Flash Dancing in Moscow!

…to an Irving Berlin piece. This video is really great. I  first saw it on DJan’s blog.


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9 Responses to Flash Dancing in Moscow!

  1. Nancy says:

    Love it, love it, love it!! Pure joy.

  2. whoot says:

    sure maybe great,,, , but/in fact….celebration of the human spirit,, excersising of human vitality,,, the only thing that will salvage the situation in tact…

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    I was going to say EXACTLY what Gypsy said: WHAT A WONDERFUL WAY TO START THE DAY!!! Who can help but laugh and smile and MOVE to this incredibly happy scene! I would soooooooooooo love to be in a mall or somewhere and see a flash dance! The faces of the people watching in the crowd…simply wow! Saw a video of one in Grand Central Station and it was absolutely thrilling, like this one! As my grands say, WHOOP-WHOOP! Thank you for posting this!

  4. gypsy says:

    INcredible!!! thank you SO much for sharing this morning – what a wonderful way to start my day!!! thank you thank you – and THANK YOU to all our wonderful neighbors across the way for this magnificent show!

  5. I LOVED this! Very uplifting. And did you notice it was snowing while they danced and then got married! Wow!

  6. DJan says:

    As you might know, I put this on my own blog a couple of days ago. I just watched it again, thanks to you, and I can’t help but simply cry from happiness when I see it. What hope I have for the future, thanks to young people.

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