Who is Santa Claus?

A Medieval depiction of St. Nicholas (above)

An 1886 painting of Norse God Odin (right)

Supposedly, St. Nicholas of Myra is the primary inspiration for  the jolly red-suited sleigh driver and gift-giver. He was a 4th century Greek Christian bishop of Byzantine Anatolia (now Turkey).

But let’s go back farther in time to the pagan days and the Germanic god Odin. When the Germanic people were Christianized, it’s believed they carried forward elements of their pagan heritage, surviving now in the form of Santa Claus.

Let’s take a look at the evidence. Odin supposedly participated in the Germanic holiday, Yule, by leading a hunting party across the sky. The Prose Edda, written by 13th century writer Snorri Sturluson, described Odin riding an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir that could leap great distances, which could be compared to Santa’s reindeer. Odin was also referred to by several names, which meant ‘long beard’ and one name that meant ‘Yule figure.’

According to Phyllis Siefker, children would place their boots–filled with carrots, straw or sugar–near the chimney for Odin’s flying horse, Sleipnir, to eat. Odin would then reward the children by replacing Sleipnir’s food with gifts or candy. Siefker maintains that the practice continued in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium in post-pagan times and became associated with St. Nicholas in a syncretism of pagan and Christian traditions.

So, if Santa is a pagan at heart and we look at the ‘truth’ about paganism, as proselytized by fundamentalist Christians, then we better jumble those letters around: S-A-N-T-A = S-A-T-A-N= Satan! There you have it, folks.That’s what we call a Mercury Retrograde Merry Christmas from the MacGregor clan! Up is down, and down is up. A reality play.

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12 Responses to Who is Santa Claus?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Terri….that one takes the prize!!
    Merry Christmas again to all! cj

  2. terripatrick says:

    The Saint Nick tradition was my hubbies preference and our girls loved putting their shoes outside their bedroom doors to find them full of treats in the morning. Until one year those shoes filled with chocolate after bedtime were mysteriously empty in the morning.

    Our new dog had issues that day, and included expressing colored foil around our yard. Hence the new family term, Hershey squirts…

    Merry Christmas to all to all a good night!

  3. Nancy says:

    Well there you have it! Merry Yule!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hey cousin!!! nearly missed you tonight cause i was looking up at all those purple and green polkadot piggies flyin' overhead!!! merry merry to you!!!

    oh, love this wv – EVERON – ever on!!! absolutely! ever on!

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    LOL LOL rob, your humor just "sleighs" me!!!

    but, you know, i'm thinking SC might need to be lookin' out for MINE!!! 😉

  6. Anonymous says:

    The fundamentalist Christians, and Christians in general, refer to pagans as satanists but of course we are not satanists. Pagans do not recognize or acknowledge a satanic figure. Be that as it may, Merry Meet and Merry Part to all, and to all, a good night!! 😉 cj

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yeah, Gyps, watch out for Santa Claws tonite! – R

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    another great story – no surprise as it's always curiouser and curiouser over at the macgregor's, says alice, through the looking glass, as purple and green polkadot piggies float overhead!

    merry merry to all!

  9. Natalie says:

    Merry Christmas Guys!
    One of my kids has been calling Santa, 'Satan' all evening. The night before he dressed up as Hitler for a party. I guess that is a small synchro from my child whose name happens to be Nicholas.

    Have a beautiful celebration.♥


  10. d page says:

    Trish & Rob,
    Happy Holidays (or Holly-days) to you and all your readers!

  11. DJan says:

    Interesting post. I didn't know that history, so it comes as no surprise that there is a historical reason for Santa's reindeer and sleigh. I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas, merry and bright, filled with light and love.

  12. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Interesting post.

    There is a photo of Hitler, from Christmas 1941, where he's sitting by a Christmas tree but had replaced St.Nicholas with Odin. He supposedly urged the Germans to celebrate the season as a holiday of the 'winter solstice' rather than Christmas.

    Have a great Christmas everyone.

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