Quantum Entanglement

This post should probably be called “Quantum Entanglement, Blackbirds, Tucson, and the Magnetic North Pole.” Kinda long, I know. But the more I researched, the deeper the mystery became.

“Entangled particles are somewhat like twins still joined by an umbilical cord which can be light years across,” wrote Michio Kaku in Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and The Future of the Cosmos. “What happens to one member automatically affects the other, and hence, knowledge concerning one particle can instantly reveal knowledge about its pair.” Even if the particles become separated, one particle always knows what the other is doing. Pretty cool, right?  Well, even cooler is that according to an article in Science News, new research that indicates birds may use quantum entanglement to navigate.
Many animals use the minute fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field  to get to where they want to go – salmon, sea turtles, lobsters, honeybees, fruit flies. But migratory birds –silvereyes, garden warblers, and European robins – have been studied the most when it comes to this ability. Their avian eyes are lined with a signaling protein, cryptochrome, and it may be that the magnetic fields disrupt pairs of entangled electrons in this light-sensitive protein.
Back in 2006, an experiment conducted in Frankfort, Germany indicated the possibility of a quantum basis for magnetic navigation in migrating birds. Researchers caught a dozen robins that were migrating from Sweden, put them in a wooden room, and “applied small magnetic fields tuned to a frequency that would disturb entangled electrons,” if that was what the birds depended on to navigate.
If. So many scientific theories are predicated on that one word.  Researchers realized that just in case birds actually used an entanglement-based navigation system, then its absence might create a big problem for them. To compensate for that possibility, researchers used a magnetic field that was 300 times weaker than that of the planet, not strong enough to confuse them. But even with a greatly weakened magnetic field, the birds flew around randomly instead of in the same direction.
Recently, physicists at the University of Oxford and the National University of Singapore, took a closer look at the Frankford experiment. They “calculated that quantum entanglement in a bird’s eye could last more than 100 microseconds – longer than the 80 microseconds achieved in physicists’ experiments at temperatures just above absolute zero,” said Elisabeth Rieper, a biophysicist at the Singapore university.
So here’s how it would work. Bird is flying along. Light hits the bird’s eye and the cryptochrome, which kicks out one of the electrons.  The booted electron careens beneath the influence of the earth’s magnetic field, and the protein-bound electron feels that and  the magnetic pull from the rest of the molecule. Quantum entanglement, however, keeps the two electrons linked, so that each knows what the other is doing,  right? “The difference in how the two electrons wobble creates patterns on the retina that the bird can use as a compass.”
Given the recent mass deaths of red-winged blackbirds, starlings, doves,  and other types of birds, keep in mind that all birds have this protein in their eyes.
Now add this fact to the mystery. As reported in physorg.com on January 10, the Tampa International Airport began changing the alignments of its runways to reflect the movement in the magnetic north pole. The primary runway had been designated 18R/36L, which means “the runway is aligned along 180 degrees from north (that is, due south) when approached from the north and 360 degrees from north when approached from the south.”  The FAA has requested that the designation be changed to 19R/1L to reflect the movement of the magnetic north pole. In all, more than 100 sign panels and 40 signs will have to be changed, along with the painted signs on runways.
Right now, the magnetic north pole is headed toward Russia from its current position in Canada. According to a recent article in National Geographic, the magnetic north pole is moving at a fairly swift clip – 25 miles a year. Over the past century, it has moved 685 miles west. Joe Stoner (how’s that for a name!), a paleomagnetist at Oregon State University,says  it could move to Siberia within the next half century. “It’s moving really fast. We’re seeing something that hasn’t happened for at least 500 years.”
Edgar Cayce and other psychics and visionaries over the years have talked about a pole shift, where the magnetic north and south poles reverse. Stoner says this flip-flop last happened about 780,000 years ago and that such reversals have taken place 400 times in the last 330 million years. He says that each reversal takes about a thousand years to complete and that the flip-flop isn’t what’s happening now.
But could this magnetic north pole movement possibly be responsible for the thousands of dead birds that have occurred worldwide in the last two weeks? Could it possibly explain the dead fish. Maybe so.
From an article in the Daily Mail UK: “Another theory is that the rapid movement of the Magnetic North Pole towards Russia may have affected the birds’ innate navigation systems. Inbuilt navigation systems in birds and fish is believed to be affected by magnetism. Scientists have said the Magnetic North Pole is shifting at an average of around 25 miles a year. With birds and fish relying on it to travel to breeding grounds and warmed climes, there are fears that the shifting pole could be confusing the animals, which means they do not migrate in time to avoid cold weather. Tests are being carried out on the dead birds and fish, but results are not expected for several weeks.”
Then there are the esoteric explanations, which are as interesting as the scientific explanations. Take a look at the comments under our post Blackbirds, Blackbirds. One common theme is that these mass deaths may have been, in part, addressing the recent events in Tucson, Arizona.

We live in strange and interesting times.

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24 Responses to Quantum Entanglement

  1. Healing Mudras says:

    Had a thought of buying a plane ticket and coming to meet you in Florida… which is quite a few thousands miles away from here!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Intriguing thoughts, healing! Certainly reconnect to your blog!

  3. Healing Mudras says:

    yes the magnetic field influences human and animal species and many more 'beings'.

    The influence is more impressive than the one from the moon which is also influenced by the magnetic field by the way. It is more impressive because it also changes the sense of gravity on earth. The only earth-bound human reference we have. So just think about if gravity changes and you suddenly start feeling lighter how does that affect your overall behaviour. Some reckon gravity-empathy is on the rise and by modifiying human behaviour makes us more open to new vibrations and frequencies and hence contributes to rise of consciousness… Yoru post is one of those fabulous post on these subjects. May I reconnect it to my blog please which as you know has the sub-title of Your Quantum Ally?

    Love Isabella

  4. Ray says:

    I don't know what the Mayans really meant by their calendar ending in December 2012. Maybe the deaths, magnetic shift and wild weather have something to do with it. I saw a license plate the expiration date of 12-12 while driving yesterday evening. Some say it only means the end of one calendar and the beginning of a new one, but who knows?


  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Lauren! We'll give you attribution, of course.

  6. Lauren says:

    hi again…..responding to your post elsewhere, of course you folks can borrow any photos. thanks,

  7. Shadow says:

    wheew, very interesting. more things are changing than we realise, it appears.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Aleksandar – not sure how we missed your comment. But it's most interesting. It goes along with the power of intention – the possibility of what you want is a wave and when you bring intense desire and emotion to that wave, it collapses into your reality as a particle.

  9. 3322mathaddict says:

    One more try. cj

  10. 3322mathaddict says:

    Hey Guys, that's me.
    3322mathaddict. Message came thru with name but the photo didn't show. Am working on it with Gypsy. Thanks for letting me use this space as a test! cj

  11. 3322mathaddict says:


  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love love the plant experiements – have been reading them since back in the "old" days even! and then, of course, mctaggart does a section on them in intention – before it ever got to be the well-known thing that it is today, i played music to my plants, talked to them, gave them names, the whole thing – and my critters, too – even my beautiful little orange-cheeked finch [named tangerine] who LOVED opera!

  13. Natalie says:

    I always feel guilty when i pick flowers, knowing that has done my head in. :O

  14. Anonymous says:

    Plants….houseplants: controlled scientific studies have been performed on them that have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that plants react to something dire happening to other plants. They placed electrodes on plants, used scissors to cut other plants in a different room, and the electrodes on the plants in the separate room went crazy. They put some plants in a room and brought in a Doberman Pinscher and allowed him to chew the leaves of the plants (non-poisonous, of course) and the electrodes again went nuts. They played classical music in some of the rooms and the plants literally turned toward the music as they turn towards light. When they played raucous heavy metal music, the plants almost immediately turned yellow and dropped leaves. What does this tell us about entanglement phenomena?? This is just a tiny example of so many studies on this hypothesis that have proven the theory. cj

  15. Nancy says:

    I've been studying this lately – love entanglement theory and think it explains a lot, particularly the studies done that show no matter how far apart – a particle will react to another particle it has had previous contact with. As for the pole shift – we have mention of it in so many different texts (Bible) and prophecies. There is no doubt we are in the midst of something life changing.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what an incredibly intriguing post – have read and re-read – quantum entanglement, magnetic fields, pole shifting – i could read forever! you guys are the best at presentation of mind-boggling info –

    good points, cj – just think about it!

    and i, too, was so happy to see the inclusion of the yaqui blessing at last night's tucson tribute – and thought the tone and content of the president's speech reflective of what is needed now –

    and simplysaid – very interesting experiment – sounds very much like something that would have been included in lynne taggart's intention experiment book but i don't remember it – like trish, am wondering if you know whether or not it's actually been empirically conducted?

    magnificent post, macgregors!

  17. Anonymous says:

    You're absolutely right, guys…miles, not feet. Big differences. My bad. And it IS bad. Seems to portend the planet is making some unexpected and massive shifts not yet necessarily detected. Weird WV: "allness" cj

  18. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    That entanglement phenomenon isn't only about those "twins". If light from a distant star (starting its journey e.g. billions years ago) comes to a particle on our planet, it's a particle. If there isn't any sensor/eye observing, it's a wave. It starts its journey from that distant star as a particle or wave depending on its final destination.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    CJ – it's miles, not feet, that the pole is moving. Your theory sounds plausible ot me!

    Simple – has that experiment with saliva actually been done? If so, it's definitely entanglement!

  20. simply says:

    ya want entanglemnet,, swab the saliva from the inside check of a particapant,, take the saliva 100 miles away,,, show the particapant a movie,, a non neutral movie,,one that illicits significant emotional response,, the cells that are a 100 miles away will REACT…

    w.v. real "i" then it changed

    ounsolas,,, like the other one more

  21. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    I've been reading about the pole shift. I also remember that as a kid (when in the Scouts) being told that the magnetic pole was only a short distance from the real north pole.

    Things are certainly changing and we are living in 'interesting' times what with floods – now also in Brazil – the birds falling and so on.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I tend to ponder the possibility that the shifting of the magnetic poles affects not only the birds, fish, etc, but the human species as well. It may be sufficient to drive some vulnerable persons beyond the brink of violent insanity; may be so subtle for others that they experience little change; and may be so powerfully experienced by some that they exhibit plantary empath symptoms at the slightest motion not perceived by any kinds of measuring device. It seems reasonable and logical to me that humans, whose physical vehicles are comprised of atoms and molecules and particles of matter, would be just as senstitive, in varying ways, to the electro-magnetic shifts of earth. According to the USGS, the magnetic north pole has been shifting slightly toward Russia at the rate of about nine feet per year, for more than a century. It is now shifting at the rate of 25 to 40 per year, and that's an anomaly they are attempting to understand and explain. Every living organism on the planet is affected in some manner by such a shift. If we stop for a moment and consider the excessively rapid expansion of the communication towers, the hand-held devices used by virtually every person on the planet, the over-use of medical equipment such as the MRIs, etc, can we wonder at the extraordinary
    and mind-boggling events that are happening all over the world each and every day? The super-technology combined with the natural order of the Universe…..may perhaps create the ultimate tipping point. cj

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We saw most of his speech. I loved the Yaqui blessing and was impressed by everyone who spoke. You're absolutely right about the synchro with the heart center!

  24. Lauren says:

    You paint a picture here that suggests an evolutionary dance between the planet and its creatures (birds and fish, in this case, humans in another) that is infinately subtle, and interwoven – as always when I visit your blog, leaves me much to ponder on.

    Last night I saw the President give an extraordinary speech here in Tucson, with an astonishing 20,000 people turning out to hear it, that called for peace, reconciliation, and reason: “Rather than pointing fingers or assigning blame, let us use this occasion to expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy, and remind ourselves of all the ways our hopes and dreams are bound together." He concluded by talking about the young girl (born on 9/11 and written about in the book "babies of hope") and making a plea to make a better world for all children. I felt that this speech, and the extraordinary international response to this violence, had an important message for our world, served a purpose. Naturally I also was delighted to see a Yaqui elder call on the 6 directions as well for balance.

    There are synchronicities surrounding this event…..one feels strange mentioning them in the face of tragedy, but as you pointed out earlier, a "child of hope", born on a day of terrorism. And, I also have to add (since I live right nearby) – Gabrielle Giffords HQ, with it's candlelit shrine to her and to peace that keeps developing – is right next door to the (new) medical center called "The Heart Center of Southern Arizona." I want to think that's a syncronicity with another good message for our time.

    Sorry to go on so!

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