Sharlie West is a writer who contributed an earlier synchronicity about her mother and her current partner, Mom’s Help, a March 6 post. She really gets right to the emotional heart.

While reading a book on synchronicity, Synchronicity and You, I read a paragraph out loud to Jimmy about the author traveling down the highway and the name Rushdie kept popping in his mind. Soon after, he saw the license plate Rushdie in front of him. That afternoon I went to the library and the first book in a cart of hundreds of books was by Rushdie. Later on, the librarian, without seeing the book in my hand, recommended I read a book by Rushdie.

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2 Responses to RUSHDIE

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That’s a terrific synchronicity! Stephen King would be proud.

  2. The Clever Pup says:

    Here’s a piece of goosebump-inducing synchronicity. My 15-year-old son finished reading Steven King’s novel Christine yesterday. We found the movie in installments on Youtube and we just finished watching it this morning before “Late Start Wednesdays” at his school.

    About half an hour later I remembered I hadn’t heard from my blog friend Poetikat for a while so I checked her site to see what she was up to. Poetikat and I have lots in common so I shouldn’t have been surprised but her most recent post was a spine-tingling poem titled Driving Lessons about her blue Impala which she had named “Christine”.

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