Future visions from the past

Jules Verne described a moon landing that sounds eerily like the Apollo 11 mission.

 Mark Twain predicted the Internet in 1898.

Robert Heinlein predicted screen savers in 1961.

We’re these writers time travelers? Probably not.

Did they pick up psychic visions of the future when they were engrossed in writing? Maybe. Or did they make lucky stabs at the future? Either way, these are three great synchronicities. Read more about them here.

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17 Responses to Future visions from the past

  1. Anonymous says:

    Agreed, Natalie! I've always thought that Jules Verne himself may have been a time traveler! cj

  2. Natalie says:

    Wow! Jules Verne must have tapped into the great conciousness in the sky. WAY cool. 🙂

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You're right, Milo! It does resemble that Star Trek gizmo.

  4. Milo James Fowler says:

    Love this stuff; my flip-phone reminded me so much of Star Trek (Kirk era) when I first got it.
    in medias res

  5. Brizdaz says:

    "past predictions…stories and movies only to have them really be developed later on in the future."

    Maybe "Planet of the Apes" was a prophetic story of Dick Cheney and Co taking over the Earth and turning the humans into slaves .-)

  6. Brizdaz says:

    I'm all for positive thoughts,but I'm more for positive actions.
    Thoughts without actions are just dreams.It's time to wake up and turn those positive thoughts into positive actions.

    What's that old saying?
    "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions".

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Loved Total recall.

    Gypsy – we'll start mining your right brain to find out what you see for…hmmm.. a year from now??

    Daz – interesting WVs!

    Ann – like that premise!

    peaceful thoughts. I'm trying…

  8. Ann says:

    I am currently working on a manuscript about time travel. Memory being wiped out as a concequence is central in my story. Thank you for inspiring and motivating me in my work!

    wv: mouse…, I have no idea!

  9. Butternut Squash says:

    I like Mike's thoughts too. Let's keep those thoughts positive and peaceful.

  10. Brizdaz says:

    "…grandchildren might wait to see Mars turned into something livable."

    My fear is that humans will turn the Earth into something unlivable,like Mars,if we don't mend our selfish ways,soon.

    WV = phyerms (firms,corporations,fumes)?

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    as a kid i remember "knowing/hearing" that in the then-future, money itself would become obsolete – that the economy would be based upon a "little card" that was used instead of cash – that we would call into stores and place an order and then go pick it up or it would come to us in a "chute" thing like the banks now use at drive-throughs – cole mentioned mars – i've always thought mars would be colonized in my own lifetime and that i would get to be one of the first! so, can we all just begin imagining life on mars????? i don't wanna miss it!!!

    wv here is theej – thee, jenean? 😉

  12. Cole says:

    I am still waiting or more like I am sure my great grandchildren might wait to see Mars turned into something livable. Like in the movie Total Recall, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. A domed planet with water being tapped from the planet's crust. Maybe the moon first. But I just love to see and hear past predictions or featured gadgets in stories and movies only to have them really be developed later on in the future. I think Da Vinci had some interesting ideas as well.

  13. Nancy says:

    Time is a construct to help us organize our lives. There is a net, or grid that connects all beings – between the two, this makes perfect sense.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I guess Dick Tracy might be translated as Skype?? I thought there would be more cool ideas by now, too. But, all things considered, I like Mike's take – whatever we can imagine. Guess we'd better get our imaginations in gear!

  15. maggie's garden says:

    I love when this happens…all it takes is an idea in the mind's eye, and the idea shoots off into the universal mind and becomes a reality….totally cool! Although I thought more of these cool ideas would be available to us today than are.

  16. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I guess whatever we can imagine can or will come true.

  17. DJan says:

    Remember Dick Tracy wrist communicators? You talked with people face to face, just like we do now! I think it's great. Now off to check out the link.

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