A Time Travel Story

                              De Chirico

A friend who wishes to remain anonymous sent us this story. It’s a zinger and may shed some new light on one of our favorite topics – time travel.

I have a true story that I have been meaning to tell you because you have been posting a lot about time travelers, but I don’t want to share it publicly. It is also not a very fluent story.  It simply made a lasting impression on me.

When I was in college, I took a class in the Psychology of Humor.  Sitting at the back of the class was a very handsome young man, tall dark hair and sparkling blue eyes.  He looked so familiar to me.  I was just sure that I knew him from somewhere.  At the second class meeting I told him that I was just sure I knew him.  He said that people told him that all of the time.  We occasionally walked part of the way home together after class and became casual friends.

Around the same time, I had met a young woman on my crew team, Karen.  She and I spent a lot of time together.  We found that we both could manipulate chi pretty easily although I’m sure that it was easier for me when she was around.  We would play with balls of energy and toss them back and forth to one another.  One night we were out at a bar dancing. She tossed me a ball of chi and it lifted my energy so that I could feel it shooting up out of my hands and radiating through the top of my head.  At the same time, Karen saw this energy like flamesshooting at least six feet above me and she started screaming with delight, “Oh my God, you’re glowing!” I could only feel what she saw, but to me it felt fantastic.

Meanwhile, I discovered during our short walks that Sam could also manipulate energy.  He told me that he could easily raise and lower the flame of a candle.  One night he accidentally exploded the entire candle.  He wasn’t sure what he had done but the next day he brought me to his apartment to look at the mess.  I introduced Sam to Karen and we talked about starting a psychic research club.  However, I was a little conservative compared to the other two and spent more time on my studies than the extracurricular pursuits.  I don’t think that I wanted to become too openly associated with psychic stuff.  I wasn’t sure how that might affect my ability to get a job, write a serious book or run for office… whatever.

Karen started to do tarot card readings that were frighteningly accurate.  She became consumed with this activity and was booted off the crew team because she was missing practice.  I didn’t see her for a while. 

Sam put up signs in the student union and started a psychic research club by himself.

I continued to study foreign languages, psychology, chemistry, and other boring things.

The next time I saw Karen, she didn’t want to talk about chi or tarot or anything like that.  She was going back to the Catholic church.  She told me that she had been trapped in her room by a demon for three days.  She had been in a kind of hypnotic state with a demon blocking her way to her door.  What saved her was a knock on her door the by the Jehovah’s Witness.  They told her that they knew that she was being tormented and that they had come to save her.  She would never mess with the ‘occult’ again. I have always suspected that her vision had something to do with her Dominican upbringing.  A lot of guilt came along with her abilities and I think that it manifested in distorted perceptions.

Sam, an agnostic, was having great success with his psychic research club.  About 30 people showed up to the first meeting.  He told me they came up with exercises and experiments.  I didn’t participate.  I was still consumed with the homework and juggling a couple of boyfriends.  One day after class he told me he had been experimenting with time travel.  He was absolutely sure it was possible.  He told me that it had something to do with meditating yourself into a different space and having confidence…belief, more than that, knowing.  He was going to give it a full out try and just wanted to let me know.

I never saw Sam again.  He didn’t come back to class.  By the time I realized that he really wasn’t coming back, the instructor couldn’t remember who I was talking about.  There were no signs for his psychic research club in the student union anymore, and when I knocked on his apartment door, someone else lived there.

Another odd thing is that I can remember Karen’s last name very well, but I can’t remember Sam’s.  I think that maybe I never knew what it was, but that seems so unlikely.

I have no intention of telling this story myself because it is entirely too weird.  But it might make a good tale for a writer who wants to piece it together, maybe a fiction.

That year was a really interesting time for me, lots of OBEs and high energy.  I haven’t really ever achieved that state again.
So if Sam went time traveling, did traces of him disappear? Were the memories of the people who knew him altered?

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16 Responses to A Time Travel Story

  1. articles says:

    I think time travel does exist but we really don't know yet how to control it

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I just tell them I'm a pagan and they back pedal really quickly.

  3. Anonymous says:

    When they come to my house now, Mike, I politely tell them I'm a Spiritualist and that I wish them well, but am quite content with my own convictions. Once in a while I tell them I'm Egyptian Pagan. The words "spiritualist" and "Egyptian pagan" seem to strike terror in them and they rush away! 🙂 Yeah, I do get a bit of glee from being open and honest, and it tends to silence them. Then, of course, a few months later another group will approach, and I tell them the same thing. They never cease to amaze me with their efforts to "witness and convert". Sometimes I wonder what they would do if I invited them into my Egyptian Sanctuary, offered them a cup of tea, and shared a few of my experiences with them! I rather expect I wouldn't see them for the cloud of dust they'd leave as they flew out my door! As said earlier, to each his own…..hmmm, interesting WV:
    "fiesect" cj

  4. Jen says:

    Wow. This story is really interesting. I do think that time travel is possible- absolutely- I too have to wonder if Sam had previously traveled from his time to this time- and then possibly back again?? I have no doubt he traveled somewhere in time after the last encounter! Fascinating- and kind of scary!

  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    cj: Thanks for that about the Jehovah's Witnesses – interesting. I live next door to a JW and often she sends people to talk to me (not at my request!) – once in a while I do if I'm in the mood for a discussion. I guess that's why I say that I don't feel they would say such a thing. I do realise their obsession and that if you give them an inch they'll take a mile.

  6. Hilton says:

    absolutely fascinating!

  7. Brizdaz says:

    One thing commenting on this site has taught me,is how much the earth is like one big space ship,with fellow crew members scattered all over this massive natural space ship.If I want to relate to Miami time for instance, I have to subtract 3 hours and then go another 12 hours back to reach Miami time.
    Example:It's 9.11 pm here,I subtract 3hours, that takes it to 6.11 pm,then go right around the clock to 6.11 am…wallah…I've arrived 15 hours back in time to Miami,who are just starting their Monday morning,while in another 3 hours my Monday will be over.
    To follow my football team in London (Tottenham Hotspur)
    I have to add 2 hours,then go all the way 12 hours back to hit London time.
    To see what time it is in Auckland,I have to add 3 hours,and then I realize that my New Zealand space travelers are already into Tuesday by 11 minutes.
    So,even on spaceship Earth,this form of time traveling on the internet is still mind blowing.
    To think some of your fellow space travelers are into the next day, while others haven't even started their day (that's you Rob/Trish BTW)is quite amusing.

    Give it some thought this New Years Eve,while watching your TV and seeing all those other space travelers hitting the New Year at various times of the day.
    We are all time travelers on this great natural spaceship.

    So Goodnight,Good-morning or welcome to tomorrow.

    From your fellow space/time/traveler,Daz.-)

  8. Nancy says:

    I have to agree with cj – it's too easy to get into something you shouldn't. It's like wandering into a bad neighborhood. By the time you realize your mistake, it's too late. This story is fascinating. You do have to wonder where Sam is now.

  9. gayle says:

    This post is so interesting!

  10. Natalie says:

    Thanks for the link, Trish, she is amazing.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Mike, I can definitely believe the Jehovah's Witnesses said this, or something very much akin to it, to her. Not too long ago (about three years or so) I met a fellow who was a regular on a blog I followed. He was a JW. He obtained my email address, my snailmail address, and began to send me packets in the mail of all their literature, etc etc etc, and dumped all kinds of stuff into my email box until I blocked him and eventually began to mark the snailmail "return to sender". I did learn a lot about them over the years, and no thanks. To each his own, but I do not attempt to convert anyone, ever, to my spiritual belief construct, and I was offended often by remarks he made to me about my concepts and doctrines. I do not want them knocking on my door and trying to give me flyers about the "end times", and I do not want their material around me. That's just me. Bottom line, I repeat, I can certainly imagine a fanatical JW saying such a thing. If I'm not mistaken, I think we have a regular here in MU who is or was a JW, and he is a wonderful young man who, while out-spoken, is tolerant and broad-minded and a seeker of all kinds of enlightenment. So, there are all manner of JH folk out there. I do repeat what I've said many times…as a working medium, I learned early on that we must use caution and discernment when dealing with invisible entities and energies, just as we do when dealing with incarnates. Wisdom is the better part of valor was not spoken in vain. cj

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think there are any number of possible theories here. It's all intriguing.

  13. Natalie says:

    As usual, I'm with CJ. 🙂

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I believe that time travel is possible – but thinking about it often throws up more questions than answers – ethical as well as practical.

    About the Jehovah's Witnesses in the post and what they said to Karen: "that they knew that she was being tormented and that they had come to save her." Sorry, but somehow this doesn't feel right to me, that they would say this.

    Fascinating subject.

  15. Lauren says:

    I think truth is far stranger than fiction; who can know? What an interesting story!

    I was just reading about the work of Edith Fiore (https://www.thinkingallowed.com/2efiore.html), who's done a lot of work with "depossession", and she speaks of many people who unwittingly, through naive explorations in the occult, open psychic doors for not necessarily high vibration entities to invade their psychic space or aura. I would tend to think that is what happened to the young woman; whether a demon or an obnoxious spirit; the good intent of the Jehovah's witnesses, and her acceptance of their beliefs, probably gave her the energy she needed to block further "contact".

  16. Anonymous says:

    Maybe…only a thought…."Sam" had actually time-traveled to HER space and then traveled back to his own space when he disappeared from her life, etc. At some point, perhaps she had met him in a dream or in an OBE. He may have only been a short term visitor in her Time and after opening some spiritual doors for others, he went Home again, wherever his Home may have been, but left enlightenment behind him after he had tripped into her space. This sounds incredible, I know. To me, it is perfectly logical. Not necessarily what happened, yet a possibility? Oh lord, look at this WV: "pogflyin" Makes me think of Harry Potter's school where so many of the good guys went "flyin" around in and out of dimensions, etc. cj

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