Synchro project allows public access

We welcome the Synchro Project to the real world with their new blog. The project is an academic adventure exploring synchronicity as a science.That’s a challenging proposition since mainstream science considers meaningful coincidence an oxymoron. They have their work cut out for them. Their efforts, of course, will be lumped with parapsychology, where thousands of successful experiments over decades of research have not made a dent in the current scientific paradigm, which rejects telepathy, precognition, remote viewing or clairvoyance, and other aspects of psychic abilities.

The project has held two symposiums, the latest at the Yale Divinity School. Unfortunately,  until now, the project has appeared somewhat elitist. The public was not allowed to attend the fall 2010 gathering of minds, according to their pre-symposium information. As professional writers, we’re well aware of the difficulties in getting attention to newly published books in a extremely competitive field. (Fifteen hundred books are published every day, including self-published ones.) So when we were invited to the symposium, we found it more than slightly odd that the public was banned.

Possibly, the thought was that a public forum would make the subject appear untenable for true academic research. Maybe they will explain their reasoning on their blog. Combining that lack of public access with the cost involved, and the fact that we are not members of the academic world – elite or otherwise – led us to decide not to attend.

We’re pleased that the Syncho Project’s blog will allow anyone to see what they’re doing and possibly contribute.  Let them know that synchronicity happens to everyone.

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11 Responses to Synchro project allows public access

  1. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Actually, Mack was also investigated and academically censured at Harvard! Like Brian Weiss he retained his job, but was severely bullied. Mack was over 60, I think, before he "came out'. By that time he probably figured there was not that much they could do to him. I was very saddened by his death, but at least we saw 70 odd years of him! As an intuitive myself, my sense is that his death was an accident.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Marcus, there is an exception. Dr. John Mack was a well-respected, renowned Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard who became deeply immersed in the fields of UFOs and ETs and in clinically researching the abduction scenarios, and penned best-sellers on those subjects. He was also winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Unfortunately, he died as the result of a "drunk driver" during a visit to Europe to be a keynote pseaker at a UFO conference. One way or another, the voices are hushed. cj

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Marcus – I'd forgotten that about Weiss and didn't realize this about Freud. Thanks for the info! It explains a remark one of the summit's people about remaining "agnostic" about the phenomenon of synchronicity until they had a hypothesis. This gentleman also referred to jung as a therapist, not
    a philosopher.

  4. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Well, Yale was where Brian Weiss got censured 20 years ago for writing Many lives, Many masters. People in academia have to be careful, because there are taboos, and no go zones. Anything to do with 'spiritualism', the psychic or paranormal is a definite no no. The Yale people would be extremely sensitive to avoid any such allegations. This has been going on for years. Freud censored his interest in telepathy and made agreements with colleagues not to make their belief in it public, for fear that it would lead to the ridicule and discredit of psychoanalysis as an emerging discipline. Remember, before Freud, few people even believed in the unconscious.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i came here several hours ago and drafted a little comment [something like "a day late and a dollar short"] – then deleted it before i published it – thinking i would first check out the synchro project site, which i did and found, as i imagined i would, nothing to induce me to participate – also, i am not interested in purchasing an iPhone in order to participate with yale – did i miss something there? – anyway, your work has already broken the ground they are just beginning to acknowledge – so i pass – oh, and i also am not crazy about the attitude over there –

    but thanks so much for making this information available for us all – you always provide the most recent research etc –

    wv here is glyga – isn't that something to do with [windshear] ALERTS?

  6. simple says:

    did any of the synchronicity crowd notice the holiday yesterday,, thinking some folks did,,, our local light rail (mass transit) was (passengers for tickets) examined last eve.. strange a few "D of HS" authorities where present,, it was kind of a religious (think chromosomes x toes x fingers) yet Mayan point in time,,, synchronicity meaning more then one…. most peolpe I know think I nuts for thinking along these lines,, just thinking the way I know some are….

  7. Natalie says:

    Nancy, that was so well said. Hear, Hear!
    Also I will have to ditto DJan as well. ♥

  8. 3322mathaddict says:

    Ditto, DJan.

  9. DJan says:

    Well, I think I have my hands (and mind) full enough of synchronicity through your blog. I'll leave it at that, since you never fail to point me to the latest stuff! 🙂

    You guys are the best!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    i agree 100 percent, nancy.

  11. Nancy says:

    Thank you for directing us to this site. But, I have to admit – I feel as though the scientific community has dragged their feet for so long that I no longer look to them for cutting edge information. I am now going by what resonates and feels right for me. The scientific community feels like a heavy load the rest of us are pulling up a mountain. There is so much information out there, some good, some bad, that I just don't look to academia for my answers anymore.

    A good example is the UFO phenomenon – they are still denying anything is happening as millions around the world are seeing them with their own eyes. I just don't look to my government or academia to be honest with the American people. They are too closely related. I watched an interview on a blog yesterday where a PhD actually said they are often told by the CIA what they can study and what they can't, what they can reveal and what they can't, when it comes to UFOs. The media is also told what it can reveal and what it can't. I just don't look to them for information any longer. The climate of secrecy needs to stop.

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