49 States with Snow

Ok, take a look at the map. Right now, 49 states have snow – even Hawaii, on Mauna Kea on the Big Island. Only Florida has no snow! We don’t mean to gloat….but…well, I guess we do.Our high today was 79 or 80.
But wait! Tomorrow night, we’re supposed to see some of the temps we did during the Christmas holidays – thirties. In homes as porous and uninsulated as ours against cold, that’s huddle weather.

This state of affairs is apparently unusual.”Snow is present in 69.4 percent of the lower 48, which is more than double than December.  This is extremely unusual, though it’s hard to put a date on when this last happened because records aren’t kept on this kind of event,” says CNN.

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26 Responses to 49 States with Snow

  1. Gail says:

    This is certainly synchronistic for me. I have been on a personal quest to integrate my inner masculine and feminine. I have done a ritual marriage(hieros gamos) and rituals honoring my higher soul/self. Results have manifested through dreams and other communications. I had not read Jung, so I didn't have his reference point. Upon reading this then researching Jung's Individuation Process, I realize I have been in the Dissolution stage and through recent closure dreams it seems I am on the verge of Separation. Thank you for the clarity and understanding this blog provided for me. Gaia'l

  2. Cole says:

    Ok truth is I don't lie to him about that, I tell him later about the neighborhood kids….much later. 😉

  3. Cole says:

    Ha Ha well I am not shoveling more than once, I am shoveling once only just to look good (ok paid some neighbor kids to do it the second time) shhhh…. and when my husband comes home I seem so amazing that he goes out and struggles with the old snowblower and takes care of whatever else has fallen down to us. Then I get that you are amazing honey, you take care of the house work and the kids and shovel hug afterwards. HA! But I take the strong soul compliment. We all are you know. Happy sunshine.


  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    much weird stuff at your places, cj and vicki and deb – and then, the thing of the snow – yep, we're not in kansas any more, dorothy! temp here today in louisiana a whopping 12degrees when i got up – but with the sun, by noon, we had a real scorcher of 32 before wind chill –

    wv here is infuset – infuse it! 😉

  5. Anonymous says:

    Sun went down, temp went down with it! Now out to cover the sensitive tropical plants that can't be moved inside. Backyard after dark looks like a haunted graveyard with all the sheets and quilts covering everything! Lost some last go-round; hope to save the rest but might not be able to. Several hours below freezing kills them. We're not in FL anymore, guys! Maybe the planet has already tilted and we just didn't recognize it! 🙂 Seems to be a lot of spook activity going on as well, more than is usual. cj

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    What a wv, Butternut!

    Well, the temp's already dropping here.

    Cole – shoveling more than once a day! You are a stronger soul than I am, that's for sure!

  7. Butternut Squash says:

    Plenty of snow up here, but from what I hear, this is a normal winter in these parts. Imagine shoveling 2 or 3 times a day!

    wv:wificsio,what a fiasco!

  8. big dummy says:

    as for climate change,,, well thinking the real anomily would be something that DOESN'T change.. we all know the effect that we are shown, the the tone that seems to be ever increasing,, but actually stays the same,, or the effect that every year seems to be going faster (smaller % of ones total experience), but as for the weather,, whether or not it is changing,, maybe having something to do with total amount of energy in the atmosphere,,,,, seems maybe the suns energy is increasing,,, maybe the sun is returning….

  9. Cole says:

    Hi MacGregors, no snow, lucky you two! I actually like the snow though, just got done shoveling our driveway, dumb snowblower isn't working. Actually it has stalled out several times before, just prior to new snow falling. Maybe it isn't dumb at all, just lazy. 🙂

    Anyway, I had the news on an hour ago and was having some tea when I saw the weather and they commented on the very same thing about a majority of the country being covered in snow. I thought how odd, but then again things have felt odd as of late anyhow.

    Oh well, enjoy your sunshine, it is sunny here today and at least the countryside and barns look rather beautiful with the snow covering it all. Looking forward to Spring soon enough.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz had commented on Mike Clelland's blog, so I left a comment for him there in the event that he goes back. Told me we all hoped he was okay.

  11. d page says:

    Yesterday was full of high strangeness here as well. Our back patio sliding glass doors were being shaken like there was a quake- but there was no quake activity. Our cat was upset and kept sniffing around, but he wouldn't get too close.
    My prayer/tea lamp caught fire. In the 7 years of s burning them (even 100's at a time at a retreat) I have never see the candle and glass holder all go up in flame before.
    My husband I kept hearing mechanical sounding voices coming from the roof, but we could find the source. (We are a single story w/ a small crawl space.)

    Also, I've wondered about Daz often.

    Weather here in San Diego has been very cold, and like Florida, the buildings are not made for it. I've never had to wrap up my plants every night before.

  12. Jen says:

    The weather here in Oregon went from 30 degrees yesterday and earlier this morning to 50 degrees in the matter of about an hour! Climate change is making for some super-strange weather everywhere it seems!

  13. Vicki D. says:

    I have been worried about Daz also.
    CJ, we have had some interesting activity at my house, but not like what you are having. Someone said " hello" to my daughter recently. It really shook her up since no one else was home at the time. I've gotten used to it.
    We have also had a lot of deer coming up to our back door. They never came that close before during the day.
    This weather is very strange and will continue that way for some time.
    I hope everyone stays warm.

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Here in the UK prior to Christmas most of the country was covered in snow as well. I see it's called 'Climate Change' now and not 'Global Warming'.

    Wrap up warm – must be hell being in the 70s.

  15. Gwendolyn H. Barry says:

    I had no idea… LOL thankx for bringing it to my attention!

  16. DJan says:

    When you have Mt. Baker in your backyard, you always have snow in the winter (and spring, summer, fall). Curious, though, that so many states have snow today, especially those in the south. And stay warm in that freezing cold weather; our cold weather blew away during the night and now we will have almost 50 degrees today, melting the last of our lowland snow.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Speaking of eerie….I'm home alone, (with dog), no wind is blowing, house is locked up but front and back doors door are open; just glass storm doors are locked. SomeTHING invisible is knocking at the door that isn't there. In other words, the front wood door is open, but someTHING is knocking on it just as a person would, just as if it were closed. Dog Sunshine is whining and looking steadily at it rather than barking at it; no raised hair; she's perfectly still and staring at the door, and every few minutes there's a knock-knock-knock-knock, four times, and she will whine. I can generally "see" spirit visitors, but now am only "feeling" the presence and knowing someone is here. Very unusual and strange. Just to confirm, the "knocks" are in the air, not within the walls, so it isn't house settling or such, and the LR feels electric. High weirdness. cj

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nat – I left him a note at Mike Clelland's blog, where he had made some comments, and said people had inquired about him and hoped he was ok.

  19. Anonymous says:

    This kind of snow covering the country is downright spooky. During the holidays, we did get some flurries as far south as here in the Nation's Oldest City, and Jacksonville had a slight measurable amount at JIA. But the entire country? It reminds me eerily of the movie THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, where the college kids managed to shelter in a top floor of the library in NY and burned books to try to stay warm and alive while a huge passenger ship floated by them outside in the snow. Florida will be in the deep freeze again tonight. That arctic blast is due to arrive. The first one killed the citrus and tomato and strawberry crops. We can expect the cost of food to skyrocket due not only to the cold but to lack of transportation. Out with the snuggies and fuzzy PJs again. Bbbrrrr. cj

  20. Natalie says:

    Anyone heard from Daz???? He lives in Brisbane and I am concerned. His blog is gone too.

    DAZ~ If you are reading this, can you please let us know you are okay?

  21. Nancy says:

    yep its snowing now here and its weird. This is the most snow we've had in ten years.

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's it. Climate change is real, happening now.

  23. Nancy says:

    Climate change, anyone?

  24. Shadow says:

    this is extreme. stay warm out there!

  25. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:


  26. Natalie says:

    More high strangeness.


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