Category Archives: mercury retro

Mercury Retro Check-in

Map of Orlando’s Sea World I’m kind of curious about this. Midway through the Mercury retro, what sorts of experiences have you had? Ours have been varied – some that were expected, some not. Since this retro falls on the … Continue reading

Posted in mercury retro, synchronicity | 23 Comments

Mercury Retro and the Debt Ceiling

    It’s that time of year again. Mercury, the planet of communication, is due to turn retrograde on August 2. Unfortunately, this is the same day that the deadline looms for raising the debt ceiling of the U.S. For … Continue reading

Posted in merc retro, mercury retro, politics, synchronicity | 38 Comments

Positive Side of Merc Retro

from DeviantArt This has been an odd Mercury retrograde – Internet problems, communication snafus of various types, electronic challenges. But in the midst of  it, we recognized three positive incidents that are worth mentioning. The first one involved our homeowner’s … Continue reading

Posted in mercury retro | 20 Comments

Mercury Retrograde Update

Trish in her yoga prime… I decided to test Mercury Retrograde, and waited to shop for gifts until Dec. 10, the first day of MR. My plan was to go to World Market, a import store similar to Pier One, but … Continue reading

Posted in mercury retro | 27 Comments

Mercury Retrograde Alert

Think of Mercury as the trickster. This little planet rules travel, conscious thought, communication, books, writing,  computers, facts, education, and a whole host of other things – lungs, liars, nerves, language, even keys. Three times a year, it turns retrograde … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, mercury retro | 25 Comments

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. In mythology, it’s associated with Hermes, the winged messenger of the gods, of commerce, trade, and travel. In astrology, Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo, and governs communication, travel, education. … Continue reading

Posted in astrology, mercury retro | 23 Comments