Cop catches same speeder in two countries

A former London traffic police officer has caught a man speeding in the UK, then after he moved to New Zealand caught the same man speeding again – two years later.

Andy Flitton is now with the New Zealand traffic police and said he had forgotten about the first speeding ticket until the man brought it up.

A speeding offense in two hemispheres may see the driver’s car insurance premiums rise. Mr. Flitton said: “He asked if I used live in London and operate the laser gun on the A5 in North London. When Fltton said yes, the man replied: “I thought it was you. You gave me my last speeding ticket there, the only two tickets I’ve ever gotten.”

The motorist had moved to New Zealand just two weeks before the latest speeding offense.”We must have some sort of connection,” Flitton said. “Both times he broke the law I was the one to give him a ticket.
“It just shows what a small world it really is.”
Love the line, “We must have some sort of connection.” Yes, the guy speeds and Flitton gives him tickets halfway around the world. Sounds like the traveling trickster! What are the chances?

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12 Responses to Cop catches same speeder in two countries

  1. Mike Perry says:

    I love this one.

  2. Clarity says:

    Hehe – cool synchro! And love the one with John Rosen too. I once read that if you keep bumping into someone – or bump into them under unusual circumstances like these – it IS time to get a cup of coffee and see if there's any deeper message in it. Jane Teresa Anderson, an Australian dream analyst and author, believes that this sort of thing happens to people who are working on life themes that mirror eachother. Or maybe it's just the the trickster, as you say ..could very well be :-))

  3. Natalie says:

    What a classic!

  4. maggie's garden says:

    The universe sounds like it's telling him to slow down…wonder if he got the message the second time…funny story.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. 3322mathaddict says:

    Maybe the driver and the police officer need to make arrangements to go for coffee or whatever at some point and see if there is something or comeone in their lives that connects them. It happens!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    for sure a vonnegut connection, lauren! yeah, neat john story!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lauren – it IS like something Vonnegut would dream up. Your story with John is pretty amazing.

  8. d page says:

    Karma = unfinished business??

  9. Nancy says:

    Amazing synchronicity! Maybe he needs to slow down.

  10. Lauren says:

    Amazing. Kind of like something Kurt Vonnegut would dream up.

    I met someone in London when I was 24 (he rented me a room in his apartment), John Rosen. I didn't particularly like John, and we parted without much ado.

    Five years later I was living in Berkeley, and heard one of the women artists in my studio complaining about this English jerk, John Rosen, she's been going out with. The same guy.

    12 years later, I was at a crafts show I was doing in Carefree, Arizona, a small town outside of Phoenix. This English guy commented on my coat – sure enough, John Rosen, who was living in Carefree. We had tea, although I confess, I still didn't much like him.

    I figure he's bound to turn up somewhere strange next, like Bosnia, or Zimbabwe.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, understatement, for sure! but what a fun story! well, for those of us not paying his ticket and his insurance premium increase!!

  12. DJan says:

    I would say that is an understatement! A connection? Um, yeah. This is a true synchronous event, to me anyway.

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