Maria and #14

 Paul Klee painting

This story is in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity and is about number clusters. It was a post we’d written in the early days of our blog, when we got about 5 hits week, mostly from family and friends.  We’re re-posting it  because we love number synchros!
Clusters of synchronicities that occur with numbers range from the odd to the truly strange. They can coalesce around a single event or continue over the course of a lifetime. In Maria’s story, the number 14 recurred four times over a period of four months.

One night Maria, a college sophomore, drove into a DUI checkpoint on her way to MacDonald’s. Earlier that evening, she’d had two beers. After performing the field sobriety tests, the policeman determined that she was impaired, arrested her, and performed the breathalyzer. Even though she blew under the legal limit for impairment, she spent 14 hours in jail before she was bailed out.

Her parents hired an attorney, who felt she had a strong case for dismissal based on the video of her field sobriety tests and because she blew under the legal limit. A prosecutor was assigned to her case. After reviewing the evidence, he was ready to dismiss the charges, but was then removed from the case and another prosecutor was assigned who wanted to press charges. Her court date was set for December. Since it fell during her week of final exams, the attorney asked for a continuance and a new court date was set for February.

Before Christmas, 14 law firms filed a motion that the DUI checkpoints in this particular county were illegal because the police had too much discretion. The motion was heard on January 14 and the judged ruled in favor, which meant that all the evidence would be dismissed in 14 cases, including Maria’s.

The number 14 adds up to 5 – a number about freedom. Shortly before she was stopped, Maria had had an argument with her boyfriend about her freedom.

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8 Responses to Maria and #14

  1. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Yes, like these number cluster stories too.

  2. Natalie says:

    I really love number synchros too. TMaria's is a real goodie!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – good ones! I'd say you're firmly in the gypsy groove.

  4. don't know how says:

    next w.v. "supli"

  5. give a "hooot" says:

    hey Rob ya running out of material,, 14 indeed,,,

    S.P. + M. M.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i remember that story – such a striking cluster story – not easily forgotten – odd you're doing a cluster post today – just like my last road trip with the 1's clusters, this one was no exception – first travel day, was physically on the road at 9:11 am – when i made my first stop, my tank held 6.5 gals = 11 – and it was 11:11am in a town called HOPE [arkansas] – my favorite part has to be the clusters in a place called HOPE! how beautiful is that!

  7. rosaria says:

    So interesting!

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