Name Synchros

(from soul cards)

It’s not uncommon to meet someone whose first name is the same as your own. In Spanish, such a person is called your “tacayo.”  But have you ever met someone whose first and last name is the same as yours?

The odds of this happening are probably dependent on how common your last name is. My maiden name, for instance, is Janeshutz, so it’s unlikely I’ll ever meet a Trish Janeshutz. But I already know there are a few Trish MacGregors out there; I’ve seen their names on Facebook.

Here’s an odd story from Christine Chamber that addresses this strange thing about name synchros. In some ways, it reminds me of stories about twins separated at birth, who subsequently meet years later and discover all sort of parallels in their lives – like yesterday’s post!


Not long after we moved to St. Augustine, I opened my first bank account and learned that another Christine Chamber lived in our town. Her husband was a sheriff’s deputy and her family was old St. Augustine residents. Here’s the bombshell: in 1989, on the front page of our local newspaper, there was a report of a bad traffic accident. Christine Chamber was involved but not seriously injured.

From that article, I learned she was a nurse who worked at Flagler (I worked Home Health FOR Flagler); the auto she was driving was the same MAKE, MODEL, YEAR, and COLOR of my old car; and, she is my age. I was blown away. What are the chances that both of us would have the same name, be the same age, share the same profession, drive a brown sedan of the same model and year? I received a lot of calls from folks thinking it was ME in the wreck. Nope. It was her. Have we ever met? Not yet. But I plan to try to do that one day. I’d like to know what she looks like.


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13 Responses to Name Synchros

  1. I’ve already mentioned in previous comments that my latest synchros gravitate heavily around Aleister Crowley. His “archenemy” who inspired a character in the novel Moonchild was MacGregor Mathers.

  2. Interesting. I’ve never thought about same name people may have similar interests etc.

    When we first moved to Cornwall I was always getting phone calls for another Mike Perry. In the early days I think it must have made Karin a bit suspicious, especially when a woman asked for me and added, “… but I was playing tennis with him yesterday and we went for a drink together. ” Good job I had an alibi! These calls went on for a couple of months and then stopped completely. I see in the phone book there is now only one Michael Perry in the area where we live.

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    This post reminds me of a synchronicity in the ‘Quest for the Unknown’ volume called ”Bizarre Phenomena.’:

    Another less than happy but curious sequence of events occurred on August 3, 1979, in the town of Riom, France. A car driven by Jean-Pierre Serre of Paris crashed into a car driven by Georges Serre of Cleremont-Ferrand. Seconds later, a car driven by Mlle. C. Serre of Royat crashed into the other two. Police investigations showed the three drivers were not related and had never met before. Moreover, the surname Serre is not particularly common in France. As a matter of fact, there are only about 120 Serres listed among the 1,250,000 entries in the Paris telephone directory.

    Another brief entry from Reader’s Digest ‘Into the Unknown,’ says:

    A motorcycle and an automobile collide in the town of Stourbridge, England. The cyclist is a man by the name of Frederick Chance; the driver of the car is also named Frederick Chance, no relation. Two cars bump on a road near London. Out of the first car steps Ian Purvis. Out of the second car steps another man. He too is called Ian Purvis.

    Isn’t synchronicity wonderful? 🙂

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I remember reading that one from reader’s digest!

    • Darren B says:

      Wow! The syncros just keep rolling from me reading “Shoeless Joe”,because on page 113 is a poem “in honour of the legendary Chicago Cubs double-play combination of Joe Tinker,Johnny Evers and Frank CHANCE:

      These are the saddest of possible words:
      “Tinker to Evers to Chance.”
      Trio of bear cubs, and fleeter than birds,
      Tinker and Evers and Chance.
      Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble,
      Making a Giant hit into a double—
      Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble:
      “Tinker to Evers to Chance.”
      Frederick Chance and Frank Chance…and I only read these stories a day apart for the first time.I’ve never heard of either before.
      What are the F ‘ing Chances of that happening?-)

  4. Momwithwings says:

    Wow, Darren that s kinda spooky!
    I have been having sunchros of various kinds everyday for several weeks now! Crazy!

    There is an actress, who was on SNL in the early 80’s, who has th same name as me (my maiden name) and she was blonde too.

    Just recently I was in a store and the clerk kept asking if I had twin, he said “I know I waited on either you or your twin last week!”

    My daughter found out that someone on the west coast has the same name and look as her, it has actually helped her out professionally! A contact kept saying ” oh yes I know her, of course we’ll work with her client, tell her I said hi!” she really wants to meet this woman.

    What I find strange is how the people won’t believe you when you say ” no that wasn’t me”.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Weird, mom with wings!

    • Darren B says:

      Have you tried doing a Google search of your name?
      It works better if you use quotation marks around our name,
      like for example – “Kevin Costner”.
      That way you should get mainly the pages that mention “Kevin Costner” and not just Kevin,or Costner.
      Do the same for Google images as well,to get photos of people who may share your name.
      It can be quite surprising what you come across.

  5. Darren B says:

    I’m aware of people who share the same name as me from doing a Google search on my name,but I have never met them in real life.
    One Darren B… owns a bookshop in England and I saw a list of his favourite books from a list he had made on the net,and it was about an 80% match of books I would put on a similar list if I was to make one.

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