Blackbird, Blackbird…

Patterns are intrinsic to synchronicity and often can be seen through the signs and symbols in our environment. We read the signs and symbols in ways that are personally meaningful. But what about when the signs and symbols seem to be much bigger than any single individual? Is the collective consciousness of the planet speaking to us in some way? If so, then two towns in Arkansas may be the planet’s mouthpiece.


Let’s take a look at these two towns in Arkansas – Guy (population 549) and Beebe (about 5,000 in 2000 census). Both lie to the north of Little Rock.
Between September 20 and December 13, 2010, the area around Guy experienced a swarm of quakes –nearly 500 of them, quakes so small they go unnoticed but which are measurable. October 11 featured the largest quake – about 4.0. There are several geological faults in the area, but none are associated with the new Madrid fault, which shifted in 1811 and caused a 7.7 quake.
Less than 50 miles to the northwest of Guy is the town of Beebe. On New Year’s Eve, around 5,000 red winged blackbirds dropped out of the sky over Beebe, in a one-mile area. On that same day, in the same general northwestern region of Arkansas, an EF3 tornado hit. It was  500 yards wide, remained on the ground for 22 minutes, and killed four people.
Then there are the dead fish in the Arkansas River – more than 100,000 of them, all the same type – drum fish. This occurred about 125 miles west of Beebe.
In addition, there have been a number of UFO sightings in Arkansas – Batesville, November 11; Fayettville, October 16;  Emerson, May 27; and May 6, Rogers. Here’s a video about one of the sightings.   There may have been more sightings, but these are what I found in a quick search.
And here’s an update as of January 4.

So the obvious question is whether this area of Arkansas is just extraordinarily unlucky or  is there something else going on here? And if so, what? There’s all sorts of speculation – that it’s signs of the end times, that the area is a vortex of some kind, that it’s all related to UFOs, that may be near. In fact, rumors are swirling that disclosure could come from President Obama within the next month. According to this source, Obama “will concede that there is some evidence that aliens may have attempted to contact Earthlings.”
We find the phrasing rather humorous. To abductees and the hundreds of thousands of individuals who have experienced sightings, the contact has been ongoing for decades.  But hey, it would be a start! However these events shake out, these events certainly seem to be something we should all keep an eye on.
Today, January 5, the dead bird and fish phenomenon has gone worldwide, and now includes 40,000 crabs, plus starfish, anemones, and sponges that have washed up on the Thanet shoreline in England.

Then there’s the conspiracy take on all this, that government testing is what killed the birds, the fish:

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60 Responses to Blackbird, Blackbird…

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    weird times

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and today, the meteor, or whatever over arkansas?

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, deb, you're right about your comment – i remember now – so sorry – very interesting about giffords outfit/red wing blackbird – i did look but missed this nyt image – thanks for letting me know –

  4. d page says:

    I think I had posted my palin dream in comments under your Obama dream. Anyway, it's in the comments section of the dreamweaver pots somewhere.

    Giffords was wearing a black dress with red shirt over it(red wing black bird?). The NYT had an image of the stretcher scene (search google).

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    dp – it does seem to me that there is far too much symbolism and too many correlations in all this to be ignored – the birds and fishes and names – and the dreams – now, your dream of palin as president and mine of a presidential assassination –

    and if we focus on the creature itself who has perished, and not the number, then the picture begins to come together more it seems to me, as well

    have not yet made it back to my initial notes on my dream as i'd intended tonight but will tomorrow –
    i'm just curious as to what rep giffords was wearing that day but have been unable to find anything about it – interested only because the beige dress i saw seemed significant somehow – anyway, just a thought –

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, ladies. It seems to me you all have figured this out. My own mind has been moving in this direction too. I felt the numbers of the deaths might be out of proportion to what happened in Tucson, but perhaps the numbers were/are addressing the wide-reaching ramifications.

  7. d page says:

    I have been deeply mulling over similar ideas, cj & gypsy.
    In Tibetan Buddhism, the idea of karma and certain states of mind are described using the animal kingdom. Politicians are likened to the bird kingdom. Blackbirds are sacred to the goddess Rhiannon, and their presence heralds a doorway between worlds.Doves also fell, they represent the Holy Spirit or Wisdom. The fish is also symbolized by the vesica pisces. The vesica pisces is another symbol of a doorway between realms, and is also a symbol of the womb.
    The names Gabriella, Gabriel, and Gabe all were in the Tuscon story. Gabriel is the Angel of the Annunciation ( Jesus' descent into Mary's womb), and appeared in scripture to herald the opening between Heaven and Earth.

    I am sure there are many more similar correlations…. I am so burdened with sadness I find it hard to write.

    Also, prior to this event, I dreamed of Sarah Palin entering middle class American homes…She had become president. In the dream I witnessed her taking over the mindset of everyday folk. I felt horror, yet no one else seemed to sense what I did.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, i have thought of that too – actually it was the first thing i thought of when i heard this news – i think i'll go back and re-read my initial memories – i do vividly remember still the female dynamic of the brunt of the dream

    interesting wv – artint – aren't it??? 🙂

  9. Anonymous says:

    Since so many of us are familiar with the "old wives tale" that a dead bird portends impending death, I'm wondering if the massive birdkill all over the world was a spiritual omen/warning of the Giffords event. Although the deaths and wounded of humans at the SafeWay were considerably less than the enormous numbers of birds, it still feels connected. And because fish typically represent our emotions, that, too, could play a major role, because our emotions have been jarred horrifically by this sudden unexpected senseless act of insanity that touches us all in our deepest selves. It seems that there is something in the air that is driving people beyond any means of control and the tragedies continue to increase on larger and larger scales. I've reached the point where I dread looking at the news. Just thoughts passing through my mind…..about the birds and fish. cj

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – rob speculated the other day that your obama dream may have been related to what happened in Tucson – politician, attempted assassination, etc.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    gee, have missed several comments here the past few days –

    and cj, have had more than one physician tell me the same thing relative to the impact etc –

    have not had any similar dreams [that i can remember] – the main one recently being the one of obama – perish the thought of that one!!! 😉

    wv here is "ingessin" – injesting?

  12. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Ordinarily I wouldn't comment on a dream here on the blog, but because these dreams seem relevant to the subject, (maybe), and because I am anxious to hear if anyone else may be having similar sleeping dreams, I want to post this. For three nights in a row now, I have dreamed about the actor David Duchovny. I've not seen him lately, nor any of his films, not have I spoken or thought about him, but he has appeared as the main character in these three dreams. The scenarios are gone, but he stands out when I wake up. Of course we connect him to The X Files. Also he is married to actress Tia Leoni, who starred in the movie DEEP IMPACT.
    When I dream of a famous person, it's my "program" to research the person and see if anything pops up. I also work the person's numbers. What screams loudly to me is that David Duchovny has a call-name number of 44, which is the most karmic of all numbers, and that his entire birth name is 96, which is 15/6, which is the frequency of anything and everything connected to UFOs and ETs. This just resonates with me as being important in the moment, and again, am wondering if anyone else may be having dreams of such folks or subjects? Thanks.
    WV" "spindbl" spin double?
    expendable? cj

  13. Anonymous says:

    Debra, am sure you know our vestibular sytems (inner ears/balance center controlled by the brain's cerebellum) respond to changes in motion, perceived visually but also always perceived via motion. For whatever reason, our vestibular systems are reacting to some type of "motion" that is apparently too infinitesimal to be picked up even on seismographs, etc. During the grueling series of procedures that evolved into my diagnosis of Parkinson's, the audiologist at the neurologist's office told me (and the neurologist) that my hearing was more sensitive than any of the thousands of patients she has tested over the years. She said, and I quote, "she can hear a flea sneeze at 100,000 paces!" She went on to state that I hear frequencies no other patient has ever heard. I rather think you are the same, and probably Gypsy and the other empaths. I tend to think other systems within our bodies are far too acutely sensitive as well, and "pick up" shifts of frequencies and energies and electromagnetic waves that are too high or too low for most folks to register. (This may, in part, be relative to our being able to communicate with deceased entities who are resonating on completely different frequencies from our own.) The tectonic plates never stop sliding; the earth spins constantly; the oceans ebb and flow; and the magnetic poles of the planet are slightly slipping all the time. Evidently when some kind of major event is pending, these "breathings" of the planet are impacted and change on various levels and our bodies and minds register the changes prior to manifestation. My symptoms generally cease the very moment the event happens, or within seconds afterwards. (I call it 'release'.) But as I've mentioned on more than one occasion, it ain't fun!! My primary physician has suggested that the planetary empathies could very well have contributed to the development of the organic, (neurological and cardiac electrical), issues that have developed in my physical body, and it may be the same with you. Ugh. cj

  14. d page says:

    Well… I spoke too soon. Strong ear ringing/pressure vertigo and nausea are back as of 3:31 pm PDT.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Debra my left ear is "bumping" periodically; the sadness is too overwhelming, especially with no root cause I can determine; The vertigo has been worse today than it has been at all, so I took the med for PD vertigo thinking it would releive it. It didn't. Oddly, you gelt a little better last night, and my symnptoms have worsened since last night, which may indicate whatever "IT" is is on the move, maybe? God, let's get this over and done, please!!!!
    WV: "kinwitin" cj

  16. d page says:

    cj: I completely agree about the symptoms being "no fun." I had asked my Tibetan Lama if he could find some way to take the abilities away! He said no, but he gave me prayers to do for the beings that would suffer…

    My symptoms took a new "tone " yesterday, with the lowest ringing, left ear tone (sustained) with accompanying pressure I have ever experienced…. with vertigo and a strong feeling of grief. It did improve some last night. I have not been able to function until today.

    LOL! WV+ "mending"

  17. Anonymous says:

    I totally agree, Debra. But geez I'd give almost anything to have these planetary symptoms ease up at least a little bit. I know my poor husband must be going nuts because I'm virtually non-functional in terms of doing my normal routines. Now we have the new ice blizzard heading east across the U.S. with affects even down here in sunny FL and a prediction of an ice storm in Atlanta. I had thought my PD meds might relieve the symptoms but they haven't. So whatever is brewing is still simmering. Are you still haveing symptoms, too?
    WV: 'sceos' see us? cj

  18. d page says:

    cj thanks!
    It's relieving to have verification for intuitive/psychic/empathetic flashes.

  19. Anonymous says:

    NewsFlash just on: MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT at North Pole is causing major issues as far sount as Tampa, FL airport. It's all over the TV news and computer news sites. Several "experts" saying this could be cause of animal deaths. Well DUH. What have we been discussing here? Electro-magnetic or magnetic force of some kind. WV: "ramin" ram ing? cj

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cj just alerted us to this news tip. It may be one possible explanation for the mass deaths:–Tampa-airport.html

  21. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and i'd not heard about the turtle doves – and then, the blue streak on their beaks?!!!!

  22. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and the number in blue [other] far far exceeds any other cause –

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Take a look @ this map for mortalities in just the U.S.:

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Sapphire!

  25. ☆sapphire says:


    I've ordered your book, Synchronicity, at Amazon. It sounds very interesting!! Looking forward very much to reading it!

  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The turtle doves have blue streaks on their beaks. I don't think that's related to magnetic fields, energy fields, or anything like that.

  27. Anonymous says:

    It is all simply heart-breaking. Trying to step back and take a detached assessment of possible causes, I wonder if we should think in terms of basic physics. For example, a micro-wave oven cooks food from the inside-out, and a conventional oven cooks food from the outside-in. These creatures present no external damage, but as we've noted previously, their internal organs are destroyed. By SOMETHING, and instantaneously. So we must ask the essential question: what kinds of wave-energy exist that can create destructive frequencies INSIDE a living entity without also creating OUTSIDE destruction? And, to be able to do this en masse by the thousands, simultaneously, without touching the creatures physically or bombarding them with somthing tangible on the outside of their bodies. If we can find an answer to this question, we might come closer to knowing what happened to these various species of our planet. Being a pseudo-conspiracy theorist, it occurs to me that alien technology may be being tested on our little friends, espcially the birds who, in so many cultures, are considered to be harbingers of Spirit. Perhaps we're in the midst of a different kind of War Of The Worlds. Unsettling thoughts. cj

  28. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Just read the article. Really heartbreaking, all of it. And we'll never be told the truth.

  29. d page says:

    1000"s of turtle doves falling from the sky in Italy, many with a strange blue streak on there beaks.

    I tried to post this before… there was a wv "unwingsh"… but it didn't post.

  30. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jesse, where R you?!

  31. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, very telling, trish – and neither do i buy it –

    very intriguing wv prologue – certainly hope not but….

    and right again, about not ever knowing the truth! now, where's jesse v when we need him???

  32. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mr Wright's comment about "coincidence" is telling, isn't it? I don't buy it.

    Interesting WV here: prolog – this is all just a prologue to something more?

    We probably won't ever know the truth.

  33. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    on ted williams – also have seen him over last few days – GOOD 4 HIM! and so the phoenix rises again and again, yes, cj!!!

    now, about the [Wright] lab guy in WI – and his remark: "I think the two events are a coincidence." – well, we all know about "coincidence" right? oh, and how about his name? Mr. [W]right? and were fireworks going off at each of the other bird sites? again, right!

    i'd not heard at all about the fishes with the missing eyes – and cj – about our eyes burning/hurting – mine continue, too – and your P.S. comment, i agree! – from the beginning the thing that makes most sense to me is some sort of geomagnetic/electro-magnetic/energy field something –

    all so very very curiouser and curiouser, isn't it?

    oh, the wv – bleade – bleed?
    – or – be lead? –

  34. Anonymous says:

    Ted Williams: what an inspiring and uplifting story, and what an humble, gracious, gifted fellow he is. Most of all, what a magnificent voice! Saw him on the news last night and smiled throughout all of it! We have to wish him the best of the best. He's proof that a person can overcome some of the worst life has to offer and, like the Phoenix, rise to fly again! Love it! cj

  35. Anonymous says:

    Supposedly the mystery is solved by a lab in Madison, WI

  36. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    A little off-topic, but here's the best news of the day!

  37. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Could be this fish-kill with missing eyes is bothering me so much because the planetary symptoms this time, for the first time, include burning and hurting eyes. That symptom continues, as do the others. cj

  38. Anonymous says:

    That's right. And the missing parts of the cattle are never located. There is no mention of the missing "eyes" also washing up on the beach. God forbid, maybe their eyes are providing food for other ocean species. But once again playing the role of Mr. SpocK here, ;), it would seem logical that SOME eyes would be washing up on the beach along with their host bodies. What an awful turn of events. Boggles the mind. What am I seeing in this WV that won't coalesce in my mind? "mative" cj

  39. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hmm, starting to sound a bit like the bizarre cattle mutilations. That one has been going on for decades with no resolution.

  40. Anonymous says:

    eeewwwww…..arghh! Huffington Post today reports hundreds of dead fish washing onshore in New Zealand WITH THEIR EYES MISSING!

    What in the world?? With their eyes missing?? Literally, "what is in the world"?
    We know about cattle mutilation,etc., but hundreds of fish with missing eyes?

    Living on a beach, I cannot even begin to imagine taking a leisurely stroll along the edge of the surf and walking among hundreds of dead fish with missing eyes. This would just be something out of the worst horror movie ever made.
    If all these species of creatures are dying from some kind of "natural" causes, I certainly hope it doesn't transmigrate into us pitiful humans! But more importantly, I hope they discover the root causes, be it natural or "otherwise". Again, eewww.

  41. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Please don't think this is argumentative. It isn't intended to be anything except an observation. The thousands of red-winged blackbirds died while flying, according to the ornithology pathologists who are performing the necropsies on them. The birds presented no external wounds, just sudden explosive internal trauma that (say the pathologists) "occurred during flight" and wasn't caused by hitting the ground or other objects. I would understand a disease that killed more slowly, spreading itself among the species even at a very rapid rate like a norovirus hits passengers on cruise ships. But all at once? I have some difficulty reconciling my mind to a disease that hits in excess of five thousand birds simultaneously in a matter of a few minutes, and also hits the same species in other locations around the globe. It seems more logical and likely, (to me), that the birds somehow encountered an energy field, perhaps an electro-magnetic "burst", intentional or natural, that blew out their innards. Similar to the manner in which radiation and/or chemotherapy targets cancer in humans, but that, more gradually. Just a thought. cj

  42. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    me, too, on the V thing coming back in this moment of time – and then, the thing of obama perhaps going to be making a disclosure this year – and cj, you are very right about the physical symptoms impacting upon our mental perspective – totally right – and i love that you remembered DON'T WORRY-BE HAPPY!

    let's do! 😉

    ok, get this wv – SLYSYNO – sly synchro??? 😉

  43. Anonymous says:

    I,too, noticed three episodes of V was being aired again. Trish and Rob, you are correct in saying,
    "we don't know that it's been a short period of time". However, this week I've been speaking only to these occurences that are happening in the moment, in the now; the events that are current. Most certainly there are others of which we have no clue, although over long periods of time there have been such extinctions: specific species of frogs, for example, not too long ago, and as Sansego remarked, the more recent dying of the bees. I wasn't indicating that your psychic friend's guide was wrong, only that "disease", in and of itself, seems a bit of a stretch in my own mind unless it is an intelligently, purposely planted disease. As a medium, I would want more information to be forthcoming from my guides in that regard. Concerning the empath symptoms, they tend to create difficulties in being positive. Nonetheless, that's the way we all should try to interpret these strange incidents…..consider them simply another step toward the higher frequencies that surely are in process of manifesting. We must remember, in retrospect, that Mother Nature has been on an increasing rampage for a few years, and her tantrums have taken a huge toll in HUMAN lives…hundreds of thousands, just in Indonesia, in one fell swoop. My thought about this is that Mother earth is "cleaning house" as she prepares for bigger and brighter tomorrows, and when we clean house, certain things that no longer serve us are by necessity passed on. My thoughts coincide with Sansego's in terms of a possible revelation of Visitors. I had read the info DPage shared yesterday, and believe it to be relevant. I also, as usual, agree with Natalie. What we do with what we perceive is the key. Yes. One more remark: During the Indonesian quake and deadly tsunami, the earth shifted sufficiently to alter Time by a few seconds. With all the weather anomalies happening now and in the past months, the planet may be continuing to shift on its axis in slight degrees that aren't as noticeable….yet. "DON'T WORRY. BE HAPPY." A great old slogan for hard times. cj

  44. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    When we watched V last night, the same thought occurred to me, Sansego.

  45. Natalie says:

    Yep, positivity is the only way forward.
    Saying what you feel or 'pick up', is different from what you choose to do with the information perceived.

    I choose positivity because we need the numbers to counteract negativity.

    Perceiving something, doesn't necessarily mean you agree with what you are perceiving.
    Just thought I would make that clear for future reference. ♥

    wv = cometaid
    comet aid

  46. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    I'll just say that I'm in favour of the 'focus on positive / optimistic energy about life and our world' approach as has already been mentioned in comments.

  47. Shadow says:

    this is giving me the chills….

  48. Sansego says:

    When I heard about this on Coast to Coast AM, I was wondering when you might post your thoughts on it.

    Its weird that there was a bee die-off a few years ago and now a bird die-off. The birds and the bees dying off! Is this a sign of the trickster at play?

    The "V" series is back on the air, and as I watched it, I couldn't help but wonder if we are being prepared for a big reveal. I think its interesting that this series (and the original from the 80s) portrays a lizard-like alien disguising themselves as human. The lizard / reptilian alien seems to be incompatable with humans.

    And to top it all off, there was an article on Dick Cheney, who I believe is "reptilian" in his political views. He's awaiting a heart transplant or something, which I hope he doesn't get. Unless the heart once belonged to a Buddhist monk, then it might be interesting to see if he experiences a radical personality change.

    I'm with gypsy woman, though. I'm scared about the way things are developing, but I'm choosing to focus on positive / optimistic energy about life and our world.

  49. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The Hitchcock theme is just plain silly. Maybe it's time to focus on what feels good, as the Hicks/Abraham always say. So, how can mass consciousness turn things around?

  50. maggie's garden says:

    BTW…I'm really glad to see some intelligent comments about this. I'm a bit pissed at hearing the Hitchcock theme attached to something that could catastrophic. The news media is making jokes of it. Truly sad…thanks Synchronicity.

  51. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    dpage – very interesting stuff there – thanks for sharing!

  52. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    absolutely, macgregors, the influences of free will and mass consciousness is why i just quit looking around online earlier – i don't want my psyche any more negatively overwhelmed by the magnitude of the possibilities surfacing any more than it already is – so i am limiting myself from exposure to media coverage for a while – [the lala land of "denial" has always worked for me!] – if ever there were a time for positive thinking i is now i think – i'm really going to be aiming for a more focused/positive perspective, difficult as that may be – again, it's the knowledge of the impact of mass consciousness – and our thoughts creating our world – thanks so much for the reminder of all that – and for your always thorough updating on all of this –

  53. d page says:

    Found some interesting info re: geomagnetic phenomena..
    There is a crack in the Earths Magnetosphere, allowing solar wind in.:
    "The geomagnetic storm of Dec. 28th is subsiding. The G1-class disturbance began when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tipped south, opening a crack in Earth's magnetosphere and allowing solar wind to enter. Cameras onboard US Dept. of Defense meteorological satellites recorded bright bands of aurora borealis circling the polar regions north of Scandinavia."

    Nasa's take on the same storm:

    "NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft is monitoring a vast hole in the sun's atmosphere–a "coronal hole." It's the dark region denoted by arrows in this extreme ultraviolet image taken during the early hours of Dec. 30th:

    Coronal holes are places in the sun's atmosphere where the solar magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this coronal hole should reach Earth on Jan. 2nd or 3rd–the first solar wind stream of the New Year! High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras."


    I found this and other info on this blog:

  54. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We don't know that it's been a short period of time, cj. All we know is that mass deaths have occurred. If the natural world speaks to us, and it seems to do it constantly, then it seems our job is to decipher the message. What Nancy mentioned about a river turning green is pretty strange and may be another clue of some sort.

    I think Cayce actually saw a pole shift much earlier than 2012. He also said that Billings, Montana would be waterfront. But Cayce, like so many famous psychics, wasn't always correct. Free will and mass consciousness always influences the larger picture.

  55. Anonymous says:

    Disease all over the globe? That's a tough pill to swallow, guys. Unless the disease is "planted" intentionally, maybe. But a naturally-occurring disease would be hard-pressed to travel around the planet in such a short period of time, wouldn't you think? Even viruses take time and often mutate. But intentionally-spread viruses or disease, that's another story completely. Again, I think some kind of directed, intelligent genocide of species. The disease,if that is what it is, could certainly have come from Visitors. Or, from our own shadows. cj

  56. Nancy says:

    A river in Vancouver, BC, also ran a bright florescent green for about an hour – then returned to normal – they have no idea why.

    Go all the way to the bottom of the article.

  57. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    A medium friend in Minnesota just wrote to say that one of her guides is saying that the deaths are due to disease. Even though the gov't says it's not disease, they show up in hazard gear.

  58. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, I couldn't agree with you more! As a student of Tesla and his amazing work and discoveries, his "mysterious" death, the government confiscation of all his papers, patents, everything he owned, literally, I truly sense a connection. And Gypsy, a new symptom has cropped up with me. As mentioned previously, headaches are virtually unknown to me except as planetary stuff. Tonight, my left eye and the area above the eyebrow there are "twitching" uncontrollably, and it hurts; an ache rather than a pain. Both eyes are burning. Left ear keeps "bumping". I've taken Tylenol, to no avail. I have a sense I'm feeling a slight bit of what the birds and fish are experiencing. The other symptoms persist as well. This isn't finished, whatever "it" is. I would so much like to be in the room when the necropsies are performed on these creatures, although I'm absolutely CERTAIN TPTB know exactly what is happening, and why. It seems to be a small-scale (relatively speaking) extinction event that is going on around the entire world in waves, and that is damned scary because it's also hitting those of us who feel the impact that's coming on a massive scale….again, whatever it is. There's nowhere to run; nowhere to hide. Poor little birds. Messengers of Spirit! Doesn't that speak to the issue somehow?? cj

  59. Natalie says:

    I suspect foul play whether from our shores or the air. I don't have a good feeling about it at all. I wouldn't be surprised if it was both of them working in cahoots on a new technology.
    My first reaction when i learned the other day was that they had flown into some sort of 'energy field' that was not conducive to the good health of Earth's creatures….us included.

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