Written in Stone

This story comes from Kevin who lives in the Southwest and likes to hike through rugged desert-mountain country for not only exercise, but a meditation in motion.


It happened on a Monday when I was nearly done with my hike and I was having a pensive moment. I was thinking “who am I? what will I do with the rest of my life? Will I follow my soul’s desires or what?”

Right then, as I walked on, there on the trail in front of me was a bunch of stones. But not just random strewn. They were arranged to make the letters “KM.” My initials! 

At first I just said, “Huh, would ya look at that.” I think I took about two or three steps further (that’s my boot print right in between the letters) and stopped. Who put them there? How long had they been there? Nobody else was around.

It was as if my inner questions about my life were reflected in stone on the trail.  I turned around and took a couple quick pictures of the initials. Of course, they could’ve been anyone’s initials. But they were also mine, laying there for me to find. ‘Wow’ seems wholly inadequate. Wholly.

I feel unbelievably elevated today.


Good one, Kevin. You found yourself treading the trail of your life. Maybe the message was that you’re on the right path and to keep moving, and see what’s around the next turn.

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12 Responses to Written in Stone

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    Lauren, I hope sharing my Yellow Butterfly poem with you wasn’t insensitive or inappropriate. Your current experience with Glenn just touched me so deeply and brought back the memories of my first enounters with yellow butterflies. Collette died in the middle of Winter, and butterflies aren’t out in Winter. Yet less than an hour after she transitioned, a beautiful yellow butterfly…the first time I’d ever seen that particular color…appeared and kept flitting back and forth outside my glass frontdoor. I got up and walked to the door, and there were about a dozen or more yellow butterflies quite literally dancing everywhere in the air. I just KNEW in my heart that these tiny miracles, these tiny mysteries of Life were Messengers from the world of Spirit, and that Collette was among them. It brought such peace to me.
    Concerning the tragic circumstances with Glenn, and the ordeal you are facing as you attempt to legally have the medical community finally release his physical body from its mechanical “breath of life” that isn’t life at all…as a Hospice RN I’ve watched similar situations unfold, and they are simply soul-wrenching. It reminds us to make certain we put our wishes in place in the form of a living will or advanced directives and assign someone durable power of attorney to make that decision if and when the time comes. I’m thinking of you and sending you so much empathy and special thoughts of love and strength as you face this dilemma. It is surely among our most challenging decisions and responsibilites. Again, blessings to you and to Glenn.

  2. Natalie says:

    Cool post about Kevin.
    Fly high, Glenn.♥

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Lauren, here is my poem YELLOW BUTTERFLY, that I wrote after the passing of a very dear young woman named Collette;


    When first she came to visit me
    a misty presence filled the place,
    And sunlight sparkles wild and free
    were flowers dancing all in space.

    Her touch was like a butterfly,
    so soft, now here, now gone, now Flown.
    In speechless awe I closed my eyes
    and saw a Yellow Butterfly!

    From time to time if I should call,
    she whispers quietly in my ear:
    “Just lean on me and you won’t fall.
    I’m holding you; there’s naught to fear.”

    She brings a Rose, its fragrance sweet
    is heaven’s perfume in the air.
    And that is how I know ’tis she.
    And that is how I’m sure she’s here.

    She guards us each and every one;
    she cares for us, just as we are.
    The ties that bind can’t be undone.
    She’s flying close; she’s not gone far.

    Not Life, nor Death can separate
    the Spirits whom by God are brought
    Together in those Twists of Fate
    that with His Wisdom He has wrought.

    She’s promised when I cross the Bridge
    she’ll meet me on The Other Side
    To soar above the Great Green Ridge…..
    I’ll be a Yellow Butterfly!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      For anyone who missed some of the Quebec Encounter posts (there were 9), Mike Clelland has compiled the entire series in a file you can find here:

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    Lauren, what a terrible, tragic ordeal. But that yellow butterfly has much symbolic meaning in my own spiritual path. I even wrote a poem entitled YELLOW BUTTERFLY not too long ago, in memory of the passing of a young girl with rare cancer. You know your brother isn’t trapped in that body! He’s out and about, and I just KNOW he sent that yellow butterfly to you as a sign of his freedom from bondage! Blessings to both you and him.

  5. lauren raine says:

    What a great synchronicity! When synchros happen to me, I also try to remember exactly what I was thinking about at the time it happened, because I’ve found they seem to occur often as a “very quick response” to my inner dialogue.

    For example, the other day I was thinking about my brother Glenn who, because he did not leave a living will, has been on life support for 4 years, although he is brain dead. I’ve been working to try to get the legal means to remove life support…..recently I visited him at the facility, and walking out, I was thinking about how I don’t believe his spirit is in that body at all, and how he will be free soon. At that very moment a beautiful yellow butterfly zoomed not 10 inches from my nose, and flew very fast into the distance! I truely felt it was him!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      My God, Lauren, that’s awful about your brother. I love the butterfly. You’ve written about butterflies before, if I remember correctly. I’m sure it was his spirit, letting you know he’s free.

  6. gypsy says:

    out of nowhere but exactly where these initials were supposed to be! very neat story! and i remember the stories of yours, too, mike –

  7. Karin and I have found our initials at times and it’s always uplifting. I think I’ve mentioned a couple of instances on my blog somewhere or other. Of course, when I saw the initials in the photo, it made me think: Karin & Mike!

    Always enjoy these sort of stories.

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