UFO in Illinois

Whitley Striber’s site rates this video as an A. It’s impressive.

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25 Responses to UFO in Illinois

  1. Anonymous says:

    Gyps, from your description and the clear drawing of your viewing, I thought the craft appeared to have an hour-glass-type shape as opposed to a Star of David or Solomon's Seal shape, so I can't see any reference there to Judaism in your experience, either. And there have been other reprots of crafts shaped like that "hour-glass" you saw. They seem to travel by falling end-over-end though space. cj

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    brizdaz – and maybe since i'm not jewish, i didn't see the humor anyway –

  3. Cole says:

    Nancy I think you should keep a camera on your window sill, just in case! ;

  4. Anonymous says:

    Daz and Cole, thank you both for the positive nod regarding the writing of my manuscript. And Cole you are right. Even if it never reaches publication, the writing itself is therapeutic and is also a means of recording the events themselves. I try to stay completely honest, without adding or ommitting anything or exaggerating. The incidents, in and of themselves, are incredible enough without the need for exaggeration. Considering that I've reached those promised "golden years" (where are they?????) and have been interacting throughout all the decades with these entities and their craft, the manuscript is quite lengthy. The title for it came to me when I met a person who apparently is transgenic, a term coined by Budd Hopkins for entities who are "hybrids": who are part human, part ET; or who are part human and part something else, perhaps robotic, but definitely non-organic. This individual was very much in my life, coming and going, for years. The extraordinary experiences with him create a stand-alone book, so there are many chapters involving him, and he is represented by the "masquerade" word of the title. I don't want to instill fear of ET contact in other folks, or even fear of abduction. There
    is so much to be learned during these events, and even though they are life-altering and even though they impact every aspect of the experiencer, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, they do offer insights into realities that boggle the mind and allow us to comprehend that life is so much more convoluted and so much more expansive than it seems to be on its surface. I would not have CONSCIOUSLY chosen these encounters, but certainly on my soul's superconscious levels I DID choose the encounters. I'll feel it's all been worthwhile if full and open disclosure comes while I'm in this current life because, at least for me, when someone asks me what has been the worst part of these incidents, my response is decidedly the debunking and the derision and the disbelief, to the point where one begins to doubt one's own sanity. So every sighting which has credible witnesses lifts my spirits and brings hope for validation, and I've ultimately discoverd that sharing with others is a huge, positive help. I stayed sequestered in the closet with ET for far too much time, and will no longer do that. cj

  5. Jane says:

    WOW! Impressive! I haven't seen one since the 70s!
    Apparently we have been dealing with Ets since the 50s, hence our technological explosion. Eisenhower met with them & was so shocked it caused a heart attack. Hope govts come clean soon,but of course disclosure would make it difficult to manipulate religious wars for profit & re write not only religion but our History!

    Re the Assuage case,very sad that fascism,dishonesty and manipulation of justice applied again. I live in wales very near where Gary Mckinnon was confronted by the FBI after hacking into the pentagon & Nasa computers,they are illegally extraditing him to face charges in America. Why ? Because the info he hacked into proved we use non human ETS as astronauts! Check it out on Youtube! He has aspergers & a perfect right to be tried here in the UK,but irrelevant to the American authorities. Great Posts,Thank you Trish & Rob.

  6. Nancy says:

    Cole – In my case, I live in Nevada where there are frequent sightings. I have not seen another one since about eight years ago. We now live where I can see the entire skyline of Reno. I keep looking – especially where my daughter and I saw the one on the busy street, but so far nothing.

    Trish – I wonder about that too. Or did others see it and just not turn around as we did? But wouldn't they have pulled over? Although we didn't – just kept driving until I decided to flip a U and go back. By then it was gone. So maybe others did see it and just decided to go home and not talk about it. My daughter told a few friends who laughed, so she doesn't talk about it except to family. While we were looking at it she asked me – what is THAT? It took me a few seconds to say I thought it was a UFO. Even then it was sooo hard to believe. I wonder if people's minds just can't accept what they are seeing sometimes.

  7. Cole says:


    Wow, thank you too for the feedback. Well there is definite vindication and an element of security emotionally at least in hearing and knowing there are others who have or are and believe in the same experiences you speak of. I am sure the emotions you have over these experiences are very powerful and very complicated, so again I can only imagine. I do think time will be the factor as time brings us closer to knowing once and for all who is up there and why.

    Your book sounds very interesting and whether you publish it or not, it sounds like an excellent way to express, sort out your feelings over such incidences and as you said "cope". Good luck in its creation and special prayers to you for safe encounters.

  8. Cole says:


    A whole different perspective on life here, there and beyond yesterday, today and tomorrow – and how we "are" . I can only imagine! I have always wanted to see something first hand. When I was younger around 8 all the way through my early 20's I would camp. It became a game with my family and friends that I would no doubt be the first one to look up at any point throughout the evening into the star filled sky and instantly point out a satellite. I would watch the slow moving light arch through the heavens and pass other bright stars as it traveled. Hours later I would look up and again there would be another one. Sometimes I would say, "hey look", other times I would just watch it and try not to lose it amongst the stars. I always did. But there was always one above me passing by or so it seemed every time I looked up. How often do satellites circle around anyway?

    Hmmm…now you guys are making me think! And by the sound of CJ's comments I am not too sure that "they" would be such gracious hosts, so I just might take back my request for a sighting. Thanks for offering your feedback Gypsy.

    I would think witnessing something such as this couldn't help but begin to open one's mind up to the possibilities of greater things beyond ourselves.

  9. Natalie says:

    There will be more and more of them appearing. Eventually the naysayers will come face to face with them, and then they will KNOW about it. 🙂

  10. Anonymous says:

    "One Door Away From heaven"

    w.v. therhar

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I wondered about that, too. Couldn't find a date. I'll see if I can track it down.

  12. maggie's garden says:

    I'm curious to know when this happened. I didn't hear anything on the local news…and I don't live all that far from here. West of Highland Park actually….and the video did say it headed west.
    Lately at night I've been hearing a low pitch hum…unlike anything I can identify…other than it's not from inside the house. So when I saw this it totally freaked me out.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Cole, it would take a many-paged book to respond in depth to your questions, and I am actually in slow process of writing such a text, entitled "DOWN TO EARTH : ET Masquerade". It may not be finished before I'm gone, or may be published posthumously, if ever. I've been 'taken' since I was old enough to have valid memories, (age 4), so probably was taken since birth, and these takings have certainly impacted my life and my body, and the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of all that I am. My father was also an experiencer, as is my youngest son, so it has been a familial situation through generations in my family. The implications and ramifications are too many and diverse to attempt to explain. So I will simply say YES, the encounters in my circumstances have had life-altering effects that persist. My concepts of the natures of existence, reality, the universe, and of our species differ drastically from the norm
    as a result of interactions with ETs and their crafts. I do not consider them benevolent space-brothers…the New Age definition of them. That hasn't been my experience. I try to learn as much as I am able about the experiences as a means of understanding, and there are hundreds of thousands of us. We survive, and we cope, and my ultimate sense is that there is design and purpose in the events. It fills me with a genuine feeling of vindication that so many credible individuals are now having undeniable sightings! cj

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Our house debunker, Anonymous/Paul, is silent on this one. I guess it's tougher taking on five cops than a woman looking out her window.

    The evidence is mounting, these silent, black triangular vessels have been seen for at least 30 years.

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oops – typo above – the daytime ufo sighting was late 60s and not 50s – guess i was just in a 5's mood~

    wv = glyriver – glee river? 😉

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cole – in my own case, having witnessed these sightings all my life, it has never seemed "out of the ordinary" in a way – such sightings were discussed like every day things in my family – my father took us to area 51 sometime in the early 50s – we went to roswell – these were not unusual treks for us – so i've a bit of a different perspective from the beginning, given my unorthodox upbringing – now, in terms of impact of sightings, the daytime sighting when i was traveling by bus in the late 50s by far had the most impact upon me – there was a large element of fear associated with that sighting afterward – something i'd never experienced before – also, with that sighting, i was visited by MIBs who identified themselves as from wright-patterson – however, when i called WP, there was no one by their names there – shortly after this daytime sighting, i also experienced several other kinds of things with which i also associated a degree of fear – i've never felt as if we on earth were alone in the universe, or even here – in terms of spiritual inspiration, my NDE/OBE have been by far the most impacting in that regard – the knowing/experiencing other dimensions cannot help but lend a whole different perspective on life here there and beyond yesterday today and tomorrow – and how we "are" – sorry, i digress here – hope this answers at least in part what you were asking! 😉

  17. Cole says:

    Actually I could just ask that of Gypsy or CJ.

  18. Cole says:

    I saw this National Geographic series and was really impressed with this sighting since it was tracked by local officials that were willing to present the evidence of the night. With so many people who saw it from town to town along with police tracking it, it makes this case very credible. As far as shapes of UFOs, some of these shows have been describing a craft that is triangular shaped with lights along two sides as seen from underneath.

    I just wonder what effect it has had on these people's lives, has it changed them in anyway? I would be interested in knowing, if they have started carving mash potato towers or something (ok just kidding) but have they experienced other sightings since and what about on a mental level, any increase in dreams or feelings that you are not alone, or has it inspired anything on a spiritual level? Or caused any anxiety or just plain tucked away and forgotten about.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy, Gyspy, Connie, all of you who have seen these. Keep your cameras with you! Get photos!! Gypsy – love that WV!

    nancy, with your sighting, I have to wonder if the people who see them have perceptions that run differently than those of other people. Maybe it's like when oyu open the fridge looking for a container of yogurt, you just don't see it. Then your hubby or kid comes along and says, Hey, it's right in front of you!"

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    an incredible sighting – incredible! as i've commented here before, as a kid whose family traveled cross-country frequently, i [and my family] saw numerous flying objects in the desert night skies that were oblong or cigar-shaped – while my day-time sighting was of a craft donut-shaped with a glass dome [also viewed by a bus full of passengers and covered by local media], my most recent sighting was of a totally different shaped object, more like two triangles placed on top of each other [with the points in reverse order to each other] – and like this one, no sound at all – in any event, the bottom line is that people all over the globe have seen and continue to see similar objects – i think it's fair to say that mass hysteria, dreams, hallucinations, weather balloons, aircraft, blimps, swamp gas and whatever can safely be ruled out on at least a portion of those sightings, much to the chagrin of the naysayers out there! great post, macgregors!

    wv = ulastmen = you last men – now isn't that interesting???

  21. Nancy says:

    It looks similar to the one my younger daughter and I saw floating next to a fairly busy street about 8 years ago. Again, no sound. And what was so strange was that it was right there for all to see – but not everyone noticed it.

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    When I saw the video, I was floored by the whole thing. It's hard to dismiss it. There have been numerous reports about UFOs shaped like rectangles, cylinders etc, but this is one of the most convincing.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I sit here with hard chills running up and down my body watching this video. You know why, guys. And looking at it, hearing no sound whatsoever, it is a scene from CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, only real and tangible, not a movie. Much too close to my experiences. I never "hear" them when they come. I "feel" their sound. People asked me how a person "feels" a sound, and I can't answer because it can't be described. In any event, thank goodness there were several credible witnesses to this event, and I'd bet my life there will be more and more and more of these happening now. They seem to be allowing themselves to be observed all around the world with an ever-increasing frequency. No pun intended. And it validates those of us who are lifetime experiencers and who have been so dreadfully debunked. cj

  24. whalechaser says:

    This is the first reporting that I have read where the object is not saucer like…
    I guess we are definitely not alone after all!

  25. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    As you say: impressive. Difficult to disbelieve what is said.

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