Wikileak Rumors

We wrote recently on the continued unwillingness of the U.S. government to release its UFO files as other countries have done. Supposedly, Julian Assange has unreleased cables about UFOs. Here’s what he told one interviewer.

“Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules. However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.”

 According to the European Union Times  the U.S. went on its highest alert ever on June 10, 2004 as a result of a “massive fleet of UFO’s that “suddenly emerged” from the Southern Ocean and approached Guadalajara, Mexico barely 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the American border. Prior to reaching the US border, however, this massive UFO fleet is said in this report to have “dimensionally returned” to their Southern Ocean “home base”.

The southern ocean referred to in the report is the Antarctic Ocean – apparently this is where the fleet has underwater bases. The danger (says the report) is that when the fleet erupts from under the water, tremendous waves and currents are created that can sink ships.Recently, “the Clelia II, an Antarctic cruise ship with 160 people onboard, was nearly capsized when hit by waves generated by these UFO’s emerging from the Southern Ocean…” reports the E.U. Times.

This article also mentions that the fears of the Americans began with the July 1991 solar eclipse when the same types of craft appeared over Mexico City and other parts of that country and were witnessed by thousands. But the American media refused to air any of the footage. That’s true for the mainstream media, which seems to accept the disinformation about UFOs without much of an investigation of the matter. However, cable channels that specialize in these subjects have played the videos.

Here’s the Mexican video. What’s next?

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35 Responses to Wikileak Rumors

  1. Anonymous says:

    The truth is always first denied,then ridiculed & finally accepted as obvious! Jane Clifford.Wales

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    OK. Here's a completely out-of-the-box observation. I've been sitting here studying the picture T & R posted; just the picture, before clicking the arrow to watch the video, and I notice something and wonder if anyone else has notcied it? Below the arrow, and slightly to the right, there is a "cluster" of what appears to be a bunch of small grapes all bunched together. They're blue, like the sky, but nonetheless quite clear. They appear to be connected to a cloud that undeniably resembles an elongated "face": forehead, eyes, nose, mouth. On the other side of this Face-looking cloud there is a more vague cluster of the grape-looking things. Yes, I understand the "face" between those two clusters is apparently a cloud, (I assume), but what are those clusters? Anyone else notice those? They aren't separated from each other, and they're quite small. Easy to see if you look.
    Matbe it's a photography thing?? Whatever, it's weird.

  3. 3322mathaddict says:

    May not necessarily be "dreams, Nat! Goodness gracious, look at this totally weird WV:

  4. Natalie says:

    Doesn't explain my weird dreams however.

    wv= spiyin

    spying. I rest my case. πŸ™‚

  5. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Hate to be a party pooper, but this looks to have a more mundane explanation. This is what the last comment on the YouTube video says:

    "ok everyone listen i live in LA now but im from guadalajara mexico and every year in the city and in all the state we have celebrations like this this things are not not ufo's this are white ballons that people let go up in the air when the virgin mary arrives to the church after a visiting all different towns i've been there this happends every year you can even hear the church bells in theο»Ώ background sound"

  6. 3322mathaddict says:

    The folks who would be most disgruntled and fearful, I think, are the born-again fundamental evangelicals whose core doctrines would be sorely challenged by disclosure, just as they would be if a craft landed on the White House lawn and Gort descended out of it. Whether good guys or Bad guys, I imagine those folks would call them evil and demonic and some of them would go nuts. Shame. However, all born-agains are not dis-believers. My sister is about as evangelical a baptist as exists, but she well remembers encounters and doesn't deny that ETs are around and about, nor does she deny the reality of intelligent life on other planets. She's Mensa, so she's much smarter than the average bear, but is still a Bible-thumper. Just a somewhat enlightened one, thank goodness. If I ever confided to her, though, that I have the conviction Jesus of Nazareth was/is an ET, she'd freak out and call in an exorcist for me! Takes all kinds.

  7. Jen says:

    I am actually rather shocked that this is the first time I am hearing about or seeing this video! They certainly don't seem threatening- maybe that is why the govt hasn't fully disclosed yet? Certain human beings would feel very threatened by the realization that there are "others" here and would probably call for immediate violence and destruction. Ugh I can see it now…

    wv: quari

  8. 3322mathaddict says:

    Good-guys/bad guys, as I've commented many times. And honestly, I think the global attempt at "cover-up" has been in place since long before Roswell. And most folks with a brain now understand that the events at Roswell did indeed occur and were not 'weather ballooons' or any such nonsense. One way or another, the truth will eventually be revealed. It's seeping out little by little in ways that we often don't recognize or connect to the issues of UFOs and ETs. Interesting WV: 'dully'

  9. Shadow says:

    there's too much of these for them to all be hoaxes…

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good points, marcus! You bring a whole other perspective, particularly about China. And nice to know we won't be visited any time soon by the CIA!

    What I have always wondered is how any coverup could last for more than half a century.

  11. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Certainly a fascinating video! As for 'other countries' media' being more open, I think that is rather simplistic. There are different levels to the problem. The government doesn't control every media organisation. Even in China, where I have spent much of my time (& China ranks something like 4th last in the world in terms of media freedom) some newspapers and other media sometimes publish politically sensitive stuff, including on UFOs. The truth is that western countries have relatively free and open access to information. Even the WikiLeaks stuff contained little that is surprising: most of the info has done the rounds or been discussed elsewhere. One significant level of the issue is that mainstream newspapers, TV, radio, web sites etc, cater for what they perceive to be commonly accepted/acceptable belief structures. Their main objective is not to push the boundaries of knowledge or create paradigm shifts, but to sell news products. That means any story that lies too far from consensus reality is canned. These organisations also have to consider sponsors and advertisers. There are other levels of the media silence problem too e.g. western knowledge structures since the enlightenment, the mechanistic paradigm which dominates science, and education structures which are forms of social control. It's a multi-layered problem. As an Australian, I find that Americans are often paranoid about government to the point that distrust occurs even when it is not warranted, and they oftyen blame the government for problems which are far more complex than they realise. This is not to say that governments are not hiding information. They are. But in the modern day and age, with the internet and social media, the governments have a much reduced capacity to control information like this. I don't think Rob and Trish will be visited anytime soon by the CIA.

  12. Natalie says:

    Yes, I am there too. However, i have been having some experiences for some months now, where i am 'dreaming' of aliens and I get woken abruptly everytime. It seems that something or someone wakes me just in time to break contact. I KNOW I am well protected by my guides, and this makes me think that they do this to protect my conciousness somehow.


  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – would have loved to attend that conference! I'm with you – not fear. But, I think there are both bad and good guy aliens (for lack of a better term) just as there are bad and good guys among humans. Simplistic, perhaps.

  14. Lauren says:

    This is so fascinating I had to return to read the comments. Went to the UFO conference in Roswell last summer, listened to experts there who have been returning for many years (Stanton Friedman and others)…..and left with a different perspective. And of course, being in Carrizozo, met lots of local people who have family or elderly friends that claim to have had some experience of the Roswell crash.

    Personally, I don't feel afraid of the phenomenon……I can't help but feel that, because we are in such a shaky position in our evolution and impact on the planet, perhaps they are observing us; maybe they even offer some kind of intervention we can't know about or understand. Freddy Silva, an expert on crop circles, thinks so. But then, I'm from the romantic old days of Steven Spielburg and "Close Encounters".

  15. 3322mathaddict says:

    Balloons? Hhhmmmmm. I really want to see balloons that change directions suddenly at direct left or right angles, stop in mid-air and hover there, then zoom off into the atmosphere out of sight. It's the sharp-angled turns, and also formations, (and lights), that would tend to defy the suggestions of balloons, unless there are some balloons that can do that.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cj – you may be right – i've certainly thought of that, too – that the CIC may not have the information – but – we voted him into office! [i know! i know! for what that's worth!] – bottom line is, it's one thing i can think of that i can do – again, for what it's worth! πŸ˜‰

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    PS Gary in Texas. Flocks are reserved for birds.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Luminous balloons? Maybe so. Anything's possible.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I believe the video was nothing more than a huge flock of balloons.

    Gary in Texas

  20. 3322mathaddict says:

    Count me in, Gypsy! I've been waiting a very long time to understand what happened to my son and me on Warner Robins AFB
    in 1981. Maybe full disclosure might answer all our questions, or at least some of them.
    Where the military is involved,
    however, I don't trust anyone out there and I honestly do not for one moment believe the Commander-In-Chief has the answers, either. I'm convinced our presidents do not possess Above Black classifications, probably for their own safety, maybe. We'll see what happens. Let's tweet like a flock of hawks in the Libary of Congress!!

  21. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, alright then, trish! yes!!!

  22. Natalie says:

    They are just waiting, waiting, waiting. What for?

    The go ahead from the Aliens?

    Scares the bejeebus out of me.

    wv = hepick

    He picks? Creator?

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm here – I'll do it!

  24. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, i could not resist – i just tweeted the President:



    you may now all begin whatever protective intentions chants dances you know! πŸ˜‰

    even if we can't all demonstrate at 1600 penn avenue, he has an official tweet account – so what if we all began tweeting about this issue? every day – at least once a day – yes?

    hello –
    anyone there?

  25. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    this video was more than mind-boggling just in terms of the sheer number of craft! and then, the implications of what such a massive sighting really means to us – and to this planet –

    and yes, the thought of all the governmental cover-ups in light of the obvious reality of all this irrefutable evidence adds insult to injury –

    a very very impressive video and intriguing post, macgregors! thank you!

    wv – audar – according to wiktionary, literally, "to hear" –

    one could also see those letters as "radar" [as i first did]

    interesting wv no matter which –

  26. 3322mathaddict says:

    Do all of you guys know that the definition of the word "aliene", in the French language, means "INSANE"? Just a tidbit of trivia….or is it?

  27. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Several countries have released everything, cj. New Zealand is one that comes to mind. I think streiber mentions them on his site.

  28. 3322mathaddict says:

    This discussion begs the question: just exactly how much information are the other countries releasing to their public?? Just enough to not be under the gun anymore? Or everything they have? Certainly it isn't everything by any means. Only the tip of an endless iceberg, I would venture to surmise.

  29. Nancy says:

    Vicki – I agree with you. The mass coverup has me asking why? And if the government controls things we see with our own eyes, what else are the keeping from us?

    Mike – I also agree with you – uneducated people are easier to control – they believe what they hear through the television media.

  30. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Impressive video.

    As Vicki mentions so much is censored – about so many things – and not just in the US. There are cover ups galore – until, that is, 'they' consider we need to be told.

    Some would say this is why educational standards are dropping – so that we won't ask to many questions. Better to dumb down with another 'reality' show so we won't think too much about deeper, more important issues. They give us the world of the celebrities in exchange.

  31. Lauren says:

    Very interesting……thanks again for thought provoking information.

  32. 3322mathaddict says:

    Agree on all points, Vicki. Yet it's surprising how many masses of folks belive the denials and debunk the thousands upon thousands of eyewitnesses who see these events and who interact with the occupants of the crafts; interactions that in and of themselves can be just awful. (Sometimes wondrous, as well, depending.) It's imnpossible to debunk the NASA astronauts who are finally coming out of the closet with their personal accounts of encounters, yet TPTB continue to deny and/or ignore the facts that are literally right in front of our eyes. You are so on the mark: the most frightening part of this entire scenario is that TPTB continue to attempt the cover-ups and create such ridiculous explanations that are so obviously a ruse, that we must wonder exactly what they do know and why do they keep hiding it? Makes me shudder.

  33. Vicki D. says:

    What I find scariest in this post is the fact that our media didn't publish this information. Other countries are much more open than we are.
    If the media isn't telling us about this, or if and when they do,they make fun of the story or the people believing in it, it really concerns me.
    It is obvious they are being told to do this. I mean the UFO sighting over Chicago O'Hare airport was seen by so many people and yet the media still tries to laugh that off.
    These are literally right in front of our eyes yet we are being told they are not?
    I find this scarier than the UFO's.

  34. 3322mathaddict says:

    Not too long ago when we were discussing the UFO discosure here on the blog, I mentioned an incident that occurred several years ago. This one did appear in the newspapers in our city, in Jacksonville, and in Daytona, because the incident(s) were witnessed by hundreds, if not thousands of credible people including law officers, fire officials, life guards, etc. On the horizon of the ocean, on a crystal clear day, a bright blinding light appeared to have lifted out of the sea. It hovered just over the water, then split into three bright blinding colored lights and zoomed evenly into the sky in three directions, disappearing out of sight. Next day, it happened off Jacksonville, third day, it happened off Daytona Beach. Authorities stated it was definitely not a ship or plane or anything else they could explain. It wasn't a fireworks display, and it clearly rose out of the ocean itself before splitting and zooming away. At that time, cell phones didn't have cameras and few people had cell phones. However, somewhere in the newspaper archives there are photos of the event, because some folks walking the beaches had regular cameras and snapped photos, which did make the papers. It was the "talk of the towns" for weeks, but the media quickly squelched it after the initial write-up. I'm firmly convinced there are undersea cities, or bases, where these craft come and go, possibly in and out of other dimensionsal portals located there, as they also probably likewise exist under the Pyramid and Sphinx in Egypt. cj

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