On the Road with Gypsy

Travel often creates an atmosphere that’s fertile for synchronicity – and for sightings. This story comes from Gypsy, who recently drove from Louisiana to Delaware.
Since leaving Louisiana, I’d been “asking” to see something, anything unusual. On the first day,at two different times, I saw a white object in the sky that disappeared within a minute or so. I remember thinking it was weird because I could see planes in the sky far away and they hadn’t disappeared when the sun shone on them in certain ways. What had initially caught my eye both times with these two things was the fact that, unlike the contrails and planes which I could tell were moving, these objects didn’t seem to move. Just one instant they were there, the next instant I couldn’t see them anywhere in the sky. I dismissed them as just flukes of the sunlight.
On the second day of my trip, the weather was bright and sunny, just like the day before. Not a cloud in the sky. I was on Interstate 40E around  Whytheville, Virginia, when out of nowhere a white ball appeared in the sky. I didn’t see it approach from any direction, didn’t see it moving across the sky like a plane would. It just appeared in the sky overhead,  low enough so I could see the dimensional shape of it – circular, pure white, the color of fresh snow. It wasn’t shiny, just a pure white.
The dimensional aspect was the most interesting. It seemed to be  covered in pyramid shapes. I’ve looked and looked for something online that might be similar, but the closest image I found was that of an origami ball. If you went from point to point on this image, in a circular line, connecting the points, so to speak, this is what the object looked like, except that it was solid white and there were no appendages extending in any direction other than those of the pyramid shaped things.
I was so taken aback with watching it, I weaved into the other lane of traffic. In the meantime, I had a sandwich in one hand, was holding onto the steering wheel with my other hand, and was trying to figure out how to take a photo of the object with my broken cell phone. When I say broken, I mean that the two halves of the phone are literally broken apart and have to be held together for the phone to work.  So I dropped my sandwich and reached down for my phone and was trying to open it without hitting another car or getting hit.
As I look up from grabbing my phone, the ball just disappears. It didn’t fade, didn’t speed away, or anything else. It just disappeared, evaporated.  I could still a plane on the far horizon and its contrails, but the white ball was just gone. I looked around and up through my sun roof, but never saw the object again.
The size of this thing was difficult to determine. It was certainly close enough and/or large enough that I could see these pyramid-shaped protrusions on it. But from my visual perspective it didn’t seem to be nearly as large as the other UFOs I’ve seen.
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13 Responses to On the Road with Gypsy

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    first, i am so sorry to just now getting back here – several days of computer problems/glitches/crashes etc – and then life getting in the way of blogging –

    in any event, my heart thanks each of you who has commented here – for these incredible links, i am so grateful and have read each one and come away with such a greater sense of "knowing" what my experience was/means – especially cj and dp, thank you for that – as is always the case, or nearly always the case, with such experiences, one wishes just to have known at the time what it meant/was/could be – i have to tell you that i so wish everyone could have seen what i saw – because the purity of white of it is something i will not forget –

    and cj – leo lioness notwithstanding, refueling would have been welcomed the past few days!!! 😉

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    That typo on "tetrahedron" was awful, guys! Sorry about that. My vision is a problem these days and my PC doens't have automatic spellcheck! Hey Gyps, take a look at this WV: "refuleo"

    refuel LEO? You being the lioness, of course!! 🙂

  3. Mike Perry says:

    Interesting sighting. (I've got a wooden puzzle shaped as per the posts image)

  4. lydia says:

    Jane Clifford of Wales. Yes the merkabah is an inter dimensional chariot for travel and there is plenty on toutube to expain this.Most interesting encounter.Thanks for sharing!

  5. Natalie says:

    I reckon! Fascinating stuff.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lots to catch up with her. Starting with all these links!

  7. 3322mathaddict says:

    Gypsy, go to https://www.crystalinks.com/merkaba.html
    and look at the Star Tetrahedrom, which is both a merkaba and a sacred geometric form. read the material and see if it resonates within you as truth. This is whatwe were discussing via email right after your sightings.
    Phenomenal encounter.

  8. d page says:

    Gypsy- your synchro field is still at work
    Bodiel is an Ophanim (Hebrew for wheel)=Angel of the Throne and is known to appear with other angels of the throne as "wheels within wheels" of the chariot of the Merkabah. In UFO literature, these appearances in history have labeled as possible UFO's.

    The Merkabah is made of 6 rayed stars
    and would morph into edges like you describe.
    Is is it possible the word verification answered the question?

    Ophanim :https://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Ophan
    Merkabah image: https://www.think-aboutit.com/Spiritual/SPIRITUALPROTECTIONANDTHEMERKABAH.htm

  9. maggie's garden says:

    This is interesting. I wonder if Gypsy is being followed. Which is scary to think about. I'm glad she's safe. I have no desire (out of fear) to ever see anything like this. To actually think of grabbing for the camera instead of running the other way is amazing in itself. You are brave Gypsy.
    Have a relaxing Sunday! xo

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    vicki – yes, when i say gone, it's just that – gone – even though other things in the same sky remained there – the sky was clear – blue –
    anyway, would love to see an image of the crop circle you mention –

    nancy – another must-have book! someone else – or was it you? – mentioned that same book recently and i added it to my hit list – would love to know what you find – i initially did a rough sketch on a napkin in the car – but you know, one-handed etc – there were not as many individual projections on the object i saw as is shown in this image i found but the overall look is very very close –

    wv – bodiel – bodies??

  11. Nancy says:

    Wow, very interesting! Great photo – it looks just like Gypsy's description. I ordered a beautiful book that is full of pictures of what people remember seeing in their encounters with UFO and alien beings. It is called "The Art of Close Encounters by Kim Carlsberg. It is a fascinating look at this phenomenon. I will look to see if there is anything in there with this shape.


  12. Vicki D. says:

    Gypsy this sounds like a crop circle I saw a picture of.
    Interesting that you got your wish but with a UFO.

    I am also glad that you didn't get hurt.

    These sightings really stay with you. I know what you mean by it just being gone. It is hard to describe to others.

    Your experiences are always so interesting, thank you for sharing.

  13. rosaria says:

    I wanted to share something that was not mentioned anywhere else:
    On Jan 24 the New Yorker published a fiction piece about a family in Egypt, mainly about the love of a maid in that household.

    I don't remember the New Yorker ever publishing anything fiction pieces from that part of the world.

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