A synchro or a lie

If a politician or his staff tells a story that sounds like a synchronicity, it might be one. Of course, considering the source, it might be a lie. It’s not too far fetched to say that telling falsehoods is a mainstay in the world of politics. If you don’t have the facts on your side, make them up.

With that in mind, here’s a ‘synchronicity’ from the Tweets of Rick Scott, the new super conservative governor of Florida. A former health care executive who spent $50 million of his estimated $218 million fortune on his campaign, Scott had never Tweeted on Twitter until his younger staff member set up an event on Jan. 20.

Scott answered 19 questions in 140 characters or less. No space to ramble to avoid answering a question. Most of them were softball queries, such as ‘How do you like Tallahassee (Florida’s state capital)?’

Then along came question 19: ‘So what are you gunna fire everyone and hire Walmart employees? Yeah, thats great…you jackass.’

Scott never answered. The governor’s office said his computer froze before he could reply. Ah, a synchronicity. The session with the word jackass. Too bad about that.

But maybe that’s not what happened. Maybe it was Scott who froze, then walked away. The question was later removed from  Scott’s Twitter stream by someone from the Harris Media PR firm that handled Scott’s social media during his campaign. A spokesman for Scott told the Palm Beach Post that deleting the comment was ‘inappropriate.’ Yeah, right.

C’mon. Why lie? Just say the question was inappropriate and removed. But no that would be too straightforward.

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13 Responses to A synchro or a lie

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We like the tarot here. Thanks for dropping by, Nick!

  2. Nick Allen says:

    Interesting post's, looking forword your next post dude..


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Olbermann's firing from MSNBC is the loss of a truly progressive voice and shows us what's in store for us now that the Comcast merger is done. We've got a post coming up on this – and Keith's departure.

  4. Sansego says:

    Olbermann's departure from MSNBC proves that the "liberal media" myth is exactly that: a myth. If the media was really liberal, Olbermann would be safe from firing the same way Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Limbaugh are.

    Its amazing that politicians will lie when telling the truth is simpler and better in the long run.

  5. Natalie says:

    Yes, I had hopes for Blair too. 🙁

    Politicians make me cross eyed with absolute frustration.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike, I used to like Blair, until he became Bush's poodle.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I guess the truth hurts!

  8. DJan says:

    In a related synchro, on my way to my Saturday walk I heard NPR talking about how important it is to lie in international politics. Lying is considered essential, both to other countries and to our own people.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    on scott, yeah, right!
    ditto nancy!!! Jackass.

    on olbermann msnbc and comcast, yeah, right!

    ditto, macgregors!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yes, lying is a way of life in government and corporate world. Tell the truth, like Keith Olbermann,and get fired.

    Last week, Comcast bought MSNBC. By the end of the week, Olbermann was gone. Comcast say there was no relationship between the purchase and the firing. No reason for it was given.

    Can we believe Comcast's version of the truth? My guess is that his firing was contingent upon the completion of the deal, which is in the final stages. Just a guess.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Long noses, now wouldn't that be true justice!

  12. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    You are asking why a politician would like?!! It's a way of life for many them, well it is here in the UK. Just been watching Tony Blair at yet another Iraq enquiry over here – and still he fibs. I'm surprised his nose hasn't grown to enormous lengths by now.

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