The Quebec Encounter, part 4: Looking for Answers

The field behind the house.

Here is part 4 of the encounter. As the story continues, it moves beyond being a record of an experience with something strange and unknown. It focuses on how the encounter affects those involved and how the encounter triggers more unusual events.

In the aftermath, Charles remains distraught. He begins an investigation to find out if others living nearby saw the cones of light. In doing so, he makes a surprising discovery.


The next day… Tuesday March 29

I cannot say that I woke up, but rather stood up, since I did not sleep at all during the night. I was still afraid, acting like a coward. I walked upstairs with the baseball bat in my hand and took a quick look toward the patio door. The dog was not around. He stayed in the master bedroom, didn’t even move or ask to go out for his morning pee.

I got ready for work as usual and arrived on time. I was still very confused, depressed, and haunted by suicidal thoughts. I still felt the pressure in the head. I felt it constantly. I was crying and hiding in my office.  I had trouble focusing on my work.

Later that same day, I decided to leave the office early. I stopped at the college, picked up my daughter and drove home. As soon as we arrived home, I went behind the house and looked for clues or traces of what I had witnessed. I decided to jump across the ditch to the field where I searched for traces, anything disturbed or unusual. But there was nothing other than the frozen plowed ground. I looked toward the farm to the south, which was about a thousand feet away, not far, and wondered if the farmer had seen anything. Every morning after I get out of bed and let the dog out, the farmer is already in his barn. All the lights inside the barn are turned on and by then he’s probably already milking the cows.

I walked over to the farmhouse, greeted the farmer, and asked him if he had noticed lights or anything strange in the field yesterday morning around 5 a.m. By the look on his face, I quickly realized hat he had seen nothing. He asked, “What do you mean by lights and something strange?”

I didn’t want to tell him the truth and be pointed out as the village idiot. So I said: “I saw some people on ATVs riding on the field near the ditch and thought they could have been thieves at that time of day.” I left, disappointed that he hadn’t seen anything.

I then decided to visit another neighbor. After greeting the man, I asked what time he usually got up for work. He said between 5 and 5:30 a.m. I asked about yesterday morning and he said he’d gotten up at 5:30. “Did you see anything strange yesterday morning behind the house in the field?

He said he didn’t remember if he had looked behind the house. That was when his wife, Erica, called out from the basement. “What? Have you seen a UFO?” She wasn’t laughing. In fact, she sounded nervous.

Again, I decided against telling what I’d seen. I told them the same story about the ATV riders that I told the farmer. But Erica asked the same question again. “Have you seen a UFO? I know that’s it. Tell me, is that what you saw?”

I hesitated and she added: “This is weird because a couple weeks ago, one of my cousins who I haven’t seen for years, and he’s never come here, called us. He claims he is a medium, but we always thought that he was just a weirdo. He became that way after his mother passed away. He said that his Beings of Lights told him that it could be possible that we will witness strange lights appearing very soon. He said not to be afraid that they are good and harmless.

Finally, I said that I did not know exactly what I had seen and told them not to talk about this in the town. I left and went back to my house.

When I got back home, I started telling my wife about my quick investigation and even told her about the neighbor’s weirdo cousin. But honestly, I was still thinking at this time that it could not be possible. There had to be an explanation. I did not want to believe in aliens or Beings of Light—especially not in my backyard! Poor me, UFOs did not exist for me before March 28.

The cousin’s comments were strange, but they didn’t scare me at all. After all, he was supposed to be a weirdo!

Not more than 10 minutes later, the phone rang. It was Erica, the neighbor, and she told me that she had just called her cousin, Henri, and told him that we might have seen UFOs. He told her to tell us not to be afraid. His Beings of Lights knew they (the lights) were coming and he told her that I could call him, if I wanted, and she gave me his phone number.

I thought I had nothing to lose by contacting the medium, but Helene was against it. “You are still in shock. I don’t think it would be a good idea. Please be careful,” she added when she saw that I was still going to make the call. I wanted to understand what happened and I was willing to get information any way I could. So I picked the phone.

After I explained who I was, Henri greeted me and asked how I was doing. Instantly, I started crying. I told him that I was so afraid. I was desperate and exhausted. He told me not to be afraid, that there are good and bad ones. But those that came into my backyard were good. He seemed to go into a trance, and talked on and on, and I wondered how I could end the conversation.

Finally, I interrupted and said, “Henri, why me?” After a silence, he replied, “Because you are down to earth.”

“What happened when I blacked out? Where is that lost time?”

“They did not want you to see some things.”

“What do they want from me?”

“Give yourself time. It will all come up to you. Give yourself time and be receptive.”

When I asked if his Beings of Light were the ones in my backyard, he said, no. I was becoming confused. I didn’t understand who these Beings of Light were. He wanted to talk to me in person, and we agree to meet at the house on April 4.

After I hung up, I thought Helene might have been right. Maybe I shouldn’t have called him. Was he really a medium? I didn’t know. I started regretting the plans to meet him. In spite of everything he said, I didn’t feel any better. I was still afraid.


Coming next: Spot’s story.


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15 Responses to The Quebec Encounter, part 4: Looking for Answers

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    IMHO, I have acquired a somewhat firm conviction that there are at least three groups of EDs (extra-dimensionalas, or ETs (extra-terrestrials) interacting with the human species. One group is ominous and has an agenda to annihilate our species. One group is neutral: has its own agenda with no particular intent to harm us but if we are harmed in their pursuit of their agenda, oh well. One goup is extremely highly evolved and has the best interests of our species as its agenda….an agenda of protection and parenting and care-giving. It seems group One far out-balances the other two in terms of making contact, but that may or may not be true. The others may be making “unaware” contact more than “aware” contact. I have reasons for my convictions; too many to delve into. But thas my story and I’m stickin’ to it! (Without meaning to sound flippant, because there’s nothing funny or flippant about the Bad Guys.)

  2. Nancy says:

    I have to wonder about beings that do things to us against our will. I’m not sure I can buy the idea that they are benevolent. On the other hand, I believe there are many ET races that are interacting with our planet – and from what research is showing – only one seems to be involved with abductions.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    If we don’t find something positive and life-affirming in the often-horror of these experiences, we can’t survive them intact because in our overt consciousness, we don’t own a space to put them; there is no compartment in our human species where these experiences can be placed. There is no doubt in my mind that I have had encounters with the worst of the worst, and with the best of the best, of these entities, whatever they may be, and I hold on tightly to those experiences that are the best of the best. Without these, I would have long ago been put in permanent lockdown. I have released my fears and somehow understand that somewhere within each of us, the answers lay buried. And so we DO have a space for the experiences. We just don’t know how to dig deeply enough to find that space. With this recognition has come. at least for me, a kind of peace with the encounters. After all, what can they do but destroy my body and attempt to destroy my mind and control me? They can’t destroy my Soul. They can’t destroy my Essence. Knowing this, I no longer fear them. But…..
    it has taken me a lifetime to reach this acceptance and peace. I have the conviction that once this body is shed, the answers will be revealed. Til then…..we wonder, and wait, and share when we are able.

  4. gypsy says:

    so, are you guys writing the book and the screenplay???

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Am waiting impatiently for the next chapter. Coincidentally (?????), the movie CONTACT was on AMC this morning, and I happened to catch it right from the beginning even though I own it. I sat and watched it, yet again. It never fails to give me a sense of hope; a sense of “BELONGING” to something that is so much bigger, so much richer, so much better and more perfect than we pitiful humans. But bak to Spot….can’t wait, and am sending out good thoughts that he’s OK now.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      >>>It never fails to give me a sense of hope; a sense of “BELONGING” to something that is so much bigger, so much richer, so much better and more perfect than we pitiful humans.

      But Charles did not see his CONTACT in that framework, not at all. His fear and depression did not give way to wonder and awe…at least not for a long time. Much more to come.

      • Darren B says:

        That’s why I loved the COSMOS series.It never fails to give me a sense of wonder and Sagan never fails to project that sense of wonder in the series.He was a very spiritual person,even though publicly he never claimed to be a believer,privately I’m sure he was,even if he had his left brain doubts.
        You couldn’t write a story like CONTACT if you didn’t believe,if even just a little bit.I think his beliefs were on a mental questioning see-saw,which he could never quite balance in his earthly mind,but he left a great legacy with his wonderful (literally wonderful,that is) work.
        I count him amongst the believers,even if he didn’t believe.-)

        Which reminds me of that great Lenny Kravitz video “Believe”
        where he is floating in space like a character out of
        “2001:A Space Odyssey” ;
        Great clip and a great song.
        And talking of great songs,I’m of to Byron Bay to catch Crosby,Stills and Nash plus Buddy Guy and a host of other great singers play Bluesfest…can’t wait.

        Happy Easter to everybody in ‘Synchrosecrets’ land.
        ….and for the skeptics who may be reading this comment and think I would “believe” in anything…no,I don’t believe in the Easter Bunny…but that does remind me to watch
        “Donnie Darko” again over Easter.-)

  6. gypsy says:

    a book in the least – but a great movie, too! the layers just keep on layering – and the players keep adding up – interesting the remark that there are “good and bad ones” – and as mike noted, always good advice to be open/receptive – waiting impatiently now for next installment…

  7. It’s a great story, I can see a book here! Can’t wait to hear what happens with the medium (oh, and spot’s story, of course). “Give yourself time. It will all come up to you. Give yourself time and be receptive” – that seems good advice.

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