Baby Grand Piano in Biscayne Bay Rescued by…

This is part of Florida’s high strangeness, the kind of stuff that happens in this state and nowhere else:  a baby grand piano on a sand bar in Miami’s Biscayne Bay. The piano, according to NBC, weighs at least  650 pounds and sits at the highest part of the sand bar, so it won’t be inundated at high tide.

Two days after this story appeared in the news, a 16-year-old kid confessed he was responsible. He said he was “trying to beef up his college application.” We’re not sure what this has to do with beefing up a college app, but hey, it’s been awhile since we were in college and maybe this is what it takes these days. Turns out the kid is the son of a production designer for “Burn Notice.”

A little synchro here with that name: on New Year’s Eve, some party folks went a bit nuts when they lowered  the piano – an old movie prop – onto the sandbar and set it on fire.

On January 28, the piano was finally rescued by Carl Bentulan, a day trader and musician, a bass player – get this, another synchro weirdness – in a Police tribute band called Synchronicity.

 So another Miami urban legend was created here.

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18 Responses to Baby Grand Piano in Biscayne Bay Rescued by…

  1. Natalie says:

    I'm with Lauren.

  2. Shadow says:

    that 'college application' thing makes NO sense…… first thing i thought was throwing out his clothes, yes, his cd's, yes, his piano???? that's angry!

  3. james says:

    hey there! Got your blog via the synch list. Just wanted to add, with all the Bee's in the sync, that a Ba-By grand in Biscayne Bay fits perfectly.

    Check out Arrowsmith's Crazy 88's post!

    peace in

  4. Lauren says:

    What a sad sight, to see it sitting there………like some castaway from the wreck of the Titanic………

  5. Brizdaz says:

    It reminds me of a Banksy prank,but not as funny.For those out there who don't know who Banksy is,I recommend you watch a movie called
    "Exit Through The Gift-shop".
    I'm against mindless vandalism and most forms of graffiti,but Banksy's work is anything but mindless.

    Here's a link to the film's site;

    …and here's a link to some of his work;

    …or if you can't be bothered copying that link into your browser,just Goggle – Banksy ,and then click the images link in the top left-hand corner of the Google screen,to view some of his work.

    Cheers / Daz

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Greene's new one – the hidden reality – is great so far. The material is very sethian, for sure. Parallel universes!

  7. Nancy says:

    musingegret – Brian Greene's book is on my Amazon list, after watching him on the Colbert Report last night. I agree with things coming together – must get out my old Seth books.

    Amazing synchronicity with the name of the band, etc.

  8. musingegret says:

    Yay, Daz is back and apparently safe, good to know.

    Off-topic: It's good to see the estimable NYTimes carrying this book review:

    "Multiple-Universe Theory Made, Well, Easier"

    Has anybody here read any Brian Greene?

    "New Physics" is getting closer and closer to "old" Seth Material concepts/philosophy all the time.

    wv: nutri

  9. 1 moe try says:

    or actually Brizdaz

  10. simply says:

    now there's one hell of a song Bridaz

  11. 3322mathaddict says:

    I mourn the loss of a baby grand piano, in spite of the fun. My Mom was a classical pianist and violinist, and I can just see her cringe over this! Let's hope the baby grand was just an old worn-out piece of junk and not a fine instrument!! Ho-ho…look at this WV: trases TRASH? Maybe the WV trickster answered my question! 😉

  12. Jen says:

    I thought this story was really funny. I remember doing stuff like this in college as a form of "public art" however- we were mostly working with digital media projections and stuff like that- a baby grand sounds like a lot more work!!

  13. 3322mathaddict says:

    I laughed every time I saw that being re-told on the news late yesterday, and the kids may be in some trouble, unfortunately. They showed videos of the piano after it had been retrieved and loaded in the back of a pick-up truck. My vote would have been to leave it there. It was taken to the sand-bar via a boat during high tide. Something about this entire scenario just makes me smile. It's fun to see something in the news that isn't devastating!
    And it just goes to show that no matter what happens in the world,kids will always be kids!

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It is refreshing to know that plastic and junk were upstaged by a baby grand!

  15. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    What a great story, all I seem to see on beaches is driftwood and plastic bottles.

  16. Brizdaz says:

    A baby grand piano on a sand bar in Miami's Biscayne Bay?
    Wouldn't that make it the "Biscayne Bay Piano Bar"? .-)

    I heard Billy Joel and a few of his friends were at first questioned about the blazing piano,but the police let them go after Billy told them "We didn't start the fire".-)

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, so glad you all posted this – i'd been following the story, too, intrigued, and hoping that the beautiful piano would be left alone to sit in sand and water solitude – just something about it being there – and imagining all the stories it might hold secret! neat synchros to a neat story!

    wv – wherme – where me???

  18. DJan says:

    Hmmm. Beefing up a college application with a piano on a sandbar? I'm missing something here. Been a long time since I even thought about a college app, but times have definitely changed 🙂

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