Four Synchros from Shropshire

I was thinking that we hadn’t heard from Jane Clifford of Wales for awhile, but the next time I looked at e-mail there she was. As usual, Jane had an interesting synchro, one involving a book. She was writing from Candy Valley in Shropshire where, for the past week, she has been exploring Bronze Age trails wending through a magical woods.

My daughter brought a Chinese girl home from London for Christmas, her family lives in Bejing. Meanwhile, a non-Chinese friend gave me a book for Christmas s about a Chinese girl living in London whose family resides in Bejing. I had asked our Chinese visitor if she knew of Quan Lin the Goddess of Mercy, who is worshipped and petitioned by the main character  in the novel. Yes, she knew of Quan Lin. Life imitates art.

I checked back to see when Jane had last written, and discovered three more synchros she’d sent. Here they are:

 That’s a good one, but brief. So I checked back and found three others that Jane had sent a couple of weeks earlier.

1) Talking to a friend on the phone I said the word grapes as she was reaching for one.

2) I was about to ring my son and his girlfriend, Sophie, to ask if they were going for a long walk sometime this week. I wanted to drop off Sophie’s red setter, who is staying temporarily. As I reached for the phone it rang. It  was Sophie saying they were going for a long beach walk and could they pick up the dog! It was a grey, foggy, misty day; so most unexpected!

3) This is a BIG one! My son, his girlfriend, Sophie, myself & a young male friend of mine all decided to throw the I Ching coins for a reading this afternnon. We each took turn, first throwing then reading the hexagram out loud. My son got the same hexagram as my friend, and I got the same hexagram as Sophie  with the same changing lines, too! What exactly are the mathamatical odds of that happening?

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5 Responses to Four Synchros from Shropshire

  1. Nancy says:

    I was thinking of a very old friend from high school over the last couple of days, even thinking about the pink dress she just to borrow in 9th grade. She called me today! She had run into my brother in another city and he gave her my phone number. She even remembered the pink dress.

    Loved the hexagram snycho.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love these stories – events we can each relate to in our own way and life –

    in the flow – now, let us all harness our powers for good!!! 😉

  3. Natalie says:

    Yes, being in the flow for sure and also the emotional connections between us all. I like the Chinese girl one too. 🙂

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I love synchros like this, too, Mike. They seem to indicate being in the flow!
    – Trish

  5. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Just love synchros like this – especially the Chinese girl – they always seem more real than a lot of the well publicised ones.

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