Update on Julian Assange

Mike Perry sent in this link about Assange. He’s not only under arrest, but is being denied bail. We wonder if he’ll go through with his threat to dump the rest of the cables he has. He sure has governments running scared.

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20 Responses to Update on Julian Assange

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Looks like the wiki hackers are taking down sites that denied service to Assasgne – mastercard, for instance, Visa, etc.

  2. Ray says:

    I read that due to DNS (denial of service) attacks the Wikileaks domain has been taken down. Now I wonder who would be responsible for something like that. China is usually blamed, but this time? It has to be hackers,even if every right wing nut who watches Fox or listens to Rush couldn't sustain such an attack. This appears to have the fingerprints of political reprisal most likely from the US. Fortunately there are other sights that can get the information out. This might be a rumor, but the US government has gone further.

    Another link I found said a US federal judge has ruled that it is legal for the government to assassinate a terrorism SUSPECT wherever he is found in the world and without proof.


    WV: diatel: a network for families with that name and a network dealing with information about diabetes. Perhaps many other sites dealing with the net.

  3. Brizdaz says:

    Saudi king urged US to attack Iran: WikiLeaks.


    …but in the same article says,
    "The documents also show Saudi donors remain chief financiers of militant groups like Al Qaeda."

    So,shouldn't the US and it's allies be bombing the crud out of Saudi Arabia,or at least sending the troops there,as well.

    I seem to recall some puppet named George saying,"if you're not for us,then you are against us!".
    Maybe he just forgot to add,"unless our families are business partners".-)

    WV = caddyne
    (caddy or caddying) isn't that when a puppe…I mean…a poor boy carrys around big sticks for rich men and does what he is told?

  4. Raksha says:

    T&R – Re "I hope if there's UFO stuff to divulge, that it's solid, mind-blowing."

    I've heard that there is some UFO stuff, and it could be in the material still to be released.

    Re "On countdown tonight, they reported that the sex charge in sweden is due to a broken condom."

    The "rape" charge has already been dismissed in Sweden once, but was revived later no doubt because of pressure from the U.S. The charge is so self-contradictory it's laughable. Neither of the women involved has ever claimed he raped her, in the normal understanding of word. Julian Assange is accused of:

    1: Not using a condom although the woman asked him to;

    2: Not informing her that the condom broke;

    3: She realized that the condom broke, but he didn't stop what he was doing when she asked him to.

    As someone pointed out on Democratic Underground where I've been spending a lot of time lately, only ONE of these allegations can possibly be true, and yet he's being accused of ALL THREE! It's the most transparently obvious witch hunt anyone has seen in a long time. As I said before, it has already been laughed out of a Swedish court once.


  5. Nancy says:

    Lets hope the truth sets him free.

  6. Sansego says:

    Julian Assange makes me think of "V" in "V for Vendetta."

    I hope the truth about 9/11 and the Kennedy Assassination are part of the documents to be released.

    A rape charge is lame. When I was in the Navy, one sailor was telling a group of guys one night in berthing about his desire to meet a lady with a "rape fantasy." He described the scenario for us sailors to be intrigued by and laugh about. When he was done telling his rape fantasy, I asked him, "Why would you put yourself in that situation?" None of the guys understood my question, so I explained it to them. Even if he met a lady who had such a fantasy and they carried it out, he was setting himself up for trouble if the lady ended up regretting it and then claimed that she was indeed raped.

    Sex is usually a he said / she said thing where people support whomever they find more credible.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I hope if there's UFO stuff to divulge, that it's solid, mind-blowing.

    On countdown tonight, they reported that the sex charge in sweden is due to a broken condom.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Considering my encounter at an AFB with the ETs and military personnel, I certainly have some vivid ideas about what might be divulged surrounding the UFO business! cj

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's not what has been released that the powers-that-be are concerned about. It's what he hasn't released.

    Can't wait to see those diplomatic cables about UFOs. What could they hold?

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I don't think he's a mole, but I'm sure he'll be used as proof that the internet can no longer be a frontier of free flowing info.Off to check out that link, Daz.

  11. Brizdaz says:

    I hope Julian Assange is fair dinkum,but on the flipside,what if he is just a mole for the elite,to argue that people like him are a danger to world security,and that the internet needs something like the TSA to probe your blogs (ouch!) and e-mails.
    These two guys make a good point.


    I hope he is genuine,but what has he revealed that we already didn't really know?
    Until I see him drop a Watergate sized leek that brings a Government or institution down,I'll remain just a little skeptical.
    This may all be an exercise in getting the internet under the elite's thumb,just like they have always wanted.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cut off by Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, another organization it stepping up to the plate. They believe corporations should not have the right to decide where your $ goes.
    Here's the link:
    Donations to wikileaks can be made here.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Frankly, I think the man is a hero. I love that all these mirror sites are going up. It's an internet revolution about the lack of gov't transparency.

  14. Von says:

    Condom use or non use doesn't usually land people in goal!The Governments of the world want him detained and forever.Too much truth!
    So many mirror sites are springing up and so much support from those who respect truth seekers, it's very encouraging.

  15. Anonymous says:

    DJan, I could be wrong, but my intuition whispers that it's a trumped-up charge because the general public goes freaky over men who molest women (and who molest children, which of course he is not accused of doing). I sense it's a gov't attempt to turn the masses against him. Demonstrates the vileness of today's powers-that-be. IMO. cj

  16. DJan says:

    It seems he is getting a bad rap. I wonder if the sex thing is real or if he is being framed. I know so little and don't trust what I read.

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i've been following him too and was curious about his being denied bail in light of his having turned himself in, also, cj – but i think they are trying to teach a lesson in more ways than one – in any event, i'm betting on assange to carry out his threat to release –

  18. Anonymous says:

    I've been reading each new article as they appear, and they're coming hard and fast. He has world governments in a bind they won't be able to untangle by getting rid of him, IMO. He has too many followers and too many trusted allies who hold the info for him quite securely in the event something happens to him. This is such a wide-spread event of huge magnitude, and to deny him bail is unconstitutional unless, of course, they consider him to be a flight risk, but he DID turn himself in, so that would seem to be a moot point. Maybe he did that as a means of sending a message to his allies to release the information. We'll see what happens. Oh for God's sake look at this WV: "press" !!!!!!!!! Is that a synchro or is that a synchro! Once again I wonder if there is an invisible trickster placing these WVs! Geez…cj

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