Mercury Retrograde Update

Trish in her
 yoga prime…

I decided to test Mercury Retrograde, and waited to shop for gifts until Dec. 10, the first day of MR. My plan was to go to World Market, a import store similar to Pier One, but larger.

I wanted to buy cushions for our kitchen chairs. The present ones are old, stained, or ripped. I knew World Market stocked them, because that’s where I bought the ones I wanted to replace. So this would be a MR challenge. According to MR, expect glitches, delays, miscommunication, confusion. If they didn’t have any cushions in stock or not the right colors or style, I would concede that the experience fit the MR conditions.

But not everything goes wrong in MR. This morning, in fact, we heard from a writer friend you just received a $25K check from her publisher, but doesn’t know what it’s for, since there was no paperwork accompanying it, and the sum was exactly $25K. So it didn’t look like a handsome royalty check, which might be $25, 312.33. Well, since there’s some confusion around the check, it is a MR experience–but a positive one.

But back to the World Market and those cushions. I parked in the lot and walked past Best Buy and a couple other large box stores en route to my destination. I noticed workmen huddled around the door and figured they were making repairs. As I approached, I saw that they had chiseled a three-foot deep hole right at the entrance, which was strange. Then I looked past them and….what? The building was vacant. The World Market had disappeared. I backed off and saw the shadow of the old sign. Yes, I had the right location. But I thought I’d seen the sign last week from the road. Yeah, last week when Trish said it was a good time for shopping before Mercury Retrograde set in.

So there it is. No cushions…no store!

P.S. Here’s an interesting article detailing a scientific study in support of astrology. Thanks Jane C.
 – R

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27 Responses to Mercury Retrograde Update

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So merc retro delivered, Daz! We lost power this morning for an hour.

  2. Brizdaz says:

    I finally received my Amazon package yesterday with "Esperanza" and
    Pete Levenda's "Unholy Alliance" in it.
    I just have to find time to read them,now.

  3. Sansego says:

    I used to love Pier 1 Imports…until I discovered World Market, which offers cheaper products.

    I wish I received a check for $25k in the mail! I could pay off all my debts and go on a nice vacation to Australia for a month!

    The stories about Mercury Retrograde are interesting, but I'm still not convinced its "true". I haven't noticed anything truly out of whack.

    wv: scris

  4. Natalie says:

    Good story, Rob. It made me smile, thankyou.

    Trish ~ I am happy that photo is not you, I won't feel obliged to step in and take over when her arm gets tired. 🙂

  5. Nancy says:

    Wait – just read the comment from Trish about the pic not being her … darn, I thought it was something to aspire to. 🙂

  6. Nancy says:

    First of all – Trish – Wow! Pretty darn impressive.

    That cracks me up – not only did they not have the right cushions – no store! So far I haven't had any bad things happen, mostly only good ones. A check in the mail from USAA, a little rebate from our insurance company, which was almost the same amount we sent out to charitable organizations yesterday. Thank you, Universe!

  7. Brizdaz says:

    "who said that"'s comments

    Hi Simon,
    I couldn't agree with you more.

    Cheers / Darren

    WV = rexuv (wrecks you)?

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    uh, so did i mention my computer hard drive was making weird noises all day – i didn't even realize what it was for a while, just noticed something was bugging me, distracting me, and then realized it was the tower – so – i just reached over and "tapped" it gently – and voila' – noise stopped –

    cole's comment reminded me that i had to reschedule my maintenance attention for my car this morning – now i'm holding my breath!!! 😉

    how many more days???????

  9. Anonymous says:

    pretty high density half hour here

    w.v. "log"enned

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cole – it's not my body! Don't know where rob got that pic.

    Susan Miller (who's a fanatastic astrologer) recommends waiting till after 1/15 – by then, Merc will be past the degree at which it turned retro.

  11. "who sad ...... that" says:

    hello Bridaz,, from a comment of yours back a couple of days ago,, about govermments being run by corporations,, yeah there the ones with the bucks and business sense and the motivation to get in volved (many have known this for a long time),,,, profit oriented,, course,, there a new word out there and I wish the hell I "coined" it,, that word is "sustainability",, but on the subject of 1 world goverment,, in some circles talk like this can get a guy hurt,, so therefore………. but seems to me and my stupid little opinion is that "sooner or later" it would become "NECESSARY" for the world to B more unified… Personnally I don't by the defeatist attitude that that's impossible,, also the attitude that the world will always have it's "poverty",,,, but how to make it work WELL???

  12. Cole says:

    Well our family's car is having all sorts of problems too and it is only 5 years old! I drive it, but mostly only to and from my kid's school and shopping, so it isn't enough to create such wear and tear, yet it is running poorly. Just about to finish paying it off too! Isn't that the way! So we have been deciding over the past two weeks whether or not to just get rid of it as the electrical problems that are in need of repair are mounting up along with much needed new tires and long winter still ahead of us. I told my husband we should really way the pros and cons of selling it and the MR thing. To which I got a look like, come on really?!!! Then a giggle as he deep down believes in everything I say and suggest, Ha. So after last night's drive home accompanied by a whirring noise coming from under the hood of the car, we've decided to dump the car and go foreign. But my husband decided maybe we should wait until December 30th after all! LOL. Of course this could be more of a "Dodge" thing than Mercury Retrograde, but we are playing it safe just in case! 😉

    Too funny the picture, wait I think I have one just like it! I wish, I don't think my body ever could move like that then or now. Take care.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, Mike, astro wisdom says if you placed the orders before Merc retro, you should be in the clear! Daz – I meant to thank you for the addressing whoever it was who mentioned the typos in 7 Secrets. I thought your response was great. The truth is that we had to change back a lot of stuff that was rewritten in copyediting and it's a miracle every page doesn't have a typo!

  14. Brizdaz says:

    "Ah, so that's why my Amazon order has been delayed. Just hope their warehouse is still there!"

    Mike,my Amazon order is taking forever to get here,too.
    And it has Trish's book "Esperanza" in it.

    …and I'm trying not to lose HOPE.-)

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    D, Gypsy, I think you two have the baddest Merc retro stories!

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey, synchronicity, Marguerite! Less than an hour ago, I did just that – ordered the cushions on-line from World Market. – R

  17. Marguerite says:

    Just go on the World Market website and order the chair cushions online! MR has been wrecking havoc with my computer. My hard drive keeps disappearing and other strange happenings. lol That's great about your friend receiving that big mystery check. Who cares why! And that pic of Trish is incredible!!

  18. d page says:

    Merc retrograde is a good time to upgrade communication or travel equipment. I've bought 2 new (better quality) computers during Merc retro in the past, and no problem..
    This retro is wreaking havoc, because the work on our home (after 2 major floods) is supposes to be complete. The contractors left several areas a mess (tile grout in dishes, cement and wood film all over everything, primer on the corners, hot water heater spatter on walls and counters.) There seems to be a problem w/ getting a response or having a meeting. We have their final check, still.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Cuz, when you locate the shovel, please send another one over my way! I'm looking for the good stuff, too! And try HomeGoods! It's fantastic with oodles of terrific items from virtually everywhere, at great prices! Huge store. Why did Merc decide to go retro during Christmas! Bah humbug. Scrooge planet! Love this WV: "plobes" The WV trickster seems to be trying to bring chuckles today! Or maybe I'm just in a silly frame of mind and everything is hitting my funnybone! cj

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yeah, i was thinking along the lines of shadow for a moment – you know, "honey, i went to the store to get those cushions we need but when i got there the store had just disappeared! no, really, it had! really!!!" too tooooooo absolutely hilarious!!!

    and just yesterday my daughter cindy came in with bags full of goodies for a friend – from – yes, both world market and pier 1 – the thing was, though, that she isn't supposed to go to either of those shops without me!!!! my all-time favorite shopping places!!!

    in addition to my own early merc retro "bank atm ate nearly $400 of my money and i don't have it back yet" horror story, just the other day my washer totally quit working –

    i'm just waiting on the good one, guess i've not dug deeply enough yet – now, where did i put that silly shovel!!!

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That photo isn't me in my prime or any other time!

    Car troubles, delayed books, but there's good stuff, too. You just may have to dig deeper to find it!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Hee hee! Love this story! World Market is my 2nd favorite store (HomeGoods is my #1), but we have no World Market here so we drive to Jax, where there are several. At the moment I have three Christmas tea-light burners burning apple-cinnamon candles, from World Market, filling the house with fragrance! (Synchronicity with the blog subject?) I'm afraid I might have a conniption-fit (we southern folks know what a coniption-fit is!) if our World Market stores disappeared. Merc being retro makes me fearful of sending a very important gift in the mail tomorrow. It's not being sent very far, but is important, and with old Mercury turning his back on us, I'm afraid something might happen to it, and it can't be replaced! Oh gosh Mike, I ordered the gift from Amazon and it is due to arrive via UPS tomorrow! Like you, I hope Amazon doesn't disappear, or the brown delivery trucks don't get snowed in! Our vehicles are being affected by MR. Water pump in my Durango went out on the 10th and must be replaced….argghhh…and the heater in hubby's work van quit….and my computer lost its sound yesterday, as did my sister's in Missouri. Of course she's in the midst of the blizzard path which could account for her electronic issues, but all we have here are high winds and frigid temps. Computer sound is back on today. Hope Mercury faces us again soon! Oh, love that yoga pic. My bones groan in agony when I look at it, though! WV: "kraliggl"
    'krack up giggle' cj?

  23. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Ah, so that's why my Amazon order has been delayed. Just hope their warehouse is still there!

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Another element of Mercury Retrograde is that actions taken sometimes will need to be revisited. After finding the World Market had disappeared, I walked down to Sports Authority, bought something for Trish and Megan, and also a pair of workout pants and long-sleeved workout t-shirt for myself – since we were hit with a cold spell in South Florida.

    Once home, I tried them on and even though the size on the label was my size, neither fit. So the next day I revisited Sports Authority, returning the goods, and in doing so walked past the vacant World Market.

  25. Shadow says:

    no store?!?!?! used as an excuse for not getting them, no-one would ever believe you, heee heee heeee

  26. DJan says:

    I've had many experiences like this during MR, and sometimes it's been so pronounced and I hadn't paid attention. Coming home and checking the calendar confirmed it: yep, Mercury Retrograde!

    BTW, feel free to repost the "Destiny" post. I don't have your email or I would have responded directly.

  27. Brizdaz says:

    "No cushions…no store!"

    What a pain in the a** that excursion turned out to be.-)

    Just goes to show you that you can't rest on your laurels during a Mercury Retrograde…not comfortably,anyway.-)

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