Planetary Empaths, Redux


On March 11, 2010, we did a post called Planetary Empaths, about  individuals who seems to exhibit physical symptoms before a catastrophe occurs. The sensitivity of animals to pending disasters is well-documented, but there isn’t much written about human sensitivity to these events.

The catastrophes may be natural – earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, floods, whatever – or they can be terrorist related. They are usually global in nature and impact a great number of people. Today (January 4, with a solar eclipse in Capricorn), we received several reports from individuals who frequent our blog who are experiencing these symptoms again.

Here are the predominant symptoms:

burning, watering eyes
ringing in one or both ears
nausea, spatial disorientation

depression unrelated to whatever is going on in their lives, a feeling of profound sadness
left ear “popping”
a general sense of malaise
unusual nightmares
bouts of crying out of a sense of despair, but the origin of the despair is unknown

It’s interesting that the symptoms are being felt during this period of massive deaths among birds and fish in Arkansas and elsewhere, with the newest report about tens of thousands of dead fish in the Chesapeake Bay. 

If you’re experiencing anything like this, please leave a comment or email us. 

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35 Responses to Planetary Empaths, Redux

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    loved the tweers/tweet thing, mike!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    tweers! Again, I'd never heard that word. Interesting what the google page asked you, Mike!

  3. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    cj: Thanks for the HIALEAH comment – interesting: especially as it's a bird sanctuary.

    This is odd. The wv this time was 'tweers'. Again I thought I'd Google it (never heard of such a word before). Defination:

    Tweers: to be tired; worn out; not quite exhausted but getting there.

    But on the Google serach page it said: Do you mean tweets? (so a bird connection there too)

  4. gayle says:

    Oh wow!! I had nausea, very tired and had a slight headache!! This is so interesting!

  5. Natalie says:

    I'm with Connie….of course.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, looks like it's time to put up the bird/fish post. Perhaps this is all related to the planetary symptoms.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee – have missed being online since yesterday – not at home all day until just now – had already mentioned to dpage and/or at dream weaavers comment and cj the thing of my own symptoms – left ear and the headache [neither of which i ever ever have under any other circumstances] – and eyes burning – enough that i have asked others around me if they aren't having the same things – and then, there is the thing of sadness – i mean, overwhelming sadness –

    to me, there is such significance that it is a certain bird that is so impacted upon – what do you all think about this aspect?

    when i heard the thing of blunt trauma in these birds, the first thing i thought of was electromagnetic field from some source – and thought it really important to know of any ufo sightings in those areas right before – so many things to consider –

    wv here is "amermew" america??? america mew?

  8. d page says:

    Life imitates art another way: In the TV show Flash Forward, the "energy" that causes the massive blackouts of the humans(while they have visions of the future) also kills birds all over the world. I believe they were ravens &/or crows.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Final comment from me for awhile: preliminary necropsy (animal autopsy) shows the birds' stomachs were empty; they weren't poisoned; and also that they died from blunt trauma while flying, not from hitting objects or hitting the ground. Blunt trauma while flying? Their insides were shredded as they flew. How strange is that! I just finished reading a novel by Stephen King. The book was 1,072 pages long and its title is UNDER THE DOME. In the book, thousands of birds die because they hit an invisible yet very tangible "dome" that has been lowered over a small town. Life imitates art, in this instance, huh. WV: "beretman" cj

  10. Anonymous says:

    Mike, there is also a HIALEAH (spelled slightly differently from your WV) in Dade County, Fl. On January 12, 2008, the park there was designated a BIRD SANCTUARY for the American Flamingo by the Audobon Society. Pretty significant WV, I'd say! Another point of interest I've just learned: the red-winged blackbird is considered an "attack bird". It has extremely sensitive vision and hearing but very little sense of smell. It will attack anything that is the color RED (!!!!) which indicates it sees colors, and it attacks humans as well. Flocks of red-winged blackbirds sometimes number as many as over a million birds, gathered in one area. Peculiar facts. cj

  11. Vicki D. says:

    Oh my gosh, look at this WV: zoorydde
    Zoo rid?

  12. Anonymous says:

    No comment. Just a WV here for this comment space: "chtingat"
    It's hitting a chord but I can't bring it in. Something in "gate". cj

  13. Vicki d says:

    The last two days I have had terrible ringing in my ears, last night it was really bad and then this morning I read about several earthquakes. I had also awakened with really bad nausea, I thought I was getting a flu relapse but when I saw the earthquakes I think it was more about that.
    This time all of my symptoms were much worse and stronger.
    CJ, I too have been wondering about Daz. Each time I come on he pops into my head, I hope he is okay.
    I also thought the birds were "hit" by an electromagnetic force.

  14. Anonymous says:

    More dead red-winged BBs in Kentucky. Here's a thought: Birds and fish all have inner systems that move and migrate and live their lives reflecting the magnetic field of the earth. Both species, birds and fish, change locations at various times of the year, according to experts, because they are guided by this inner physiological "radar" that is reactive to the planet's magnetic field. Is something or someone screwing with the electromagnetic field of the planet and thereby killing off these species? Is it intentional? Are the birds and fish "lab rats" for some type of mechanism that may eventually be used on humans? Conspiracy theory, possibly. But certainly not out of the question, all things considered. I have no doubt that we planetary empaths are highly reactive to the electromagnetic fields of the planet and this is the reason we are so detrimentally affected when something huge is brewing, before it manifests. That includes, unfortunately, mass consciousness thoughtforms such as were "in the air" prior to 9-11. Debra, like you, I'm able to tell the difference between the planetary warning system I experience, and the Parkinson's. The planetary symptoms have a tendency to worsen the PD, however. I wish I could say it is getting better, but it is actually getting worse, which makes me feel it's quite close to manifesting in our reality, whatever it is. I continue to postulate there is Tesla technology involved. Has anyone heard from Darren-Down-Under (Daz) in a while? A large protion of his country has become an ocean. Hope it isn't HIS area. BTW, all our electronics, TV, phones, computer, etc., have been going on and off daily for about four weeks. Merc retro still? cj

  15. d page says:

    More dead fish as well : Brazil: 100 tons of sardines, croaker fish and catfish.
    New Zealand: 100's of dead snapper.

  16. d page says:

    More dead birds last night. Sweden, jackdaws:

  17. Marguerite says:

    I've been feeling great, with lots of energy, as usual. It is rather strange about the birds and it will be interesting to see what they find after the testing. The fish in the Chesapeake Bay were Spot fish and died due to cold water. The last time this happened there, was 1976, when the Chesapeake Bay froze down to 3 ft. deep. I was living there at the time, so I remember it. The odd thing is that the Spot fish usually swim out of the bay to warmer waters, before the water gets that cold and for some reason they didn't in 76' and now.

  18. d page says:

    I'm like cj… symptoms have incapacitated me.(Over and above my ME/CFS). I also feel a strong sense of 'disturbed'.
    cj is right about scalar technology.

    Also, I just remembered something that happened to me in 2004, just after I started the ear ringing/earthquake & reindeer woman experience. We lived in an inner city environment. Suddenly I could hear and feel an intense pulsing. It was hurting my chest and causing migraines. If I put my hand on the wall, I could feel the pulsing in the walls. I had many techs come to our home: electrical, plumbers, sewer… some could hear it and feel it in the walls but not feel it in their bodies. The electrician from SDG & E called what I was experiencing a "concussive event". It turned out that a cell phone tower had been installed and gone "online". I can't live too near them. I had to leave. A friend of mine lived just feet away from the new tower- her cat died of a blood clot in the brain during this same time. We don't know if it was connected.

  19. Anonymous says:

    In my previous comment, the WV was "ovetis". I wrote it down because I remembered it from Latin but wanted to make sure, so I left the blog and looked it up. "oveti" in Latin is a verb form meaning "to pray".
    I am pretty stunned by this WV, especially folowing the one before it, which was "imint". The WV on THIS comment is "grolso". Gro Slo? Or Slo Gro? Or Go Slo? The "ovetis" brought to mind praying mantis, as opposed to being a call to prayer. Praying mantis sounds somewhat ridiculous. Nevertheless it was the first thing that popped into my mind when I read the translation. Am going to do a bit of research on red-winged blackbirds. Mike, that "halia" is interesting. cj

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Halia – I'd never heard that word, either. I wonder if the Poseidon reference is pointing at something.

    Blackbirds – I screwed up! It goes up tomorrow.

  21. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Interesting. Haven't had any of the symptons. However, the wv was 'halia' and for some reason I felt I had to look this up on Google. I'd never heard the word previously.

    Here are two definitions I found, just in case there may be any relevance to anything you receive:

    Halia is pronounced ha-LEE-ah. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Halia is "remembrance of a loved one".

    Halia: A sister of the Telchines in Rhodes, by whom Poseidon had six sons and one daughter, Rhodos or Rhode, from whom the island of Rhodes received its name. Halia, after leaping into the sea, received the name of Leucothea, and was worshipped as a divine being by the Rhodians.

    And something else – what happened to the blackbird?

  22. Anonymous says:

    Just as an aside, friends, the phrase "Scalar Weapon" resonates to the frequency…..9-11.
    Scalar = 18/9. Weapon = 29/11.
    In and of itself perhaps having nothing to do with the subject at hand, altho perhaps it does, this is relevant. As an archetype, 9-11
    is of course 911 or the universal signal for "emergency". In symbology and/or cryptography, it also can represent the phrase "emerge and see". cj

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Don't like that wv!

    I've got your cold now, nancy.

  24. Anonymous says:

    What has the capacity to kill a living entity without any evidence of external trauma, only to discover that the entities suffered "closed-head trauma", or essentially, explosions in the brain? Google Tesla Scalar experiments with electromagnetic frequencies, and also Scalar Weapons and Scalar War. Take a look at this WV, guys: "imint"
    IMMINENT????????? Geez….. cj

  25. Anonymous says:

    I can report in complete truth that these symptoms this time are much, much worse for me than they have ever been in the past, and I've had them all my life in advance of catastrophies. This time, they are incapacitating me to the degree that I am unable to function in the simplest activities. From time to time the planetary symptoms will cause what, in medical terms, is a "fever of unknown origin". I've had it this time. Low grade (99.8+) for seven nights; on the eighth night, (Christmas Eve Eve), it spiked suddenly to 101, then BAM! Was gone. There were no symptoms of illness with the fever except achy eyes. But, I am having the burning eyes and everything else on the list to the extent, as I said, that functioning normally isn't possible. My primary physician has run an array of bloodtests to rule out physical illness. None exists to explain the symptoms. I'm in Florida. There can be an event in China and I'll feel it prior to its manifestation. Space and time makes no difference, nor does the type of event. Prior to 9-11, I was at my son's huge wedding on Saturday, September 8, 2001, and was literally kncoked to my knees suddenly, with a blowtorch in my throat and it felt as though all the life-force energy suddenly drained out the bottom of my feet. I felt DEAD, and the blowtorch in my throat was horrific. My husband had to bring me home and I was unable to attend my son's wedding reception.
    The blowtorch ceased quickly, and the only other symptom I had was the inability to even get up and walk. For all intents and purposes, I was dead, but breathing. I spent the next 72 hours in bed. The TV was on in the BR. When the plane hit the first tower, I was as suddenly back to normal as I had suddenly been knocked off my feet. These current feelings, while there are many more of them manifesting in my body and mind, are WORSE than the pre-9/11 symptoms. It's just awful. cj

  26. Anonymous says:

    I dont have symptoms like that. But i sense a subtle change in the air sort of speak. I also sense it on a personal level not only world events.

  27. Shadow says:

    i will. definitely!

  28. Nancy says:

    I've had such a terrible chest cold that I wouldn't know the symptoms of this from the symptoms from being sick. But I have had all of those symptoms in the past – usually when something really bad was happening in some part of the world. I distinctly remember feeling that way during the Rwanda massacre years ago. I'll be interested to read the comments to this post.

  29. Natalie says:

    The most unusual thing I have experienced over the last week is a searing headache. It's not something that I am not known for. The eyes, ears and nightmares have been very prevalent also over the last week.
    On New Year's Eve, I felt like I was going to explode out of my skin. It was like my energy was too big for my body and I think that is when the headache started, can't be sure.

    I only really remember one nightmare clearly…it was a witch hunt. It was like all the really religious people couldn't handle the changes that are coming and they all got frightened and nasty to lightworkers.

  30. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Msggie – one, yes, is relatively close. The others, no. These symptoms don't seem to have anything to do with physical distance or

  31. maggie's garden says:

    I'm hearing the bird/fish deaths may have something to do with the military HAARP program. If you read about some of the symptoms of those people that have been used in experiments…their symptoms often include ringing of the ears and vertigo. I'd be curious to know if the empaths are near the area where the bird/fish deaths are occurring. Not to discredit their experiences…but just wondering if there is any relationship.

  32. Jen says:

    Interesting! I have been feeling all kinds of things, but I am three days into a detox/cleanse so I have been hashing all these crappy headaches and whatnot up to that! I'll pay closer attention though.

  33. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nat – anything pertinent in the last few days? Symptoms been the same,m better, worse?

  34. Natalie says:

    Yes, I experience these things often. As i don't watch or listen to the news, I never really attribute them to anything specific, but just try to live with it.

    I have the ear and eye thing everyday, fatigue and unrelated sadness everyday. The vertigo and the nightmares are spasmodic.

    Somedays I just feel so despairing and hopeless and sad, when my own little world is happy and loving.

  35. Anonymous says:

    As you already know, I'm experiencing all of the listed symptoms. Am going to bed and try to sleep. This isn't fun. I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, ToTo. WV: "gorkievrv"
    Sounds Russian. cj

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