Amazing Twins

Here’s another astonishing story of twins separated at birth.  They were born in 1940 and didn’t meet until 1979.
Yet, the similarities – which could be seen as synchronicities – are amazing.

Both were named Jim–Jim Springer and Jim Lewis. Each married a wife named Linda. Each divorced and each twin married a Betty. Each one had a son named James Allan. Each one had a dog named Troy. They both frequently vacationed out of state at the same Florida beach town. They both chain-smoked, had migraine headaches, and had basement workshops.

It goes on. Both were former sheriff’s deputies when they met, and each one occupied a house that was the only one on the block. Writer William B. Stoecker figures the chance of that string of so-called coincidences occurring is 1 in ten billion, but it’s probably much higher than that.

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10 Responses to Amazing Twins

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i've always been so fascinated by the lives of twins/other multiple births – so much still to learn, regardless of how much is known – and then, there are those stories, like that of my mother, who had a physical twin that was of no biological relationship whatsoever – but their looks were identical, their names the same, their personalities alike and their interests identical – remember that story, trish? anyway, very neat post!!!

  2. Shadow says:

    this is synchronicity at work, no matter what anyone says…

  3. Von says:

    And of course they both suffered the loss of their mother and the pain of loosing each other, very significant for twins.For most adoptees the loss of true identity is painful and creates 'genetic bewilderment', for twins that is magnified and is a truly cruel and inhumane thing to do.
    Far from being a cute and amazing story it is a tale of tragedy and loss.Finding each other does not wipe it out.

  4. Lauren says:

    Absolutely amazing! But I have to say, that I have met some identical twins that did not like each other… pair refused to speak to each other for 10 years, and I've thought that it might have something to do with a desire to individuate. But there is something to genetics…I gave up my daughter for adoption at birth, and we met when she was in her 20's. Her biological father was (when last i saw him) practicing as a counselor, and I'm an artist. She has become a clinical psychologist, as well as a successful artist, although there is no one of either profession in the family she grew up with.

  5. Natalie says:

    Oh, I love that story!
    So intriguing….
    Connies explanantion seems viable though. 🙂

  6. 3322mathaddict says:

    For me, this story of the identical twins pre-dates their nine-month gestation within the mother's womb and potentially supports a different type of explanation than we usually hear as an interpretation of the phrase "twin souls". I suspect such cases are not only born of one ovarian seed that splits in half, but also of one aspect of the Whole Soul, or OverSoul, splitting in half and incarnating in two separate physical vehicles. We often think of our beloveds, our spouses, partners, etc., as our "twin soul", which is beyond "soulmate", (of which there are several kinds). But I believe we each have just one true "twin soul" in addition to our various types of soulmates, and very infrequently twin souls may enter the ovarian seed as ONE and split upon conception. It's been my belief that genuine twin souls rarely incarnate simultaneously, although it happens. It's my understanding that, generally speaking, one half of the twin soul is incarnate and the other half is discarnate, for reasons of spiritual evolution and growth, and that's why most of us deeply yearn for something all our lives that we can never quite express or comprehend. Something buried within us is "missing". It's our Other Half. I always sensed that Elvis Presley was not only the identical twin of his brother who didn't survive, but that EP was quite literally his brother's twin soul. Their story is well-known by most. My husband and I have a pair of identical twins as close friends for the past 26 years, Jimmy and Timmy. No matter where either of them may be, if one is hurt or sick, the other feels the pain. They own a company together, live next door to each other, married women with the same names; it goes on and on. They are so identical in appearance that even their wives and young children have difficulty telling who is whom. Jimmy and Timmy are not content if they are not together, and their connectedness has created huge stresses in their marriages but the boys can't help it. They are one seed split in half and are not whole unless they are together. In any event, the parallels between Jim and Jim in this post are inspiring and uplifting and phenomenal and instructive. Thank you, Guys, for sharing it with us! Interesting WV:

  7. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    This is a classic story – and the connections are amazing – nature or nurture?

  8. DJan says:

    It certainly makes the case for heredity being responsible for at least some of these synchros. I do find it amazing to contemplate how many of my decisions have already been made. Fascinating!

  9. Adele Aldridge says:

    Somehow I think this is beyond (although inclusive of)synchronicity. I know there has been a lot of study of twins but I think more could be learned about thought transference by studying twins in this area.

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