Bizarre Synchro

Gypsy woman alerted us to this synchro. I’m not sure where this falls – global synchronicities? Law of attraction? Bizarro world? The headlines of the story pretty much sum it up: 36 dead after bus collides with vehicle carrying mourners in India.

In a nutshell, a state government bus in northern India collided with a vehicle carrying mourners from a funeral. The vehicle carrying mourners was called a matador, a rather curious name for this vehicle. In Spanish, the matador is the one who kills the bull in a bullfight. The wold literally means killer. The vehicle was transporting people back from a ceremony that marks the last rites for the deceased.

Thirty-six people died and 28 were injured.

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18 Responses to Bizarre Synchro

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love the i ching take! thanks for sharing, adele!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Adele! Those hexagrams fit perfectly.

  3. Adele Aldridge says:

    As an I Ching geek I couldn't help noting that the number of people dead = 36 is the number for "Darkening of the Light" in the I Ching. And #28 is the number for something that is overloaded – causing crisis.

  4. Nancy says:

    cj – I have to say – I agree with you. We all have to leave this earth some way – and if we remembered when it would make our lives unbearable.

    vw – snottes – my awful cold??

  5. Anonymous says:

    I know many will disagree with me, and I understand that. But it has become my conviction that, on our highest soul level, we choose both the time and manner in which we will transition from each life experience. Such a conviction doesn't in any manner lessen the grief or the tragedy of loss; it doesn't mitigate the unthinkable violence such as happened in AZ or on the bus filled with mourners or the earthquake in Haiti or the tsunami in Indonesia or the terror of 9-11. But somehow it does make it more comprehensible, at least for me, and it allows me, in the midst of the worst possible losses, to honor those souls' choices. For many years I've not accepted that there is such a thing as a "victim", for this reason of soul choice. I do not have the conviction that these times and manners of transitions are etched in stone; rather, that the decisions and choices perhaps are malleable depending upon circumstances. We never know the karmic lessons each soul has accepted and/or created, and it is this awareness that prevents me from hating those evil ones who commit atrocities. Instead, I try my utmost to send as much Light as I can to everyone involved, and simply hope that some of it gets through the darkness. These convictions don't make me any better than my fellow humans. It's just the only way I am able to cope sanely with the horrors we encounter as we journey through our lives. WV: klogic cj

  6. Natalie says:

    Stranger than fiction, this life and death gig.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy and Ray- those two stories are certainly bizarre! Haven't seen that history channel show.

  8. Ray says:

    I also saw the show. The trucks made it through, but all along the route were cars over the cliff that didn't make it.


    WV unchimb at first I read unCLIMB

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    gee, nancy – i saw that show as well – incredible terrain to navigate under any circumstances – but, still –

  10. rats says:

    first name then "after" 2 second pause last name (nickname),, as in holy cow whatcha ya doing HEAR…. (for the music)

  11. one moe says:

    that should actually read

    S?E?E ?(wizzard)

    cause that's how it was phrased

  12. "pandoras wonder" says:

    yeha gotta story like that,, wrote it, deleted it,, involved local computor icon,, fairly verifiable,, began while half liquored outside some music in the park,,, when catching out of the corner of me eye icon cruising about 15 m.p.h. along on his segway,, he did stop and spin around when he heard bozo shout (half slurrinly)
    S ? E ? E ? (wizzard)

    gave the boy about 15 seconds before the crowd caught on….but as for the story,,,, just a bit of a pandoras box….

  13. Ray says:

    Very unusual to say the least.

    Back around 1970 I received a call at the Navy Clinic that is now the site of the Vietnam Memorial Wall. A woman said that she had just left her husband's funeral. Her brother-in-law stepped off the curb and was struck by a fire engine. By her description he could not have survived and was in fact dead when the ambulance arrived.


  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the incident itself at all, then, the twist on the name of the bus – yes, bizarre in so many ways and so tragic!

    and it seems to me we've had another similar story some time back [large group involving a funeral] but i simply cannot remember it – in any event – a truly sad story!

    the main story that it reminds me of – i.e., someone attending a funeral dying tragically – is that of my own grandfather who died at the age of 50 while attending his brother's funeral –

  15. Nancy says:

    This is so sad. I watched a program on the History Channel called "The Most Dangerous Roads" which is about the drivers previously on "Ice Road Truckers" driving on India's mountainous roads delivering goods for six weeks. It was astonishing to me that people survive at all. The leading cause of death to tourists in those countries are car accidents. The chances drivers take – especially bus drivers are hair-raising.

    Interesting synchro with the name of the vehicle.

  16. Shadow says:

    this IS weird. and terribly sad.

  17. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    It is cerainly bizarre – the killer killed, sounds familiar.

  18. Lauren says:

    A sad tragedy, ironic.

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