Precognition and the Global Mind

photo by Lauren

Global synchros are a lot like mass events. The media brings an event to our attention 24/7 and slowly, over a period of days in the aftermath, we discover the synchronicities that were inherent to the events.
Let’s take the events of Saturday, January 8, the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabby Gifford, the injuries to fourteen and the deaths of six individuals, including that of a nine-year-old girl, Christina Green.
Christina was born on 9-11, on the day of a terrorist attack, and died in a terrorist attack. This is strange enough and, really, what are the odds?
Lauren, who lives in Tucson,  noted that next door to Gifford’s office, where the vigil was held, there is a medical center called “The Heart Center of Southern Arizona.”

Today, I found two more interesting synchros related to Tuscon. Randy Gardner was chatting with an elderly woman outside the Safeway when he heard gunshots and screams. Not long afterward, he lay on the ground with a gunshot wound to his foot, trying to stay clear of the bullets. He thought, Here I am again, dodging bullets. On May 4, 1970, Randy witnessed the shootings at Kent State University.

Here’s another. Both Giffords and Raul Grijalva are Democratic members of the House of Representatives from Arizona. Four days before the events in Tuscon – on January 4 – the number of hits on Giffords’ page in Wikipedia started to rise. The hits on Grijalva’s page did not rise. According to economist J. Bradford DeLong from U.C. Berkeley, “By Friday January 7, more than three times as many people were looking at Gabrielle Giffords’s Wikipedia page than had done so in a normal day in the previous month and a half.” He then asked his readers to offer explanations about this so that he could “stop being a nutbar conspiracy theorist…”

 Mr. DeLong could take a look at this post about the synchros surrounding 9-11 and might want to check out the Global  Consciousness Project. Since 1998, this organization, based at Princeton, has been monitoring what physician and author Dean Radin calls “the global mind.” Radin described the project as “an ocean of individual minds…that explores that mind-matter relationship” by using random number generators. There are now 65 sites worldwide that generate random numbers.

Once a minute, these numbers are downloaded and analyzed to find out how consistent they are.  On 9-11, 37 of the random number generators were active. The fluctuations in the bell curve analysis indicated that anomalies began two hours before the first plane hit the World Trade Center, odds of 20 to 1 Radin noted. The results that day were the fifteenth largest out of nearly 1,400 days. “That means that on that fateful day, the GCP’s ‘bells’ collectively rang out around the world with an unusually pure tone.”

“As mind moves, so does matter,” Radin said.

So were these increased  hits to the Wikipedia page for Giffords the result of her alleged shooter clicking constantly on her page? Or was there some sort of precognitive underpinning?

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14 Responses to Precognition and the Global Mind

  1. 3322mathaddict says:

    Regarding Giffords' unique on-going recoveries, I can't help but think about the two-year-old child a few years ago who fell from a twenty-story building and landed on the concrete; walked away with a few scratches only, not even any broken bones. And there was the little Cuban boy who was saved by the pod of dolphins and now is a young adult back in Cuba. There is much more happening in the undercurrents of our lives of which we have no awareness. There are genuine Healers in the Spirit realms who perform miracles within and around us…healing and saving invisibly except for the resulting overt miracles that clinical medicine cannot explain. "ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE" is not an empty admonition, and where the separate Consciousness of thousands joins to become a Consciousness of One, directed toward a specific person or affect, miracles occur.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    interesting point about the phoenix and tucson etc – and hopefully true of the dolphins now pointing toward shift toward greater intelligence – so great to hear of megan's experiences – our dolphin cousins are truly amazing!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm now wondering if the phoenix hits were pointing at Tucson, to a paradigm shift about violence, gun laws etc. Perhaps this dolphin thing points at a shift toward a greater intelligence?

    Megan is having some wonderful experiences at her dolphin internship. These mammals have us beat by leagues, nancy.

  4. Nancy says:

    Good question.

    On another note, I am having the very same issue with one of my posts that you did with Phoenix. Only it was the Dolphin v Human Intelligence post that just pointed to a CNN video about dolphins preening in a mirror. I get hundreds every day, and have for weeks. Why are people all of a sudden interested in dolphin intelligence? What is going on collectively?

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think it's amazing that she has healed as much as she has in just eight days since her injury. My RN sister says that brain trauma is always debilitating, but even she thought Gabby's progress is hopeful. I think it's the collective energy of the shrine, the good wishes, the prayers.

  6. Lauren says:

    To the best of my knowledge, Gifford has had nothing of any more interest going on than Grijalva that would inspire interest at the time. If we can consider the symbolic messages of synchronicties, individually and collectively, why not a kind of collective precognition?

    Tucson is still healing, and people are still building a shrine/memorial for Peace at Gabby's headquarters….right next door to the new Heart Center of Southern Arizona…..across the street is the Urgent Care facility. Thanks to all for the prayers; perhaps we'll see consciousness raised from this tragedy, and for Gabby, maybe a miracle.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the whole thing of the GCP is mind-boggling to me – how incredible it is!

    always love hearing of these incidents –

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    One of my faves! I'm sure you'll love it.

  9. Natalie says:

    The Conscious Universe.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Which book, Nat?

  11. Natalie says:

    Synchro! I bought a Dean Radin book at work yesterday. Can't wait to get my teeth into it.It was high on a shelf and I had never seen it before. I was 'drawn' to it. 🙂

    Very interesting about the 'bells' going off. Wow.

    wv traffr

    traffic in global conciousness project?

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    According to the guy at Berkeley who noticed these hits, Mike, there were 3 times more than in a normal day during the previous 6 weeks. I don't know whether she would normally get more hits than Raul. That bit of info wasn't in the article.

    DJan – writing about synchros, for us, has resulted in many more of them.

  13. DJan says:

    Ever since I read your book, I see many more synchronous events around me. I think perhaps the underpinnings of our universal consciousness could have had something to do with those extra hits on Giffords' website. Observing these things and commenting on them helps me to see more and more harmony in the events around me. Thanks for your part in that.

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I think it's quite possible that this was some precognitive behaviour. But, of course, it's difficult to say for sure as there are so many variables.

    I don't know of Raúl M. Grijalva, though I just looked him up on Wikipedia. Would Gabby Gifford normally have got more hits that him? Had she been more in the news etc? She certainly appears (to an outsider) as a more interesting choice for Google searches.

    I feel sure we all pick up impulses, mostly without realising.

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