Black Watch

We’ve had a dramatic event occur here in the village of Wellington, Florida. On Sunday, 21 polo ponies–all from one professional team–died within hours. Some collapsed on the sidelines just before the match, others died in their stable. I remember driving by the sign advertising the match and thinking it was unusual that the polo season was still going on. It usually ends here on Easter.

When I heard what happened, I figured there must be synchronicity related to such a dramatic event. For example, 21 horses die on April 21, but that wasn’t it. The tragedy occurred on the 19th. The synchronicity wasn’t immediately apparent, but it was there, hidden. I realized it Tuesday morning.

The name of the Venezuelan team is Lechuza Caracas. Lechuza mean owl, and owls are often seen as portents of death. In some native American cultures, they’re the creature that communicates between the living and the dead. In our book proposal for Seven Secrets of Synchronicity, we included two owl stories. Both were instances where owls appeared outside our house and were followed closely by the death of a good friend the first time, and the death of Trish’s mother after the second appearance.

Then there’s another level to this synchronicity. The members of the team that were to play Lechuza stood on the sidelines and watched in shock as their opponent’s ponies fell and died one after another. The name of that team: Black Watch.

At this writing, there is no known cause for the death. A toxin, possibly in the hay or water, is suspected.

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6 Responses to Black Watch

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    According to one of the players on the team, all 21 horses were injected with a vitamin enhancement, biodyl, before the game aimed at staving off exhaustion. Five other horses owned by the team were not injected. Those horses are still alive. Biodyl is a French-made supplement that’s illegal in the U.S. Selenium is one of the ingredients of Biodyl and can be toxic, if overdosed. But overall Biodyl is considered harmless, so the batch was probably compromised.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You have to wonder – the entire team of 21 horses, all of which were owned by the same Venezuelan millionaire. What’s the real deal with his life?

  3. Ray says:

    I hope the investigators find out what happened and I hope it wasn’t intentional or human error.


  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Okay, Terri, now you’ve got me truly spooked. I had totally forgotten about the beg of that book!
    – Trish

  5. terripatrick says:

    The first words of the blurb for Black Water: Little Horse Key

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    As Black Watch appeared on the site, the mail arrived and Trish found a royalty check from a novel published many years ago. The title:
    Black Water.

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