Global Consciousness Project

See that dot on the right hand side of the blog? We put it up a few days ago. It’s called the Global Consciousness Project dot. Through dozens of random number generators situated worldwide, as depicted in this map, the idea is that “as mind moves, so does matter.” (Dean Radin). It seems to be a kind of oracle and has a history that goes back to 1998, so there’s statistical evidence.

 Hours before the first plane hit the World Trade Center, these random number generators went a bit nuts, the button turned red. If you read what it says on the website about the colors, you know that red indicates a variance in the statistical analysis of these generators: an event that mass consciousness registers, sometimes before the event occurs, it seems. The same thing happened during the original I.J. Simpson trial. And shortly before the Tucson shootings. In other words, these generators get it.

So yesterday, I go onto the blog and see that the dot is turning from green to orange and then to bright red. “Hey, Rob,” I call out. “Something’s happening somewhere. The dot’s turning red.” I’m really kind of joking about this, asking if he’s got any idea what the red is about.

“That’s interesting,” he says. “But what’s it mean?”

I don’t have a clue. A couple of hours later, we go to the gym. Rob is teaching a private yoga class for the owners, so I go to work out. As I step onto the treadmill, I glance at one of the TVs, this one tuned to Fox  News. Just on principal, I look away and check out the guy who is watching the channel so avidly. I feel like telling him he’s being brainwashed. I resist the urge, pat self on back, and then realize that the news tip is legit – there has been a shooting at an L.S. high school.

I immediately think of the red dot. No way, I think.

By the time I check the news again, a few hours later, there has been a 7.3 quake in Pakistan.

By that evening, Sergeant Shriver, the Kennedy brother-in-law who started the Peace Corps, is dead.

Right now, writing this, I’m leaning toward this GCP dot as a kind of oracle. And if it’s an oracle, then it qualifies as synchronicity. And it it’s synchronicity, then I intend to pay close attention to it. The drawbacks, however, seem pretty daunting. When the dot changes colors, I can see how the collective consciousness is changing. I can monitor the psyche of the planet! And yet… where are the specifics?

When that dot turns red, I don’t have specifics. There’s nothing here that screams, Hey, check shootings! Check Pakistan. Check the obituaries for the famous. Once this dot can at least give me hints about specifics, then I will start keeping a written record.  For now, I watch it and monitor the news and thank the researchers who have inadvertently proven Radin to be right: “As mind moves, so does matter.” Even without those specifics, this strange little dot  could be a valuable tool.

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57 Responses to Global Consciousness Project

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just noticed a lot of reds last 24hrs –

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    know what you mean, cj, as i think about the same thing all the time – living on the conscious levels – i think the russian bomb must have been the red dot, too – hope that's the end of things for a while, anyway –

  3. Anonymous says:

    Gypsy, in my dreams last night everyone was sick. Everyone. Not a pleasant dream. There's so much going on all over the globe that it's a wonder the dot doesn't stay red constantly. I figure the Russian airport bomb was today's red dot. Continue to feel something "coming", though. This is not the way I would choose to live, on my conscious levels. cj

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    most of the photos/images i've seen show dense smoke – the suffocation feeling is what kept awakening me night before last – and while that particular thing didn't seem to be associated with my dream of the little boy, i had thought the two might be connected because they both happened the same night – but now, with this event, i wonder if they weren't two totally separate things i was experiencing –

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It makes sense to me that it is, Gypsy. When I first saw the headlines on huffington post, that was my first thought: the red dot event!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    DP – i know – i mean, me, too – aside from the dream – the feeling of suffocating –

    is this the red dot event?
    Yahoo! News

  7. d page says:


    I was weepy feeling last eve, didn't sleep last night– feel very sick all over today. I've noticed the Dot was red at 4:19 pm PDT today.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just fyi – about 1:45pm central time i noticed the gcp dot becoming red – sent trish a note but thought i would just comment here also to be able to follow along with anything coming up –

    otherwise, anyone having any unusual stuff going on last night/today? i kept being awakened by a suffocating feeling – couldn't catch my breath – from about midnight till daylight –
    also, in early morn hours had really heavy dream of little boy – will post over in d/weavers – for me, maybe the two are associated somehow

    wv – eulayst – you lay?

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cousin – how about florida as boot shaped a bit?

    yes, really weird about the wv's, trish – more and more!

  10. says:

    Mike, this is a delayed response to your earlier comment here…..All things considered, I don'y think there is any such thing as "random numbers". Just my personal conclusion as a person who lives virtually every waking moment immersed in math/numbers in all its myriad aspects.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    These wv are becoming more and more synchronistic!

  12. 3322mathaddict says:

    About that WV: bootyp. The phrase 'boot tip' came to me later. Don't we have a couple of states that are shaped like a boot? I'll have to pull up a map of the U.S. and take a look. I know Idaho has a chimney and looks like an upside-down boot, somewhat.
    WV: "compli" comply?

  13. 3322mathaddict says:

    I did see about your grandson, J. Once again our paths are running precisely parallel.. Our entire familes must be from the same soul cluster. Can't be otherwise. I wish I knew why I was sobbing. It was from some kind of terrible grief and hurt, but I don't know what.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, dear, cj, i don't like those kinds of dreams at all – they are prone to put such a "damper" on the day – did you see my comment about my grandson, too?

    now, this wv – dracalin

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, no, i don't think so, trish – about the guy – just thought it interesting about the wv and the "global navigation" connection in the midst of this post and comments –

    yeah, the movie and the trembling and then the quake – weird –

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Also a 5.0 off the coast of chile today. Good synchro, jenean. That WV: has something happened to that guy?

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, while i was typing my last comment, you all were really busy –
    interesting to say the least, all of this

    this wv is venthe

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, this is weird, trish – i mentioned about my feeling the earth trembling early this morning, and after commenting, i remembered a movie that came on late last night – under fire with hackman and nolte – takes place in the 1979 nicaraguan conflict – have no clue what prompted me to watch at all especially because i've seen it so many times but i began watching it even though i never watch movies with conflict so late at night – anyway, after the bombing scene in the nightclub, feeling too disturbed, i shut it off and went to bed – then was awakened very early right before 5am – it was between then and about 6:30-7:00 that i felt the earth trembling – so i left my comment here – just now decided to go back over to the usgs site to see if it was working – and saw the 5.1 EQ off the coast of nicaragua – 11:18am central – perhaps all those are connected –

    wv – progri – guy named progri owns corp that develops global navigation software –

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There was a 5.1 quake off the coast of nicaragua at 11:18 this morning.

    cj – weird wv!

  20. 3322mathaddict says:

    No commment, just noting the WV on this blank comment space is "bootyp" boot up??

  21. 3322mathaddict says:

    Gypsy, I was still deeply asleep between 5-7am your time, but was dreaming, and in my dream I had my head on my arms on a table and was sobbing inconsolably. I have no idea why, except that there was a letter of some sort on the table and the only word I remember seeing was "evangelical". I woke up feeling as if I'd truly been sobbing. Not a good way to awaken.
    Here's the WV for this comment: "premar" Odd.

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Everyone should get the GCP dot!

    Gypsy – glad you put this up with the symptoms and mentioned today's time frame. I'll have to check the quake site, see what's going on.

  23. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    meant to ask also if anyone had anything going on between 5am-7am central time this morning? for me, it was another of those times when i felt the earth trembling – not violently at all – but a trembling – i was still in bed but not sleeping at all – i was wide awake – anyone?

  24. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, for me, trish, as to the pakistan quake – my symptoms the day of, and the prior two days, were really something – as you know, my dreams seem to by my channel – but this time, it was different – when i was at lunch with my sister it was so bad i really wasn't sure i could stay – and then got violently ill when i got home – we had lunch late that day, about 2:00pm central – i tried to check out the time of the EQ day before yesterday but couldn't get the darn site to work – all the way through lunch i kept saying that something was wrong somewhere – course, that made a lot of sense to the people at the table jammed up against us – anyway – the other weird thing is cj's comment about her little grandson – the very same identical thing happened with my little grandson alejandro [4yrs] – for real! it was really really bad for him – but he wasn't taken to the hospital – afterward, he began talking about death – it was bad enough that the next night his mom called me at his bedtime so that i could sing him to sleep – when i lived there and he was upset, i would sing mockingbird to him and it really soothed him – in any event, she called and i sang mockingbird to him – bless his heart – but strange, very strange, with the little ones –

  25. Healing Mudras says:

    I too like Nancy did a post on that GCP sometime ago. And it is with a glimpse to the color of the dot that my Internet Homepage (the blog page) opens up every time i browse…

  26. Adele Aldridge says:

    I always seem to be the last person to read and post a comment here – not out of lack of interest but I subscribe to this blog via email and it comes in the next day.

    Anyway, I love the idea of this spot – thanks for posting – I'm going to put one on my blog – seems appropriate for us I Ching people. Fascinating.

  27. Shadow says:

    all i can say is thank goodness it's green……. but this is pretty cool. i want one too.

  28. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anon: take a look here and click the link in the post.

    Jo- always loved that hemingway line.

  29. Jo says:

    Wow! That is so interesting.

    I read in the New Yorker recently that we are all a river of knowledge that flows through all human beings, from past generations to future generations, and through our current consciousness.

    "Ask not for whom the bell tolls…"

  30. Anonymous says:

    Yes, same spot on the same highway – 23 years apart. Unfortunately, I have not kept notes on these symptoms. I realize that I should begin journaling this phenomenon, but I just seem to want to blot it out of my memory. The outcomes are not usually personal, but relate to disasters like airplane crashes, earthquakes, etc. I never know exactly what's coming, I only know some large-scale tragedy is about to occur. And I'm helpless to do anything about it. Depressing!

  31. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's one of those disturbing and tragic synchros. All of these people were killed at the same spot by drunken drivers?!

  32. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous – how awful! I'm not even sure how such tragedies are processed. It does sound, though, like some of the "empathic" symptoms people have noted before natural disasters. Have you kept notes on these symptoms? Is there always a personal event that occurs??

  33. Anonymous says:

    I neglected to mention that my cousin was killed by a drunk driver too, same spot, only years apart.

  34. Anonymous says:

    For the last 10+ years, I have been experiencing what I jokingly refer to as "a disturbance in the force" in the days before certain significant disasters. They seem to manifest most frequently as chaotic nightmares, filled with visual abnormalities that cause me to believe I am rapidly hurtling through space, in a back and forth motion. I awaken disoriented, and with a terrible sense of dread. The most recent experience was the day before Thanksgiving. I later learned that my favorite aunt (as well as my cousin's husband) had been killed by a drunk driver on Thanksgiving Day. The twisted irony was that they had just left a memorial wreath at the scene of an accident years before that that took the life of my cousin, my aunt's son. I am still trying to process that horrific event.

  35. 3322mathaddict says:

    For me, yes, prior to the Pakistan quake. The symptoms built in me for several days then peaked horribly. Yesterday,1-19,continued to be an awful day in terms of vertigo and spatial disorientation. It's significantly calmer today. I'm crossing my fingers and everything else I can cross.

  36. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So are we talking about the quake recently in Pakistan?? Symptoms before that happened?

  37. 3322mathaddict says:

    Oh geez Natalie I can't stop laughing! Head antennas! That is SO funny! Gypsy, same with me with the headache, except mine was left temporal lobe,(and I never, ever have headaches, either, except prior to events), and Deb, I was also in bed. Symptoms made me non-functional and at one point I felt so awful that it actually frightened me and I phoned my husband to see if he could home to stay with me for a little while. I am NOT a wuss, but that was an awful awful experience. I've had a peculiar thought as I read these comments: wonder if the ET folks who have implanted devices are the ones who are planetary empaths. Wonder if anyone has ever done any kind of research on that possible connection. It would be pretty compelling. One more thing: we have a grandson who is not quite three years old. Night before last, he woke up about 2:30 screaming bloody murder, went running into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom and kept screaming hysterically. This was unprecedented. Never happened before. They couldn't find out if he was hurting somewhere or anything…he just kept screaming and sobbing and holding onto them. Son finally decided to take him to the ER (in the middle of the night) because he continued to be hysterical. Docs there administered a pediatric sedative so they could examine him. He wasn't sick. The ER doc said he "probably had a nightmare". Uh-huh. My intuition tells me he had a "visitor", and I don't mean a spook. Hopefully when he's old enough to be coherent he'll be able to tell.

  38. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i had already decided to do the same thing too – begin jotting down the p/e symptoms and dates and events etc – funny you mention the stomach thing, cj – because i became violently ill after lunch that day and called my sister to see if she had gotten sick from lunch – she had not – we had the same thing – my main thing was headache [top of head] which i never otherwise have and then my left ear which was probably the worst it's been in a very long time –

  39. d page says:

    Freeloading spooks are such a nuisance!

    I was in bed for the day of the quake. Non functional.

    lol! wv = benions

  40. Natalie says:

    Monday night (my time)Tues morning your time, i started to feel nauseas and dizzy, stumbling around etc. I had not had a wine for days so it wasn't that! Anyway, a few others with me were also experiencing the same things and it lasted only a few hours. The next day, I was CRANKY and agitated worse than I have ever felt and I knew it wasn't mine.
    I just thought I had picked up a freeloading spook at meditation or something. Maybe it wasn't.

    Maybe our dots could be called
    head antennas?

  41. 3322mathaddict says:

    Meant to say Great idea, Vicki! Typos are common with me these days.

  42. 3322mathaddict says:

    Kreat Idea, Vicki! Keep the record. Gypsy, I got so sick to my stomach a few hours prior to the EQ that I thought I had come down with a stomach virus, and thought I was going to have to have my neighbor, with whom I was riding, pull over to the side of the road. This kind of extremely severe nausea is totally unlike me. It disappeared when the EQ "released". I don't wanna do this anymore, Mr. Wizard!! Enuf is enuf! Yesterday the symptoms of instability and veritgo were horrific. Today, much better. Assuming I chose to experience these events, can't I choose to un-experience them?? Wishful thinking! Oooohhhmmmmmmmmm. (I'm doing the OHM-Sound thing!)

  43. Vicki D. says:

    As I read all of the comments I was taken back by CJ' s comment about the red dot and it being on the forheas of empaths.
    I was born with a large purplish red "V" on my forehead .
    It is now pinkish red and shows up strongly after exercise, but I think that I will begin to keep a diary on events and my symptoms.

  44. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cj's comments reminded me that i'd forgotten to mention [am on overload with family stuff] that on the day of the pakistan EQ while at lunch with my sister [2pm cst] my p/e symptoms after several days had become so severe that she asked me what was wrong – and i remarked that i didn't know but i knew something was going on – the two days prior, i had kept thinking i would ask others here but am late doing so – in any event, anyone?

    the button reminds me of the mood rings of yore – remember them?

    oh, and wv here is "jousne" – does that mean swan in ?russian? another language??

  45. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yeah, it does, Mike. But it's the reddish orange to red that signals, well, something.

  46. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Interesting project – though the graph does seem to go up to orange quite a lot during 24 hours. The thing about random numbers though is that they do run in peaks as opposed to being equally distributed.

  47. 3322mathaddict says:

    It IS kinda funny about the red dots on our heads. But on the much more serious side, as planetary empaths, perhaps we might be able to use these "dots" and their significance as a confirmation when we are having symptoms. Even though we seldom know what the event is that is impending, we know there IS one, and if the color of the dot is relative to our symptoms, it's a pretty good confirmation that something is brewing in the Collective Unconscious and is about to manifest. I like this. It's a tool that can be helpful!

  48. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We had a section in 7 Secrets about this project. But I love having the dot there.

    CJ – I laughed about that red dot in the middle of the empaths' foreheads.

  49. Nancy says:

    I did a post on this project some time ago – it is absolutely amazing how many more eggs they have now! I'm off to try and get the dot.

  50. d page says:

    I find the GCP and the Dot fascinating.
    cj, I almost sprayed coffee on my keyboard reading about we empaths and the red dot over our head!

  51. gypsywoman says:

    totally fascinating to me, too – and i noticed this morning the button site having a number of peaks to red –

  52. Lauren says:

    Fascinating to read about, and to imagine. But why not? Sometimes I think synchronicities (the ones in my own life I'm able to think about) demonstrate a kind of "time slippage"…..they kind of exist outside of the order of events I normally think of as the passage of time. So why not bring that idea to a collective (consensual) consciousness?

  53. 3322mathaddict says:

    Well, Guys, it occurs to me that we planetary empaths probably have a huge, invisible red dot imprinted right smack dab in the middle of the crown of our heads, wouldn't you say?? WV: "thowhil" thou will? 🙂

  54. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous – so within a period of 24 hours, you experienced synchros about the global consciousness project and 9-11. The time 9:11 is intriguing, almost like a punctuation point!

  55. Anonymous says:

    Okay… let me try to unravel this for you. I have been experiencing many coincidences lately, and have brought up the subject with my husband and son. Knowing that I have some heightened ESP, my family encouraged me to pay closer attention to these occurances. My husband purchased a copy of your book as a Christmas gift for me. I have been reading it, in small measures, ever since. Yesterday, I was reading about your Global Consciousness Project. Fascinating, but I put it into the back of my mind. (N0 doubt!) Today, I am rambling about the Internet when I came upon a website that turned out to be yours. I hadn't yet realized this when I was captivated by "the dot", clicked on it and afterward decided that I should check the time. It was 9:11 a.m. After returning to the Home Page and reading a little further down, your topic stunned me. It was, of course, events of September 11th. I am looking forward to finishing your book and doing more research on this phenomenon that has inundated me lately. Thank you!

  56. DJan says:

    You put up posts down there in Florida almost every morning that I am sitting here in bed with my laptop, so I get to be an early commenter. I went to the dot, read about it, and agree with you: There's something to the synchronicity of the collective unconscious at work here. Thanks for the information, I'm off to read more about it!

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