Paradigm Lost and Changed

In Ghost Key, the sequel to Esperanza, there’s a character named Sanchez, a Cuban American, who is a remote viewer for a government agency. Whenever he comes up against something challenging, he asks himself, If this were a dream, how would I interpret it? Sanchez and I have found this to be a useful tool that encourages synchronicity.
So I looked at recent events in Egypt and tried to interpret them as I might a dream. To fix the country in time, I started with the pyramids. How old are they? The general consensus seems to be they’re about 5,000 years old. There are some disagreements – that they may actually be older, but whatever. They’re old. Egypt is old. After the assassination of Anwar al-Sadat in 1981, his VP, Husni Mubarak assumed control. And we now know how that ended, 30 years later. So now Egypt is liberated from despotic rule, as a result of a genuine grassroots revolution that used text messaging, Facebook and Twitter to get out the word and keep protesters organized during their 18-day occupation of Tahrir Square.
In other words, the Internet and social media, as well as the galvanization of youth in Egypt –  those in their 20s and 30s, college educated, often bilingual, tech savvy, with powerful aspirations and dreams – got rid of a dictator the U.S. had supported to the tune of $1.5. billion dollars a year. Right there, I’ve got plenty to work with in this dream interp. But there’s more.
The political party that professes to be defenders of democracy is in meltdown. Just watch five minutes of Glenn Beck to find out what page they’re on. Rob and I did that tonight – and then just looked at each with a big, Huh?And this clown is still on television? Beck and his boys seem to equate this regime change in Egypt with some sort of new world order, an Islamic takeover, and say it’s all part of Obama’s agenda. Obama, of course is, in their worldview, seen as a Muslim whose birth certificate is in question. Hawaii, boys, not Indonesia. It’s the 50th state. They conveniently forget that their candidate, McCain, was born in Panama.
Ok. So that’s the dream. How to interpret it?
Perhaps Egypt and what evolves there in terms of a government is what we’re going to see more frequently worldwide in the next few years. It seems to put all despots on notice. You’re living in a palace and I’m living in a hut? Why? You’re a zillionaire and aren’t paying any taxes and I’m middle class and paying 33 percent? You’re not paying taxes and eating caviar and traveling by private jet and I’m eating dirt and can’t even walk?
 Greater disparity between rich and poor, the haves and the have nots, the employed and the unemployed. Expect more of that. Expect more rebellion about it. Watch Wall Street crumble faster than it did in 2008. Watch more revered institutions fall apart – churches, educational facilities, the U.S. health care and insurance industries, the publishing industry, banking….In short, anything you thought was stable and predictable will probably unravel at the seams, as things did in Egypt. The situation will be fluid, as it was in Egypt. One moment Mubarak was leaving, then he wasn’t, then he did.
Some sort of ancient, collective thrust for freedom prevailed in Egypt. A tipping point was reached. We can expect more of that, too. Maybe Saudi Arabia is next. Or maybe China, hopefully with more than a heroic incident in Tiananmen Square. Or maybe it will be another South Africa, another Poland, or here in the U.S., where democracy is still redefining itself.

If this paradigm shift comes to the U.S. and Europe, perhaps part of what it will include is  free internet for everyone, a project undertaken by a charity group, A Human Right, to buy a satellite that will beam free internet to developing countries around the world. Nearly 5 billion people out of the world’s 6.9 billion don’t have access to the internet, which we now know was a vital tool in Egypt’s liberation.

Paradigm lost, then chaos, adjustment, and the birth of a new paradigm. Maybe. Our eyes are still on Egypt for the unfoldment of that part of the dream. Sanchez and I are looking for synchros.
And Rob and I are watching the birth pangs of an ancient country reborn, just like the phoenix.
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17 Responses to Paradigm Lost and Changed

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    same exact image – i went to my images folder to double triple check!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    same image? Synchro!

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a fascinating post – every bit of it – read it and then re-read it – your take on global dynamics is always superbly laid out!

    just as an aside, according to my computer, exactly 5 hours before your post appeared, i downloaded the exact same phoenix image from the net – the very same image – neat, huh!

    about beck, yes, i confess, there are times, few that they are, that when i am in the mood for light fluff tv, as i am clicking my way through tv land with the remote, i will pause for just a moment or two in front of his idiotic blackboard and him swinging his stick – you know, the pointed one – sorry, i digress – but it's so easy to do with such fodder!!! 😉

  4. Nancy says:

    I have felt for some time that there is an energy that is going against all those that practice to deceive. There is a giant wave of awakening that is cresting and those that are not caught up will be crashed on the beach, left behind so to speak. I'm actually starting to see some cracks in my own extended family who are moving away from the Glenn Becks' and Rush Limbaughs' of the world. My theory is they are sensing a change that they need to heed. But I definitely see a softening and the desire to get away from all the hateful rhetoric.

  5. 3322mathaddict says:

    Off-subject but news: three giant sunfish have washed up dead on our beach. Authorities have no clue what killed them. There is no outward sign of trauma, so they took samples to send to the University for testing. Am really hoping this is the end of it and not another beginning of yet another die-off.

  6. Lauren says:

    I like the idea of the internet being available to all…..but to be honest, before that can happen, literacy has to be available to all. That's why repressive governments and regimes first eliminate their teachers, artists and intellectuals – to prevent independent thought and education. The Taliban, for example, has devoted much of its internal efforts to destroying the schools of Afghanistan, and in particular, keeping girls out of school.

    I look forward to seeing where Egypt goes as well…….how very extraordinary. Like the sudden disappearance of the USSR…..just amazing.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Peaceful seems to be the operative word!

    wv there, Nat. Intriguing!

  8. Natalie says:

    Bring it! Great post, Trish.

    wv = shammis

    shamanism. 🙂

  9. Jen says:

    I LOVE this way of looking at world events… I so often get overwhelmed trying to take in all the information and then compute it in my brain. It makes so much more sense to look at the events symbolically and decipher through intuition what they could mean!

  10. 3322mathaddict says:

    Ditto, TerriP.
    Strange WV: "mudsoar:

  11. terripatrick says:

    I love all the layers in this post, especially the ancient and current connections.I also look forward to meeting Sanchez within the pages of Ghost Key.

    The events in Egypt seem to be showing the tools of change available for humanity are offering peaceful revolutions. And it feels wonderful.

  12. 3322mathaddict says:

    Very true about their use of technology and social media, and thank God for it!
    Would that the USA could follow suit! I love the picture of the pyramids, BTW. Of course, no surprise there! But the post itself is informative and enlightening and pertinent to so much that is happening everywhere.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    They also used technology and social media networks.

    That ching's 49 and 1 were right on.

    Non-intervention – as opposed to invading a sovereign country!

  14. 3322mathaddict says:

    Great and insightful post, Guys. I'm reminded of the original movie FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX, in which a plane crashed in the middle of the desert, and a little ordinary man who was a builder of toy model airplanes designed the re-structuring of an escape craft by using the wreckage and employed his knowledge of making toys. That movie speaks volumes, to me, about the abilities of the average person, when joined by others, to change their world and make a difference. The Egyptians joined hands and used ancient methods to accomplish the shift that has been so needed for so long. I hope we will be able to follow suit and like DJan, that I may be alive to see it.

  15. Mike Perry says:

    These are 'interesting' times with differing forms of unrest also now in other countries following Tunisia and Egypt. And this is the way changes should be made – at the 'right' time and by the people themselves, and not by any outsiders intervention.

    An Egyptian rebirth, a phoenix 🙂 – lets hope right comes to full fruition.

  16. Adele Aldridge says:

    There is so much to comment on your post here but am going to limit myself to just 2.

    Seeing your phoenix, reminds me of my I Ching reading about what will happen in Egypt with the response of, Hexagram 49, Revolution, changing to, Hexagram 1, The Creative – beginning again and all the chaos that goes with it, etc.

    And about Glen Beck, I too force myself to watch him the other night, just to see what the heck all his rantings were about. I got hysterical laughing – like it was a comedy show. He's ridiculous!

  17. DJan says:

    A thoughtful commentary on the condition of our country, as well as the rest of the world. Birth pangs, indeed. I wonder where we are headed and I hope I'll be around to see it!

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