. Since I have become an adult and began looking into these things, I have always felt an unexplained gut-wrenching horror towards “the greys” and the like. I find them the complete opposite of benevolent in every way, and anyone who thinks otherwise is probably brainwashed. Any entity that steals people from their beds and terrorizes them is evil, in my opinion.

  8. lauren raine says:

    Very disturbing. I have never had any kind of “UFO” experience, not even seen one, although a good friend of mine has what she believes are abduction memories, and has spent many years pursuing information on the subject.

    But I do know that the realm of the non-physical and psychic is, like dreams, both real and highly subjective (please do not take that as a negation of anyone’s experience, by the way)……I’ve had to sort my own way through that dark forest. And it is painful, if not impossible, to speak to others about these experiences often, and thus get some clarity, support, or feedback. I don’t have any memory of aliens, but I do know there are all kinds of non-physical beings around us, and not all of them are benign. Some are attracted to us for our energy, and manipulate to provoke emotional states that exhaust the host, in a kind of parasitic manner. No one talks about that much, and perhaps it’s just as well, because people can become very paranoid……….but I have experienced this phenomenon, and suspect many people are troubled by it. And I think a lot of young people, or emotionally disturbed people, who play around with “the occult” have no idea of what they’re attracting.

    I like the suggestions she makes about staying grounded, not becoming isolated, and living a good quality of life. It helped me a lot. Thank you for sharing this difficult material, by the way.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I’ve often wondered if aliens are like these non-physical beings you mention, Lauren. Someone who commented, maybe it was math, said they is never sure if they are physical in the same sense that we are. BTW, your orb photos are great! Now, aren’t those
      nonphysical beings?? Good ones!

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    Whenever I’ve mentioned to anyone that perhaps some of the thousands of missing persons, both children and adults, who have never been found, are not necessarily the victims of other humans but rather may have been taken and kept by ‘them’, I get laughed at. So, I stopped offering that hypothesis and keep my mouth shut about it. I agree with virtually everything this woman says, especially that anger works better than fear against them. However, the anger, in my situation, hasn’t stopped them. The TEXTURE and the MO of the circumstances changed and may or may not be implanted memory blocks and implanted scenarios that are not the truth. But….to have a heavy automobile, in this case an Oldsmobile Regency sedan, with a driver and a passenger and a fully loaded vehicle of home goods during a state-to-state home re-location….. to have that vehicle set down (how?) on a tarmac on an AFB, the occupants, my son and I, being face-to-face with American military alongside Grays and threatened by the military, and to experience hours of missing time to the point where my husband was right on the edge of calling out the highway patrol to find us….it was definitely as real as it gets. I hate the suckers. No one, no matter how educated or highly regarded, as was John Mack, will ever convince me that they are benign or benevolent. There are things I STILL haven’t confided to ANYONE, and things that are so deeply entrenched in my subconscious and my memories that attempting to retrieve them terrifies me to the point of physical illness….as I said to Trish and Rob: they AIN’T benevolent. They’re worse that the demons from hell of the Catholic Church, and the demon who possessed Linda Blair in THE EXORCIST.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Turner and Hopkins sure didn’t believe they were benevolent.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      The idea of the U.S. military working with the Grays is baffling and disturbing. While numerous abductees have reported such encounters, we have to keep in mind that investigators, such as John Mack and Bud Hopkins, found that a common technique used during abductions was the implanting of screen memories.

      We received a story from one abductee who was taken after attending a rock concert, and there among the Grays was the lead singer of the band, someone she admired. But when she became angry and said, “What is he doing here?” they telepathically said: “We thought you liked him.” Then the musician shape-shifted into a Gray. If they can do that, they can also shape-shift into soldiers and create a screen memory of a military base. Just a possibility.

  10. Unfortunately don’t have time to watch the top video today, but will be back! Have never heard of Turner previously but sounds very interesting. I don’t feel that ‘alien ships and alien bases located underground and on the ocean floor’ is far out. I think we have to expand our minds a bit to understand the whole subject and not put limitations on what is possible. Interesting stuff.

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