Close call in the hometown

Jane Clifford of Wales sends us this synchro related to an excursion in late February to the village where she grew up, Chester, U.K. It involves her and her son, Harry Keyworth, an up and coming British musician. Listen to him above. He’s very talented.


Harry had a concert in Chester, U.K., the city of my paternal ancestors going back many centuries, so there was no way I was going to miss it. When up north,  I stay in Shropshire and drive the 40 minutes to Chester.

In the past, I’ve had two near fatal accidents, near misses at what I have come to call, the jinxed junction. It’s on the edge of the village where one takes a slip road onto another motorway which leads to the village in a five-minute drive. It’s where I grew up and where my mother still lives in the same house.

The last time we were there many months ago we were heading back to Shropshire, not planning on visiting the village. But Harry made a silly mistake at the junction so we ended up on the village roundabout to get going in the right way.

After his concert, we were heading for Shropshire again and at the last second  he ended up on the wrong slip road again going the wrong way, headed back towards the village. I began to wonder just what kept causing us to be heading for the village when we didn’t want to go there.

This time he asked me if he could he do a U-turn to correct the fault. Quite stupidly and inattentively I said ,”I think so” and suddenly we found ourselves facing two lanes of oncoming traffic, all coming off a big roundabout. The first vehicle coming at us was an oil tanker. I saw the potential for a head-on collision and a pile up.

I was terrified that we were about to be killed. That’s when my higher self said, You can change the outcome with the energy you are giving it. Surreneder and trust and think of Harry’s brilliant musical career that he is establishing.

I then accessed the generations past- my ancestors –  and glimpsed Harry’s future, which confirmed for me that we were going to be all right. That allowed me to surrender with grace and faith. Harry suddenly cut across a kerb/ledge to avoid the crash. It all happened fast and as he corrected the situation I felt this incident correct something for my ancestors. It was very bizarre, like changing the blueprint or correcting a frequency distortion, some would say a “karmic release.”

His concert was also a karmic release. It took place in the area of  village where my mother had a very unhappy and difficult time. When her parents separated, it meant she went from being the children of a squadron leader in the RAF to being with her mother in a grotty bedsit on the wrong side of town. It was tough and, even worse, the man her mother had fallen in love with that caused the separation was killed in action. In the aftermath of the losses, she died young of stomach cancer.

Yet when Harry’s angelic songs floated out that night, I think there was a karmic release of some sort, followed by our near miss at the jinxed junction. It looks like my mother’s house will be sold this summer and I won’t have to travel the jinxed junction again! I wonder if something awful happened there to my ancestors, which left some sort of imprint.


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9 Responses to Close call in the hometown

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    I know we discussed it here on the blog, and I just re-read SYNCHRONICITY AND THE AFTERLIFE again a couple of days ago and it was there as well.

    Don survived in inexplicably excellent health, miraculously; Patsy conceived their son Lance; and when Lance wasn’t quite a year old, the second crash happened and Don died, that time permanently. If I hadn’t assisted Patsy with the insurance forms both for both crashes and seen the police accident reports with my own eyes, I would never in a million years have believed the details of those accidents.

    What are the odds of someone having a car crash not only in the exact same place at the exact same moment in time, just exactly two years after the first crash? The only differences were that he was driving a Mustang the first time and a Grand Prix the second time, and in the first crash all his bones were broken and in the second crash there wasn’t a scratch on his body but he sustained a fatal closed-head injury. And did Patsy’s desperate pleas to the Universe begging Don be allowed to live so that she could have his child change the original script?

    My husband’s older brother suffered a massive brain-bleed while hospitalized for a heart attack. They had administered heparin, which is protocol, but the heparin caused not a small stroke, but an unprecedented enormous brain bleed with immediate brain swelling. He died. He was placed on full life-support and because he had no living will or advanced directives, the neurologists asked the family to make a decision whether or not to keep him on life support because there was absolutely NO chance of recovery.

    The family did not want the plug pulled, so for three weeks he lay in intensive care, dead. If the respirator in his trach was taken away, his heart wouldn’t beat and he would flat-line. He was DEAD, with just his body functions being kept functioning via mechanical means. My husband’s family and friends are fundamental evangelican Christians and they formed constant prayer circles. This was five years ago.

    Today, my BIL lives, drives, thrives… a certain extent. He didn’t come out of it completely intact. He has aphasia: his brain is able to think words coherently but the synapses between the thoughts and expressing them verbally have a break. Other than that, now at age 82, he is remarkably OK. Did the prayers change the original plan? Or did his soul decide it wasn’t time yet for him to leave? Or was he supposed to survive anyway? There are no definitive answers to these questions. We refer to these kinds of incidents as “miracles”. And they are. But what lies underneath the miracles? We wonder…….

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Reminds me of our friend “D” who crashed his car on a curve in Atlanta, was pronounced dead, survived, and two years later to the second, hour, minute, date, had a second crash in a different car on this very same curve and suffered a closed-head injury that killed him. That curve is called “dead man’s curve”, and it’s in a busy part of suburban Atlanta. These kinds of things stretch our credulity when they occure, don’t they! Creepy and eerie. Good post. Not my kind of music, but still lovely.

  3. gypsy says:

    yes, neat music sounds – and loved the story – reminds me, of course, of the night of nights in texarkana when my sister died and i became lost for hours in a town i know so well –

  4. Interesting story. I’m sure some places ‘store’ emotional happenings of the past – so maybe at that particular junction. (Though didn’t quite understand the U turn bit). Very pleasant video.

  5. Beautiful music! Thanks for posting this.

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