Seventh Born

Sometimes, synchronicities sneak up on you and catch you by surprise.

Rob recently submitted a young adult novel, Seventh Born,  to his new agent. In the novel, the protagonist, Merlina, is the seventh generation in a family of female psychics. Her ancestor, Angelique,  a Yoruba from Africa, predicted that the female born in the seventh generation would be the most powerful psychic. Her prediction, of course, turns out to be true.  That’s layer one of this story.

Here’s layer two:   The other night, my friend Millie and I exchanged readings. She’s the true psychic, I just read tarot cards. I invariably feel that I get the better end of this deal, a genuine psychic reading from a woman who is very accurate. She forces me to exercise my intuition when reading the cards for her. So one of my questions was if Rob’s new agent would sell Seventh Born.

“Oh, this is weird,” Millie says. “Just yesterday, that phrase came up in a conversation I had with a friend.”

“Really? In what context?”

“I’m the seventh born of a seventh born.”

“What?” I exclaimed. We’ve known Millie for 20 years, but never knew this fact about her.

“I was the seventh born in my family and my mother was the seventh born in her family.”

“And you’re psychic and so was your mom. And Rob’s book is about a teenager who is the most powerful psychic in seven generations of her family. I think this synchronicity bodes well for the sale of Rob’s book!”

“I think so, too,” Millie said.



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11 Responses to Seventh Born

  1. Here’s some fun!

    Youtube seventh son

    Mose Allison

    Willie Dixon

    Hopefully they are in the right order and they work…


  2. Nancy says:

    This book sounds great. Best of luck with it.

  3. gypsy says:

    LOVE the 7th of 7th etc etc stories – and it’s gotta mean good things for rob’s book! another one on the hit list!

  4. Reminds me of that classic letter Arthur Clancy sent to author Arthur Koestler following the publication of his book The Roots of Coincidence:

    I was born on the seventh day of the week, seventh day of the month, seventh month of the year, seventh year of the century.

    I was the seventh child of a seventh child, and I have seven brothers; that makes seven sevens.

    On my 27th birthday, at a race meeting, when I looked at the race card to pick a winner in the seventh race, the horse numbered seven was called Seventh Heaven, with a handicap of seven stone. The odds were seven to one. I put seven shillings on the horse.

    It finished seventh.

  5. Darren B says:

    The first thing that sprung to mind for me when I saw the image on top of this post was the blue neon cross on top of a local Brisbane church named
    “Our Lady of Victories”,which I wrote about on my blog;
    I have had a lot of syncs involving this church,even though I have never set foot inside it.
    I’ve always considered this cross a very good sign in my life,so hopefully it might prove to be a very good sign for Rob’s book as well.
    Maybe “Our Lady of Victories” might make a good subtitle in a “Seventh Born” book?
    That image above of the girl’s pale blue aura is a good representation of the power I always envisioned coming from the neon cross when I see it lit up on the Brisbane skyline at nightfall.
    I don’t know what it is about the blue cross,but I find it a very powerful symbol in my life for some reason,and I’m not a Christian

  6. DJan says:

    This is indeed a happy synchro. I look forward to hearing more about the sale of this book and do hope you will make ordering information available. Sometimes I struggle to figure out what to write in my comment to let you know how much I appreciate your blog and that I am a faithful reader.

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