Category Archives: number clusters

2:26,2-26: Spirit Contact Through Clusters

This sequence of synchronicities – date and number clusters – comes from Ann. It certainly has the signature of spirit communication – from a beloved dog who passed away recently and from Ann’s mother and husband, who are also on … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, number clusters, spirit communication, synchronicity | 13 Comments

Flight 191 As you see in the You Tube video, this is the chaotic scene on March 27, 2012, on Jet Blue’s Flight 191, New York to Las Vegas,  when the captain who was co-piloting the flight tried to storm … Continue reading

Posted in clusters, number clusters, synchronicity | 14 Comments


We recently wrote about Touch and the repetitions of 318. Gabe, our friend at teapots happen,  noted that 316 played a big role in the Denver Broncos win over the Pittsburgh Steelers Jan. 9 in an NFL playoff game. If … Continue reading

Posted in 316, number clusters, Numbers, sports, synchronicity | 10 Comments

333, oh, & 9-9-9

Recently I’ve been working on a new book proposal, spending a lot of time polishing the 55 pages. I’m looking for a new agent and want the proposal to shine.  I knew I was close when I had a dream … Continue reading

Posted in number clusters, synchronicity | 12 Comments

Maria and #14

 Paul Klee painting  This story is in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity and is about number clusters. It was a post we’d written in the early days of our blog, when we got about 5 hits week, mostly from family and … Continue reading

Posted in number clusters | 8 Comments