‘Supreme’ dream synchro

Occasionally, I have dreams that have no images, no strong emotional context, but are idea-based. Such dreams might involve the repetition of a phrase over and over again. It’s as if my dreaming self is telling me to remember. Don’t forget. Wake up, write it down. Rather than multi-dimensional, these dreams can feel very two-dimensional  – like the image above.

One such dream I recall oddly enough featured the Supreme Court. There were no images of court members, not any issues before the court, not even a gavel pounding the bench. Only the words: Supreme court decision. Except ‘decision’ came out slurred in a non-sensical word. But later, when I said it quickly to myself, I realized it sounded very close to ‘decision.’

Supreme court decision. I remember wondering what could this mean, and thinking what a boring dream, and thinking that while I was dreaming!

There was one other element in the dream: the color green. So as some part of me was spewing out, Supreme court decision  over and over again, I thought of the meaning of green, and tried to analyze the dream while it was taking place. I thought that green might indicate an important court decision related to the environment.

I also thought of green light, as in the court giving the go-ahead. I thought maybe it related to the issue of the moment, the national health care program and the mandate that every adult buy health insurance. But that decision isn’t expected until sometime in June. So why was I dreaming about a decision is early April?

I forgot about the dream until April 16 when we were driving home from Orlando after a visit with daughter Megan. I don’t know why it came to mind, but I mentioned it to Trish.

An hour later, we arrived home and picked up the mail and newspaper. There on the front page of that day’s paper was a detailed analysis of the health care issue before the supreme court.  As a former journalist, I always glance at the by-lines of articles. When I looked at this one, I smiled. The name at the top of the article was Laura Green.

There was my color. A synchro. Why I picked up on it at week or so in advance is just one of the mysteries of the dream world.

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19 Responses to ‘Supreme’ dream synchro

  1. dah says:

    google the talk about a crop circle that showed guess it 8/14/02 the one with the grey holding the round disk………………………………………………………………….

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Some interesting facts about GREEN. In the color spectrum, its wave-length is 5500 angstroms. In the chakras, it’s the heart chakra. The musical keynote for green is F#.
    (Sharp) Its musical keynote star sign is Gemini. It’s astro sign is Libra and relevant to loins and kidneys. Many doctor’s office and hospitals use green as a major color because of its known healing qualities. My own sanctuary has three soft green walls and the fourth wall is a deep forest green, with a scultured green wall-to-wall carpet in both wall shades. Goes without saying, my favorite color is GREEN, so I love this post! Green, for me, means only good and postitive things. Of course I’m born and bred Irish, so Green is my native color!

    • Darren B says:

      My blogging friend Jake Kotze,who is deeply into Synchromysticism – he even coined the term,
      (“Synchromysticism is a study of coincidences, synchronicities, connections, esoterica, symbolism and possible hidden agendas in all aspects of reality. Everything’s connected! Jake Kotze (The Blob) defines synchromysticism as: “The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance.” )
      and while I don’t agree with everything he says,a lot of it is pretty impressive.
      Anyway,what I wanted to tell readers here was that he did a post on April 22,2012 called “Green Heart”
      He says,
      “Green Heart is a sync video that explores the Green theme and how it associates to JC or Christ. By doing so we notice the Green Man is the Heart at the center of the Rainbow of all creation.
      That the EARTH is an anagram for HEART unveils our planet as creators externalized cherished garden of joy.”

      I’d just like to also state after watching the first episode of “Touch” that the writers of that show may (?) be fans of Jake and his blog,because the kid in the show is named Jake and he wears checkerboard patterned shoes
      (Jake Kotze is big on the checkerboard theme in his blogs).
      I also think Alan has a point also with his book “The Squares that Touch”
      But then it might all just be one big coincidence…right .-)

  3. Nancy says:

    I have that happen quite often. A phrase that is repeated over and over as if it is something very important to remember. In Seth Speaks he says our dream time is very active and important. More important than our awake time for solving problems.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Speaking of dream time. This morning, I “saw”219 debris fields….scattered across a geographical area, but no details about where. My sense was that the debris fields were remnants of UFOs.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Nancy, if I remember correctly Seth also talked about a future world, or alternate reality where collective decisions were made in the dream state – a dream democracy.

  4. Darren B says:

    “In a comment you have written above you mention the Zen thing about it all being a dream. This is something that I keep feeling recently – could be a blog post there!”

    Funny you should mention that Mike.I’m reading Colin Wilson’s “The Outsider” at the moment and the last thing I read was on page 195 where he writes
    “Chuang Tzu says:
    ‘While they dream,they do not know that they are dreaming.Some will even interpret the dream they are dreaming (i.e.Hegel and the systematizing philosophers) and only when they wake do they know it was a dream.By and by comes the great awakening,and then we find out that this life is really a great dream…”

    My next post is on this book -“The Outsider” ,the TV show “Touch”,and “The Red String of Destiny”. I’ve only just finished taking all the photos for the post,but I’m too tied to do it now.In fact writing about dreaming,it’s 2:11 am here and it’s time I did some dreaming myself now,before I fall asleep at my computer.
    So it’s good night from me .

  5. I’ve had precognitive dreams though usually about my own and family life as opposed to the world at large. Some have a clear meaning while others need interpreting.

    In a comment you have written above you mention the Zen thing about it all being a dream. This is something that I keep feeling recently – could be a blog post there!

  6. DJan says:

    It takes a particular kind of awareness to see these synchros, but I am beginning to know how to do it too, learning from you. This is very interesting!

  7. I have had many precognitive dreams but I don’t know that until a later event happens. That’s the purpose, for me, in writing down my dreams. While many psychologists declare that dreams are about all sorts of things from working out one’s “issues” or repressed stuff coming to the surface or as Freud thought of them as wishes, my dream life over the years convinces me of the fact that the psyche lives outside of time. I have many such dreams to prove this. My psyche seems to prefer glimpses of the future rather than the past. What I would love to have proof of is that the psyche or dream world lives beyond the life of the body. I know that your readers here write of these experiences. I would love to KNOW it.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Mainstream psychologists tend to focus on the everyday dreams and they are right in that sense. We do regurgitate the day’s activities and work out issues in the many mundanes dreams of the night. But there are also other more psychic dreams, including what the shamans call the BIG dream, or archetypal dreams that seem more real than real life and can be related to waking dreams or lucid dreaming. Then, of course, there’s the Zen thought that it’s all a dream. We’re dreaming right now, in that case.

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