A marshmallow treat


Here’s a synchro tale that comes from a French-Canadian ufologist and author, Jean Casault. Jean has been involved in the Quebec UFO encounter case that we’ve posted earlier this month. Here’s his story.


For the past two months, I have been working with a lady from a small village near Fatima in Portugal. She has had many experiences  –which are ‘phase 4 encounters,’ involving  paranormal activity of a poltergeist type, but not violent. We wrote to each other frequently.

So frequently that one day I was asking to myself : is it worth continuing?  As soon as I asked myself about it, she e-mailed me a story about a very strange and disturbing couple she met. It’s long and complicated, so I’ll just stick to the fact they were really strange.

She told me that one day she was invited into their house and they offered her something to eat. Strangely, it was a bowl of marsmallows served with a blue wine she had never seen before. Wow….I mean eek!

The next day I went to a radio station where I was invited to give an interview. I was still thinking about whether or not I should discontinue my contact with the woman as I arrived. So I got into the station and I know where to go because I have been there often. It’s a rock and roll radio station. They are all young with a rock type of face,  you know, and you can suspect they don’t drink coke, but sniff it.

I sat down and my eyes popped out when I saw a bowl of marhsmallows on the table.  Nobody was able to tell me what the hell these things were doing there. One guy even said, ‘We are not babies anymore and there is no campfire  in the studio.’

After that, I wrote the lady and told her the story. For us, it is clear we have to continue our work together.


A funny postscript. A couple of nights after Jean told me about the marshmallow synchro, I turned on the David Letterman Show. I very rarely watch Letterman, but on this particular night his guest was Keith Olbermann, who would explain why he has again gotten fired from a cable network.

Before the former CNN, Fox News, ESPN, MSNBC, and Current TV broadcaster appeared, Letterman’s desk was covered with packages of marshmallows in the shape of little yellow chicks called Marshmallow Peeps. They are apparently popular at Easter and it was Easter week. Letterman then proceeded to do his infamous Top Ten list, asking the question: What are the ten top questions asked on the Marshmallow Peeps hotline? If you’re interested, here they are. Enjoy…but keep it to yourself!

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6 Responses to A marshmallow treat

  1. Lawrence says:

    Interesting story, what would be the symbolism of marshmallows? Associated with spring, rebirth?

    OT but this is a strange coincidence that occurred to me the other day (and it’s one associated with events in the news), and I’m sure it’s mentioned on synchro blogs, yet I don’t have the time to seek ’em all out and peruse them all to see who’s remarked on it and who hasn’t.

    Firstly this coincidence is politically charged and I’m very much an apolitical person, so I hope people don’t misuse it to grind their own political axe, I don’t want to start a flame-war! It revolves around the whole Trayvon Martin death and the Zimmerman affair (I don’t have an opinion one way or another. Let there just be a free and fair trial is all I say, where both the prosecution and defense get to make their case. For what it’s worth I think both liberals and conservatives have misused this tragedy to further their own agendas and the hysteria that has built up around Martin’s death is unfortunate). Now to get past the politics please..

    The death of Trayvon Martin is one of the most racially charged incidents in the US since the Los Angeles riots of ’92, sparked by the beating of Rodney King. King has said he identifies with Martin, when interviewed by the media the other day. See the coincidence? Put the surnames of the two together, Martin King. Martin Luther King Jr of course is the symbol without compare of the civil rights struggle for African-Americans. Twenty years separate the Trayvon Martin killing from the LA riots (twenty-one years if you count it from the beating of Rodney King himself), which is separated by just over two decades from the assassination of Martin Luther King (twenty-three years from ’68 to ’91 the year of the beating itself). All the relevant incidents with all three men involved violence, two resulted in the death of the men concerned and even though Rodney King was not killed, the LA riots would see more than fifty people die.

    Will there be another racially charged and tragic incident in America involving a black/African-American man two decades from now with the name Luther? Just wondering..

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Really interesting connection, Lawrence! I missed that one. But then you really excel at these kinds of patterns.

      • gypsy says:

        i remember at some point or other during the height of this tragic story in the media, thinking of the martin and king connection – but it was a fleeting thought in the midst of my own personal life and i never went back to it – but these connections outlined above really are more than intriguing to consider –

        • Rob and Trish says:

          Jean Casault, who sent this synchro, notes this: “By the way blue wine exist althought it should not be called wine. It is made with blueberries instead of grapes. “Vin de bleuet”. Very popular in Lac St-Jean Québec.”

  2. I think I’ll stick to a glass of red, thanks. Never seen a blue wine only wine in blue bottles or with blue in their names. Who’d have thought a synchro and a message from marshmallows. But, there again, why not.

  3. Momwithwings says:

    That is really creepy, marshmallows and blue wine!? I think I would have left as quickly as possible!
    I have had those type of messages though, going to the radio station and seeing a bowl of marshmallow s, sometimes you don’t want to say thank you!

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