Category Archives: global synchro

The New American Story?

  Imagine it. A Friday morning, the Christmas holidays just days away. Your elementary school child has just finished breakfast, has her backpack ready to go, homework inside. You drive her to the school near your home and she gives … Continue reading

Posted in global synchro, synchronicity | 12 Comments

Hurricanes, Quakes, and Indra’s Net

On Tuesday, August 23, a 5.8 earthquake occurred in Mineral, Virginia, at a depth of 3.7 miles, and was felt from Atlanta to Canada. On August 27-28, Hurricane Irene put nine states under emergency status, resulted in the evacuation of … Continue reading

Posted in global synchro, global warming, hurricanes, synchronicity | 8 Comments

The Quake and Global Synchros

On August 23, when we first saw the news about a 5.8 quake in Mineral, Virginia that was felt from Atlanta to Canada, we figured there had to be some synchros involved. Sure enough, the damage in Washington, D.C. was … Continue reading

Posted in creativity, earthquakes, global synchro, politics, synchronicity | 23 Comments

It’s National Synchro Day in the USA

  No doubt the most patriotic of all American holidays is Independence Day, aka the Fourth of July. Lots of fireworks and barbecues. It was the day the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, hence creating the USA. Most people … Continue reading

Posted in death, global synchro | 7 Comments

Bye-bye Newt

Here’s a political synchronicity courtesy of Saturday Night Live, a show that – like Newt Gingrich – survives on its lauded heyday long ago. Except, SNL certainly will outlast Newt’s campaign for the Republican nomination for the U.S. presidency. After … Continue reading

Posted in global synchro, politics | 10 Comments

Egypt, Global Events, and Synchros

As the peaceful, grassroots revolution has unfolded in Egypt, we’ve been looking for synchronicities. Every global event seems to have its share. So today when we heard that Mubarak had fled Cairo and the VP had turned power over to … Continue reading

Posted in Egypt, global synchro | 7 Comments

Precognition and the Global Mind

photo by Lauren Global synchros are a lot like mass events. The media brings an event to our attention 24/7 and slowly, over a period of days in the aftermath, we discover the synchronicities that were inherent to the events. … Continue reading

Posted in global synchro, mass events, tucson | 14 Comments

Hilary and the Earthquakes

Cj, who comments frequently on this blog, alerted us to this story about Hillary Clinton and earthquakes. It’s one of those global synchros that we talk about in 7 Secrets.+++During her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Clinton has been … Continue reading

Posted in clinton, global synchro | 19 Comments

Global Synchros and Law of Attraction

from deviantart Despite how ugly and twisted politics is these days, it certainly produces some intriguing global synchronicities. Take the case of Maryland physician and anesthesiologist Andy Harris. He just won a Republican seat in Congress, after campaigning on a … Continue reading

Posted in andy harris, global synchro, health care, politics | 27 Comments

The Presidential Seal

Yesterday, during President Obama’s speech to Fortune Magazine’s “Most Powerful Women’s Summit,” the presidential seal fell off the podium. No, it didn’t just fall. It plunged. He joked about it in his usual smooth, Obama style, and brought some laughs … Continue reading

Posted in global synchro, obama | 15 Comments