The Key to the Keys

Everyone misplaces their keys once in a while. But how about losing three sets at the same time? The other morning I asked Trish if I could borrow her keys because I couldn’t find either set of my keys to our two cars. That’s when Trish realized that she didn’t know where her keys were either. We searched everywhere. After all, neither of us was going anywhere until we found some keys.

After fifteen or twenty minutes with no luck, I realized that I’d left both sets of keys in my yoga bag. However, they were locked in the back seat of one of the cars. So knowing where the keys were just added to the frustration. I still couldn’t get to them. A few minutes later, Trish recalled last using her keys in the garage when she opened the lock on her bike. We looked and there they were next to a paint can on a shelf.

But the mysterious key incidents weren’t over yet. I recovered my keys, got in the car to leave, but the key wouldn’t fit in the lock. I took a closer look and realized that they weren’t my keys! I knew immediately that I must have picked up the wrong keys from the key rack in the gym. The reason I didn’t realize I had the wrong ones as soon as I went to the car was because Trish had left ahead of me and had assumed the driver’s seat,  using her key. Then it occurred to me that, not only did I have someone else’s keys, but I hadn’t been to the gym for two days!

So now comes the synchronicity. Even though I was supposed to teach a private yoga class in ten minutes, I headed directly to the gym (in the opposite direction). I knew someone would be looking for those keys, and they might even have called the police. And where were my keys?

When I arrived, I explained what happened to Sarah, the girl at the front desk. She literally shouted: “You’ve got Andy’s keys!” She turned and called out to a man on a nearby treadmill that the mystery was solved.

Not only was the owner of the keys in the gym, but he was on the machine closest to the entrance. Surprisingly, he wasn’t upset. In fact, he was pleased that I’d returned the keys and he knew exactly what happened because on that day when he couldn’t find his keys, his wife was in the driver’s seat waiting for him. He figured that whoever took the keys must’ve left the same way.

I felt relieved, but then Sarah said: “Where are your keys, Rob?”

I looked at the key rack and there they were, just where I’d left then two days earlier. A tangle of missing key stories resolved with minimal problems. And that might be the key! Things that seems like serious problems often times can be resolved quickly and easily.

Any other ideas on that one? – Rob

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18 Responses to The Key to the Keys

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We've got a post coming up tomorrow on the blackbirds, fish etc in arkansas. This whole thing is extremely weird and troubling. CJ, Debra, Gypsy, all with symptoms. Anyone else?

  2. d page says:

    me too
    left ear, vertigo, heartache

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, the whole thing of keys keys, who has the keys left me exhausted in just the search! favorite part is that the significant other [both females] were the ones literally "in the drivers seats" in both instances! 😉 now, what is that lesson??? hmmmmm……..

    and dear cj – you are so right BUMMER on losing your comment! but do feel all better soon!

    on the p/symptoms, same myself the past few days – left ear popping or something constantly, the headache thing that i never get otherwise and eyes "burning" – not allergies – i know them – anyway – keep me posted too – anyone else?

    wv – diaryos!

  4. Natalie says:

    3 sets of keys! Wow.
    * Maybe you were delayed for a reason.
    * Maybe you had to make contact with Andy for a reason that hasn't unfolded yet.
    * Maybe some extra creativity is needed to 'unlock' a future project that you will do together.

    Simple : I said on the blog that we are here to love.

    By love, I meant the emotion, but I also meant that the Light of the Other Side is pure consciousness. That consciousness vibrates as pure peace, bliss, love.
    Of course our vocabulary doesn't do it any justice,these words don't begin to describe it, so for ease of understanding, we generally use 'love' and 'Light'.
    Our mission here on the Earth plane is to connect as much as possible to that Consciousness and the best way to do that is to go within to our own Soul and 'Love' each other as best we can.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Simple, the quote doesn't say that love is ALL that is needed, only that love solves everything. I think the adage LOVE SOLVES EVERYTHING possibly refers to the manner in which we choose to interact with others and the attitudes we express. At the end of our days for an incarnate lifetime, as Sam said in the movie GHOST, I think love is the only thing we take with us when we go. Sooner or later, during these journeys in and out of bodies, all else is left behind. We experience hatred, anger, avarice, greed, spitefulness, vengefulness, etc., which are negative emotions. But eventually as our souls move toward higher frequencies through its many lessons and lifetimes, it drops those negative emotions and learns to simply express love. At least, I hope that is the way it works. Speaking on the subject of such matters, the Master Teacher Jesus said, "THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE". cj

  6. simple says:

    well simple almost got out the door,,, an hour an 11 min.. into daily log on time,, the boy was about to leave library but first a rest stop,,,, something drops (12:53) off,,, a "crown" (back upper left) which has gone un noticed for 10-25 years,, really have know idea,, kind of useless buggier considering it under opposer is non existent,, but why would this be a synchronicity or a KEY,, well the fact is,, actually down in our hosts region of the country back 1 year and 1 week ago some (specific) one passed away,,,,, totally suddenly,, but then on the same date this year,, well….. not so suddenly…. then mid-way threw the services…. the reason the boy was not attending,,, well some one thinks synchro comes from……

    of late it has been written on this blog all that is needed is "Love" me thinking that what is needed (in general) strong (healthy) arms and legs,,, good intution in the gut,,, experienced and educated mind,, (I migth add sobriety,, gotta work on DAT),, but in the heart,, well yeah love and cardio….

    yeah 10/13,

  7. Jen says:

    Wow! That is a very tangled key story! I have had so many weird sychronicities the last couple of days!

  8. Nancy says:

    Can you solve the black bird mystery now?

  9. Anonymous says:

    I'll re-write it but will divide it into two separate comments. Thanks, guys. (It will be under the older 1-1-11 post about elevens.) Will do it when my symptoms clear up a bit. Severe planetary symptoms today and yesterday. Could be the Chilean earthquake, but also something else seems pending. WV: "bessall" I like to think this is "bless all"! cj

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Chiron. Hmm. Thanks for the reminder, D.

    CJ – whenever you're writing a long comment, it's smart to do it in word first, then copy and paste. Would love to see what you came up with!

  11. d page says:

    When it comes to keys & synchronicity, I look at planetoid Chiron's transits. (It's glyph is a key.) Currently, it's in 27 degrees Aquarius and will be moving into Pisces in March. Ending degrees of a sign also indicate intensity , as a cycle is finishing up. I would look where this little orb is in relation to your natal charts to get a feel for what was going on.

    wv = proodint, prudent?

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's an added layer to today's synchro. A few days after the keys incident, we went to the keys – the Florida keys. Then, as the new post appeared at 9 a.m. EST were were leaving the keys.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's the story about the man who implanted his keys in his hand. Thanks, Jim.

    wv: undefr
    under finger?

  14. JBanholzer says:

    About 20 years ago the Weekly World News ran a spoof story about a man who tired of losing his keys so much that he had surgery to make each of his fingertips a key. They ran a funny photo-shopped story along with the story and I remember telling folks about it several times, because it's something most of us can identify with.

    Fast forward to present day reality: Now I've heard that there is a man who just received a radio-frequency chip implant with the same intent. He no longer has to use keys for his house, car, office, shed, etc. I'll try to find the story and forward it on…

  15. Anonymous says:

    Would this be considered a synchronicity here, guys? I just wrote a comment under the 1-1-11 post of a couple of days ago, and it disappeared into cyber-space! I can't find it. It was, quite literally, a "key" for learning one's own personal year and what one may expect on an individual basis during 2011. It was the "key" to the numbers for each person, and it got lost! Bummer! cj

  16. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    I suppose we all worry about stuff and put our own conclusions on what might happen. So we worry about the problem even more. But then we often find – as with the keys – that everything works out okay after all.

    Most of what we worry about never actually happens.

  17. DJan says:

    That is definitely a key synchronicity. I once locked my keys in the trunk by mistake when getting ready to go on a hike with my friends. I needed to call hubby to come open the trunk and then I sped way to catch up with the hikers, which I did, after a couple of uphill miles!

  18. Shadow says:

    follow the keys… they will take you where you're meant to be?

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