Category Archives: Egypt

Egyptian synchros

Jane and the sheik Jane Clifford of Wales recently spent a month in the Sinai, which she describes as a life-changing experience. Her time with the Bedouins was marked by numerous synchronicities and startling encounters. “The Bedouin camp I stayed … Continue reading

Posted in Egypt, jane clifford | 8 Comments

Journey to Egypt

  Jane Clifford of Wales tells us that she’s headed to Egypt in late April, right after Mercury goes direct. Here’s how the trip materialized for her. It seems that it was triggered from the other side. +++ Why Egypt? … Continue reading

Posted in Egypt, travel | 29 Comments

Historic Dates/Numbers Synchros

                                                                         9/11/2001                                                                      2/11/2011 The first date – 9-11-2001  is when planes flew into the World Trade Center and 3,000 Americans were killed. This terrorist event launched two wars and resulted in the creation of the TSA (the gropers at … Continue reading

Posted in 9-11, Egypt, numbers dates | 3 Comments

Paradigm Lost and Changed

In Ghost Key, the sequel to Esperanza, there’s a character named Sanchez, a Cuban American, who is a remote viewer for a government agency. Whenever he comes up against something challenging, he asks himself, If this were a dream, how would … Continue reading

Posted in Egypt, ghost key, paradigms | 17 Comments

Egypt, Global Events, and Synchros

As the peaceful, grassroots revolution has unfolded in Egypt, we’ve been looking for synchronicities. Every global event seems to have its share. So today when we heard that Mubarak had fled Cairo and the VP had turned power over to … Continue reading

Posted in Egypt, global synchro | 7 Comments