New Mayan Find

Archaeologists have made a fascinating discovery in a mostly unexplored city of Xultun in Guatemala. It’s a small building whose walls display murals of a brightly adorned Mayan king, and also the Mayan long count calendar.

The article in the Washington Post, unfortunately, was written as if it were revealing substantial new information about the calendar, which it isn’t. The article in a somewhat breathless manner, informs us that the new find destroys any notion that the Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012.

Actually, the Mayans never predicted the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012, but the end of this phase of the long-count calendar, and the beginning of a new calendar, which initiates a new world.  Of course, in dumbed-down popular culture terms, the end of the world means the end of the world…or no tomorrow.

But all along students of the Mayan long count calendar have said the end of the calendar is a symbolic ending of the Third World and beginning of the Fourth World. The Hopis have a slightly different account of the number of worlds in their mythology, but have also said we are reaching the end of the Fourth World and the beginning of the Fifth World.

There are plenty of signs that we are in a time of great transition, moving from the old ways of stagnant state religions to a more personal spirituality in which we all active participants rather than looking to a spiritual hierarchy and depending on the word of religious texts that have been altered over the centuries to serve the religious power structures.

The crashing of the economies around the world in recent years along with the degradation of the environment have pushed us to the brink. Many are seeing a new future beyond the oil economy, beyond the forever wars, and that precarious future has led to an ardent defense of the powers that be, of the old ways of doing things.

It’s why some people talk about the U.S. Constitution in the same manner they relate to the bible. They twist the Constitution to their own liking just as they manipulate the bible, while referring to both as if they were written in stone. It’s all about fear the fear that if they give an inch, everything they believe is no longer relevant. It’s a last ditch stand and might continue on for awhile. But eventually the blinders will fall away.

There are lots of predictions of catastrophes coming, both natural and man-made that might alter the make up of the planet, in terms of geography, economics,  political entities, and demographics. Such events indeed might be coming. Yet, it’s highly doubtful that there will be one big bang on Dec. 21 of this year. It’s a continual process taking place day by day, month by month, year by year, and yet one day it will appear that the shift to the new world came dramatically and swiftly.

See you there!



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7 Responses to New Mayan Find

  1. It’s interesting that the Mayans never predicted the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012 but many think they did. I guess this is because it makes an easier, more sensational story for the media to flow with. There is change on the horizon though.

  2. Nancy says:

    I couldn’t agree more. The pendulum must swing all the way before it begins to work its way back. New thinking is born of chaos.

  3. gypsy says:

    yes, a great enlightening post on the beginning of a new beginning…c u all there!

  4. DJan says:

    Thanks for the wonderful, uplifting post about the “End of the World” — nobody bothers to say the rest: the end of the world as we know it. Transition phases are always messy in every culture, in every time. We’re there now, it seems. Oh, and Happy Mom’s Day to you, Trish!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Rob wrote this. He’s got a good grasp[ of Mayan culture!
      And thanks for the mother’s day wishes, DJan. Right back to you.

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