Hello from Doggie Heaven

Meet Essie, a fox hound who got tired of running after foxes and was rescued by Lydia and her husband. Essie’s health deteriorated last year and she passed on. This story illustrates how our animal friends communicate with us after death.
Once Essie’s sense of smell deteriorated it was often hard to coax her to eat.  Some days eggs were great, then not so good for a week.  Liver was rejected for days, then gobbled down.  I was a short order cook!  

Anyway, she also started eating dirt, tree bark and sometimes the loose stones from the driveway (that started when I spilled some bone meal in a certain spot, then became a habit.)  The vet gave me vitamins for her, just in case it was a nutritional deficiency, but that didn’t make any difference.  Basically, we just shook our heads and tried to keep the rock eating to a minimum! The driveway has stone that’s  like a loose macadam – it’s not smooth stone like you’d find in the yard.  Sometimes she’d throw some of them up when she vomited.  The appeal of these rough, scratchy stones was a great mystery.

Well, a few days after she died, I stepped on one single piece of this rock on the rug in our master bedroom closet.  To my knowledge, she’s never vomited in there.  I had never found any stones in there before.  Maybe nothing, but I chose to take it as a little doggie hello from the other side.  I hope so.
Thanks to DJan and CJ for alerting us that the type didn’t show on this!

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7 Responses to Hello from Doggie Heaven

  1. rosaria says:

    A beautiful story! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  2. maggie's garden says:

    Sweet Essie. She wants to be noticed.
    I lost my Russian Blue cat about 2 years ago…and often I see him as a shadow in the house. It's just a quick glimpse…and I'm certain he's stuck around. Love our pets…they're so loyal.
    Cute story. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Thanks for a very interesting year at your blog. I've enjoyed visiting. It's one of the first places I hit each day. I also appreciate your visits and comments on my blog…it's nice being blog friends with you. Good health and well wishes in 2011 to you both. And best of luck to Megan in her new endeavors for the new year with the dolphins.
    Peace and love,

  3. Natalie says:

    In terms of mediumship, animals communicate just as well as people. I think Essie did a good job, putting her 'sign' there for Lydia.

  4. Nancy says:

    I have several doggie and kitty friends I'm looking forward to seeing again someday. Nice post. RIP, Essie.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, how absolutely beautiful! and i'm certain it really was essie saying she's still there with her humans! great story!

  6. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    A touching story. I'm sure we'll meet up with our family animals in some way, one day.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks to Mike, too, for alerting us to this!

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